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Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger. a combo vid


Smash Master
Nov 4, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
yoooo good **** dude!

really great job. i like this video a lot

btw what are you going to do with those match videos i burnt for you?


Smash Rookie
Aug 16, 2007
I want more KSO (CF) vs Megavolt (CF) youtube vids!!!!eleven!!!!!11

Good combo vid but they just don't do it for me like the real matches.


Smash Master
Nov 4, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
I want more KSO (CF) vs Megavolt (CF) youtube vids!!!!eleven!!!!!11

Good combo vid but they just don't do it for me like the real matches.
we can't record right now because we have a distance issue as in we are on opposite sides of the country

edit: 1100 posts :)


Smash Journeyman
Apr 6, 2007
Whats the gameshark code to change DK's color in the middle of the combo at 0:31?


Smash Apprentice
Jan 10, 2007
lol m3gav0lt/falcon kick is probably last thing you expect an edgeguarder to do.


Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2005
Olympia, WA
I don't get why none of you east coast players ever get on kaillera or p2p. You guys seem pretty good it'd be fun to play you. (megavolt, kso, etc)


Smash Master
Nov 4, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
Metroid i started playing p2p a few days ago with BHLMRO

i liked it. i registered in that "official" p2p thread


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
Ah the megavolt kick lives on. For the record its the verical edgeguard one that kind of works against falcon. I thought it was dumb but malva informed me that I was dumb for thinking that. I still dunno what makes it a good move but like hell if I know everything about this game.

Meh, same clips from the old vid, music was alright. 4 starz


Smash Master
Apr 7, 2006
Mountain View, CA
gettin to play with someone on the other side of the earth was fun, 12 hours difference lol
assault on japanese players !!!


May 31, 2005
kso- i was really drunk in those matches. i couldn't even short hop properly. if you wanna do something with them, go for it. i was playing like ****, though.

metroid- i tried playing online a few years ago, i hated the lag though. i guess i'll give this p2p thing a shot though since valoem told me it ran pretty smoothly when he played isai the other day. also, there are a lot of good players around me that i can play in person on a regular or semi-regular basis; valoem (most often), sensei, L, dark link, and kso. tournaments are almost bi-monthly, so i get my fill of smash. i'm eagerly awaiting sensei's next tournament on the 29th.

dylan and superboom- it's all in the timing of the falcon kick that makes it effective. the reason it's sometimes advantageous to use is because it's much harder to get caught with up b or another move yet it still knocks the opponent far enough to kill them. with the use of falcon's extended up b, it's fairly easy to have a spike or an elbow timed out wrong and end up getting caught in the up b. falcon kick, once you have the timing down, is much, much harder to get counterattacked with. plus it's fast and, once you have the timing down, is easy as hell to use, so if you're running to the edge, desperately trying to edgeguard your opponent but you don't want to screw up, it comes in handy. out of all the players i've played, the only three who actually can sometimes avoid the falcon kick are isai, dark link (probably because he showed it to me a few years ago), and L. isai might be ale to do it all the time, i can't remember because i haven't played him in a while. it works really well against kirby, too, if you wait for when he's coming up near the stage while doing an up b. i guess it seems like a poor edgeguarding tactic, but it actually has its merit.

also, this is the first time in my four vid history i haven't used indie music. using pop made me feel like i need a shower.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 19, 2007
dow joons
almost all of the best music ever made is 'pop,' and it is hilarious that people still use the word indie like it refers to the music itself.

sweet vid though. falcon kicks own


May 31, 2005
cam, i strongly disagree with the first part of your statement and i'm not entirely sure what the second part means. if you can elaborate, that'd be cool. we might be able to have an interesting discussion.

hambread- you slam the control stick in the direction of your opponent and falcon's up b will go a little farther than usual in order to grab them and send them flying. it tends to catch opponents off guard. it's saved my *** a whole lot.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 10, 2007
oh right. thankyou XD. im not a falcon user so i dont know these kinda nifty stuff. gotta learn more. but yeah. thanks


