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Hay Guys! Check out Black Waltz's Crappy Ike and Help Him Improve!


Smash Apprentice
Aug 28, 2007
Hong Kong
I only saw the first two matches, and I'm not experienced enough to say much, but... I wouldn't use fsmash against Marth so much, unless I was totally sure it would hit. He's a lot faster than you and can probably roll away from it and punish the lag.
Oh, and I loved the conversations in the background XD


Smash Champion
Jun 8, 2007
Port Chester, New York
i watched like 3 of them. you won them all, soo either you want help for marth or you want to show off. good ike tho, really good actually. lookin forward to play you once my wii comes from freakin usps. they take forever.


Smash Lord
Nov 12, 2006
Niagara Canada
Well from what I saw, your quick drawing way to much, it'll become predictable, and you Forward smash way to much, try to tone down on that. And also, don't try to mind game them with attacks, because of Ike's usual lag. The only attacks I mind game with are Nair and Bair.

Black Waltz

Smash Champion
Jan 27, 2007
i watched like 3 of them. you won them all, soo either you want help for marth or you want to show off. good ike tho, really good actually. lookin forward to play you once my wii comes from freakin usps. they take forever.
BLASHPHEMY! i lost 2 of them, lol.

Your narrator was somewhat entertaining.

"Look at that... look at that..."
thats one of his mindgames, son.

Well from what I saw, your quick drawing way to much, it'll become predictable, and you Forward smash way to much, try to tone down on that. And also, don't try to mind game them with attacks, because of Ike's usual lag. The only attacks I mind game with are Nair and Bair.
yeah, the fsmashing is a bad habit from playing online and in melee with marf, i'll work on that. ty for your advice.

RoK the Reaper

Smash Lord
Jan 14, 2007
Waltz, you seriously need to try to play me =/

Edit: dont listen to the idiot's post above me. He doesn't know **** about Ike.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 5, 2007
Lynnwood, Washington
Yea like others have said, f-smashing marth is asking to get punished. Try to space your quick draws a little better too, that way you wont be coming up way too short or hitting them when you meant to stop before them.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Bergen County
like everybody's saying dont f-smash as much
maybe try using the f-tilt because it comes out faster
and also if they DI the d-throw don't even bother trying to hit w/ aether
b/c its just a waste
bsides tat i think ur fine
also lol
ur friend is too funny
in vid 4 he says
"I don't know how to play this stage(Lylat Cruise)." and
then accidentally suicides of the edge like a noob
ur friends not a noob but tat was just funny as hell

Pegasus Knight

Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2007
Hmm. I am not an Ike expert per se, but I see some things that stand out.

- You should use grabs/throws more often. Ike's grab game is not terrible; maybe not spectacular, but worth using. Especially against Marth and other fast characters who just laugh at Ike's big, slow sword. Your smashes and tilts generally won't hit faster folk like that.

- Over-reliant on forward smash. You apparently already noticed this however, as you began correcting it by around Match 4 or so.

- VERY over-reliant on Quick Draw as an attack, rather than as a movement option. Quick Draw is very punishable on block; if you need a 'poke' attack that moves you forward, the very occasional instant dash-attack can work but even this isn't completely safe.

- Assuming you're the source of the clack-clack-clack... please be kinder to your gamepad. There is no reason to bang the controls on it so hard that I can hear it throughout the match. It's entirely possible to get 'tournament-quality movement' out of gentler motions, and it's annoying to listen to that stuff while analyzing a play video.

- Ike's f-tilt is better than some folks give it credit for; try using it a tad more often, you might like it.


Smash Rookie
Feb 28, 2006
Los Angeles, CA.
You know how to RAR, use it. Ike's Bair is his best approach, especially out of a short QD.

Instant dash attacks are your friend. Replace most of your point-blank QDs with either Ftilts or instant dash attacks, they hit harder, come out faster, and have less lag upon completion.

Ike has more range than Marth, and yet you found yourself getting grilled constantly. Do some pivoting and dash dancing, you didn't employ hardly any mindgames, which are key to any Ike strategy. Run around the map, bait marth into attack and punish him with an easy Bair or B-reversal.

Although risky, Counter is a good move. The marth had an extremely predictable SHFair approach which could have been routinely punished with Ike's counter.

Basically, I'd suggest working on spacing and mindgames. Remember, in Smash Bros you don't need to be attacking or defending all the time, use the map in its entirety and vary your offensive and defensive game. Because Ike has such great range, being a little campy pays off bigtime against non-ranged attackers.

Black Waltz

Smash Champion
Jan 27, 2007
Hmm. I am not an Ike expert per se, but I see some things that stand out.

- You should use grabs/throws more often. Ike's grab game is not terrible; maybe not spectacular, but worth using. Especially against Marth and other fast characters who just laugh at Ike's big, slow sword. Your smashes and tilts generally won't hit faster folk like that.

- Over-reliant on forward smash. You apparently already noticed this however, as you began correcting it by around Match 4 or so.

- VERY over-reliant on Quick Draw as an attack, rather than as a movement option. Quick Draw is very punishable on block; if you need a 'poke' attack that moves you forward, the very occasional instant dash-attack can work but even this isn't completely safe.

- Assuming you're the source of the clack-clack-clack... please be kinder to your gamepad. There is no reason to bang the controls on it so hard that I can hear it throughout the match. It's entirely possible to get 'tournament-quality movement' out of gentler motions, and it's annoying to listen to that stuff while analyzing a play video.

- Ike's f-tilt is better than some folks give it credit for; try using it a tad more often, you might like it.
thanks for the advice, i've started to use the instant dash attack more often, it's really useful.
oh and the "clacking" is actually my friend. im actually the quietest out of my group, going through a controller every year. he goes through a controller every month...it really irritates me when we play, maybe its one of his mindgames :confused:

You know how to RAR, use it. Ike's Bair is his best approach, especially out of a short QD.

Instant dash attacks are your friend. Replace most of your point-blank QDs with either Ftilts or instant dash attacks, they hit harder, come out faster, and have less lag upon completion.

Ike has more range than Marth, and yet you found yourself getting grilled constantly. Do some pivoting and dash dancing, you didn't employ hardly any mindgames, which are key to any Ike strategy. Run around the map, bait marth into attack and punish him with an easy Bair or B-reversal.

Although risky, Counter is a good move. The marth had an extremely predictable SHFair approach which could have been routinely punished with Ike's counter.

Basically, I'd suggest working on spacing and mindgames. Remember, in Smash Bros you don't need to be attacking or defending all the time, use the map in its entirety and vary your offensive and defensive game. Because Ike has such great range, being a little campy pays off bigtime against non-ranged attackers.
ya, i never really had mindgames per se in melee either. i need to work on that. thanks for the help.
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