Franchises that Have a Playable Character:
Animal Crossing: I've played a bit of the GameCube version, but I've never gotten into the series. It's not my type of game. (My sister loves it, though.)
F-Zero: I've played the SNES original, X, GX, and Maximum Velocity on GBA. I used to own X and GX, but my Wii broke and my copy of GX got scratched to pieces. The SNES version is probably my favorite due to it being so easy to pick up and play. I would totally pick up a new F-Zero.
Fire Emblem: I beat Path of Radiance and Awakening, and I've played a lot of FE7 (the one with Lyn, Hector, and Eliwood), and a little bit of Sacred Stones. Awakening and POR are top tier games, and I plan to play future installments/other installments in the series.
Game & Watch: Never played. Been meaning to check out Game & Watch Gallery on the 3DS Virtual Console though.
Ice Climber: Yes and it sucks. =P But I would support a revival.
Kid Icarus: Own and beat the 3D Classics version and Uprising. Been meaning to check out Of Myths and Monsters. I really like this series and would support future releases.
Kirby: Kirby's one of those series that I'll play now and then but I've never been really into. (Although I own the 20th Anniversary Collection) I beat Dreamland, Adventure, and Epic Yarn. My favorites are Epic Yarn, Adventure, and 64 (which I need to beat.)
The Legend of Zelda: HUGE fan of Zelda. I've beaten the original, A Link to the Past, Link's Awakening, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Oracle of Seasons, The Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, and Skyward Sword. Will pick up A Link Between Worlds and The Minish Cap if it gets released on virtual console. Don't think I'll be getting Phantom Hourglass or Spirit Tracks. My favorites are Skyward Sword, The Wind Waker, and Ocarina of Time.
Metroid: I've beaten Zero Mission, Fusion, Super, Prime, and Other M. I love Prime 3 despite never owning/beating it (rented it a lot), and I own Return of Samus but I don't know if I'll ever beat it. I'm probably the only person alive who liked Other M. My favorites here are Super, Prime, and Prime 3.
Mother: Played all three but I only beat EarthBound, which rocks. Don't see myself ever beating EarthBound Zero, and I've been meaning to beat Mother 3 for a while now.
Pikmin: I own the first two and I''ve played the some of the original but I've never beaten them. My brother's really into the series which is why I own them.
Pokemon: Beat Blue, Gold, Trading Card Game, Snap, Puzzle League, and Black. Black/White got me back into the series after Ruby/Sapphire turned me off. I owned Emerald and HeartGold but I never beat them so I sold them. I'm planning to pick up X on the 12th. My favorites here would be Puzzle League, Black, and Gold.
R.O.B. the Robot: Nope.
Star Fox: I love Star Fox. I've owned and beaten 64, Adventures, Assault, Command, and 643D (don't like the original.) My favorites are Assault and Command, and I am dying for a new entry.
Donkey Kong: I've played the arcade game, the DKC games, 64, the 1994 Game Boy game, and Returns. I've only beaten the first DKC. My favorites here are DK94 and Country Returns.
Dr. Mario: I own Dr. Mario Express and I've played the NES and 64 games.
Wario Land/WarioWare: I LOVED Smooth Moves on the Wii. Other than that I've never been a fan of the guy. Been meaning to check out the Wario Land games on 3DS Virtual Console, and I might check out Game & Wario.
Yoshi: I played Yoshi's Island and Yoshi's Story. Yoshi's Island is awesome.
Wii Fit: I own the original and I like it.
Super Mario: Who hasn't? I love Mario games. I've beaten 1-3 (via All-Stars, but I did own them on NES as a kid), World, Land, Land 2, RPG, 64, Paper Mario, Sunshine, Galaxy, NSMB (first one on DS), and 3D Land. I really want to get 3D World. My favorites are Bros. 3, Land, RPG, and Galaxy. If Luigi's Mansion counts as part of this then I've beaten the GameCube original.
Metal Gear: Love Metal Gear. I own the two MSX games (due to the HD collection), MGS1-4, and Peace Walker. My favorites are MGS2 & 4.
Sonic: Love Sonic as well. I've beaten Sonic 3 & Knuckles, Adventure, Adventure 2, Heroes, 2006, Chronicles, and Secret Rings. My favorites are Adventure 2, 3 & Knuckles, and Generations.
Mega Man: I'm a huge fan of Mega Man X, but classic Mega Man is still cool. I've beaten 1-4, 7, Mega Man & Bass, X1-6, Xtreme, and Xtreme 2. I also own MegaMan 64 (which is just an N64 port of Mega Man Legends) and I've played the first two Battle Network games and the first two Mega Man Zero games. My favorites here are Mega Man 3, Mega Man 7, and Mega Man X.
Everything Else:
Balloon Fight: Yes.
Custom Robo: No.
Devil World: No.
Drill Dozer: No.
Electroplankton: No.
Excitebike: Yes. I love the NES game and I love Excite Truck (If we count them as the same series.)
Golden Sun: Beat and love the first one. Played but never beat the second one. Never played Dark Dawn.
Jam With The Band: No.
Kuru Kuru Kururin: No.
Mario Kart: Yes. I own the Wii and 3DS versions, and I've played every installment in the series. My favorites are Super Mario Kart and Mario Kart 7.
Nintendogs: Yes. I used to own one of the 3DS games but I sold it because it's not my type of game.
Advance Wars: Yes, my brother owns the first one on GBA and it's pretty cool, but I like Fire Emblem more.
Panel De Pon: Yes, in Japanese too!
Pilotwings: I played a bit of the SNES game. Didn't like it.
Punch-Out: Yes, I love Punch-Out! I own the NES and Wii versions and they both rock.
SimCity: I think I used to own a PC version of it, but I've never played the SNES one. Not my type of thing.
Sin and Punishment: I've played the first one through virtual console.
Starfy: No.
Wii Sports: I own the first one and Resort. Both are way fun!
Wrecking Crew: No.
So if we limit it to playable characters, then I've only got Game & Watch and R.O.B. where I haven't played anything from them. Putting assists/stages into the mix makes things more complicated...