Smash Apprentice
Sep 19, 2007
dow joons
the word 'indie' is applied (just for example) to the yeah yeah yeahs, animal collective, a billion underground rappers, iron & wine-- etc. essentially, there is zero musical continuity in the way people sling around the word indie, and it has become code for 'i am a pretentious music snob.'

pop music: the beatles. sly and the family stone. the beach boys. dylan. hendrix. the fugees, wu tang, etc. genres are about as useful as tiers (l0l) when it comes to listening to music, and asserting that one 'genre' is intrinsically +/- than another is just absurd.


May 31, 2005
indie just means independent, in other words on small, independent record labels, not huge, multi-billion dollar corporate ones. i wouldn't really call the bands you listed indie, i'd say those are all more indie pop. indie isn't a genre, but more of an ideological approach to music. a lot of DIY type stuff. and i'm the first one to admit that i'm a pretentious music snob.

i don't really care for the music you have listed in the second paragraph. yeah, i know, here's the part where everyone's like, "YOU DOn't LIKE THE bEATLES." i mean they're fine. just not what i'd listen to if given the option to listen to something else. i know that asserting that one genre is intrinsically better than another is asurd. i was mostly joking. but partially serious. i am, afterall, a hipster.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 19, 2007
dow joons
'indie' hasn't literally meant an independent label for years (though animal collective is signed to domino and i&w to subpop, and there are countless underground hip hop labels-- def jux, anticon, rhymesayers). the yeah yeah yeahs were even signed to the same label as the black heart procession for a while. (and yes, all of the above are most certainly pop, as is the music in your videos. anything made with the intent to appeal to a lot of people will fall under the pop umbrella)

i scorn the 'indie ideology' because it ascribes so much significance to irrelevant and tedious detail. i don't care if you made this album with your christmas bonus from best buy, or if only a couple of elitist underground zines are bumping your ish. 'the proof is in the pudding.' it doesn't matter if britney has never penned her own tracks, or how many times her voice has been processed and reprocessed-- 'toxic' is still a **** good track, with a compelling melody, excellent phrasing, and amazing production. similarly, miles davis' '*****'s brew' and can's 'ege bamyasi' are amazing albums, but not for the merit of their experimentalism. music succeeds or fails in its own right, and 'meta'-music is, imo, an attack on art itself. but, then, you have already admitted to an inconsistent set of beliefs!


Smash Journeyman
Apr 6, 2007
'indie' hasn't literally meant an independent label for years (though animal collective is signed to domino and i&w to subpop, and there are countless underground hip hop labels-- def jux, anticon, rhymesayers). the yeah yeah yeahs were even signed to the same label as the black heart procession for a while. (and yes, all of the above are most certainly pop, as is the music in your videos. anything made with the intent to appeal to a lot of people will fall under the pop umbrella)

i scorn the 'indie ideology' because it ascribes so much significance to irrelevant and tedious detail. i don't care if you made this album with your christmas bonus from best buy, or if only a couple of elitist underground zines are bumping your ish. 'the proof is in the pudding.' it doesn't matter if britney has never penned her own tracks, or how many times her voice has been processed and reprocessed-- 'toxic' is still a **** good track, with a compelling melody, excellent phrasing, and amazing production. similarly, miles davis' '*****'s brew' and can's 'ege bamyasi' are amazing albums, but not for the merit of their experimentalism. music succeeds or fails in its own right, and 'meta'-music is, imo, an attack on art itself. but, then, you have already admitted to an inconsistent set of beliefs!

Good luck getting an intelligent response on this. I believe this post went over 99% of SWF's head.


