Nintendo, I have acknowledged your hatred towards us again. First, we had to wait 6 more months for Melee to get released in Europe. And now, we have been given an unknown release date. One of the so called sources on the internet told me that Brawl would get released in June. A few days later, Reggie told us that it would get released in the autumn.
Now normally, I would not mind it that as a Mega Man fan, the Europe release dates for new Mega Man games are always unknown until the very end. It's the same with many other games I had to wait for in the past, such as Super Paper Mario's release date, which was another ridiculous delay by the way. But with one of the highest anticipated games ever still having an unknown release date while it has been released in the East as well as in the West, I cannot accept that.
I honestly cannot remember when Melee's Europe release date was announced, does anyone still know that? What I am atleast asking for right now from Nintendo is to release the doubts I, and many other Europeans still have about the release date. Now what will it be Nintendo? Announce us a pleasant release date, such as April the 1st, or torture us more by releasing it in August? It might sound ridiculous to say April, but whatever, I get annoyed by this unknown date.
Oh, and before you give me advice, I am not interested into importing Brawl using Wii Freeloader, when I know that it will get released in Europe eventually.