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2005
'indie' hasn't literally meant an independent label for years (though animal collective is signed to domino and i&w to subpop, and there are countless underground hip hop labels-- def jux, anticon, rhymesayers). the yeah yeah yeahs were even signed to the same label as the black heart procession for a while. (and yes, all of the above are most certainly pop, as is the music in your videos. anything made with the intent to appeal to a lot of people will fall under the pop umbrella)

i scorn the 'indie ideology' because it ascribes so much significance to irrelevant and tedious detail. i don't care if you made this album with your christmas bonus from best buy, or if only a couple of elitist underground zines are bumping your ish. 'the proof is in the pudding.' it doesn't matter if britney has never penned her own tracks, or how many times her voice has been processed and reprocessed-- 'toxic' is still a **** good track, with a compelling melody, excellent phrasing, and amazing production. similarly, miles davis' '*****'s brew' and can's 'ege bamyasi' are amazing albums, but not for the merit of their experimentalism. music succeeds or fails in its own right, and 'meta'-music is, imo, an attack on art itself. but, then, you have already admitted to an inconsistent set of beliefs!
indie sukss i prfr screamodedmetll FORUAHHHHHHHHHHH GHRURRUHAAAAAAAA omg is so hto

btw i stpd rding at ndie


Smash Lord
May 17, 2006
SF Bay Area
I know this isn't very accurate, but I tend to think of it as games produced by large companies vs. homebrew/hacking or Hollywood films vs. independent films.


Smash Master
Nov 4, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
kso- i was really drunk in those matches. i couldn't even short hop properly. if you wanna do something with them, go for it. i was playing like ****, though..

yea i could tell.. :( but I still think you did some cool **** in there so if take some clips out i think it'd make a cool little montage. of course i think we should just record some good falcon mirrors again and release new matches kuz i think that's what people want to see nowadays...


Smash Master
Nov 4, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
I dun think I will be able to get some falcon mirrors out anytime soon with m3gav01t but i will be able to get some falcon mirrors recorded with njzfinest. I taught him some basic falcon stuff, and with his melee knowledge transfer over, it should be a pretty good match

on a different note, a random guy who played njzfinest the other day (and njzfinest destroyed him) honestly tried to tell me that he was on njzfinest's playing level in ssb64...so i was like uhh ok sure. the random guy (lets call him john) comes and talks to me during SSBO IV and was like yo lets play some ssb64. but i can't, you see, kuz im the TO and i couldnt leave...but after first round of singles we took one of the setups and hooked up ssb64 to it. so i just played matches between my tourney matches :p

but yea before we played, John was like "I need practice against good players, and carl (njzfinest) told me you were good. Maybe I could even beat you." So i was like "care to put $20 on that wager, sir" so he thought about it and declined. I was pretty bummed out, kuz it would have basically been me stealing this guys money, kuz i knew he had no idea what he was doing based on what he was talking about. (tried to tell me that falcon sucked). but yea I was like u really think you can beat me? i'm number one in the midwest. so he was like i dunno man maybe i can be number 2 in the midwest. I laughed. "maybe, sir. we shall see"

so like after a few matches (of me ****** the **** out of him) I really wanted to say "u really think you'd be #2 in the midwest? I don't even think you rank #52." But I refrained from saying it because he obviously had a good mindset and somewhat potential. But like his problem was that he was so cocky that he wouldn't admit that I was better than him for a few matches. like he said "yo just let me warm up a bit, i'll beat you" that turned out to a be huge false on his part. I wouldn't have been so disappointed in this random guy if he wasn't a huge cocky kid. I mean if he had been willing to learn and had accepted the fact that he had sooo much more to learn, then it would have been fun to teach/play smash with him. however, he turned out to be no such kid. so who knows, carl has his number, maybe he will change his act a lil and then we will have another ssb64 player in the midwest. we need them kuz cunningkitsune decided to stop playing for some reason...


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
Lol, that guy was hilarous. I played him from 11pm to 2am in N64 and he only beat me twice in sandbagging Pikachu dittos. He seems to forget all of the other matches, or even the fact he never killed my Fox or Ness during the entire 3 hours of play.

KSO had amazing final match with him were he comboed the **** out of him every stock with CFalc vs Pika. It was 5 stocking at it's finest.
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