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Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger. a combo vid


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
\m/ Kso destroying n00bs.

Everyone sucks at this game though honnestly when you look at the 4-5 or so people that dominate the game, theyre too good compared to us regular joes.


Smash Master
Nov 4, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
IMO kinda boring. Falcon combos are fun to do but aren't the most entertaining thing to watch. Can you play any other chars efficiently?
if you can't explain to me every advanced technique he used in those combos, then you have no right to call it boring. if you cant see every aspect of it, then obviously it will be boring to you.

when i first watched ppl play melee (like high level players, esp with space animals) I was like wtf how can you think that fast??!?!?! but now i play melee so i can see it much more easily...


Smash Cadet
Sep 22, 2007
agreed. to me, efficient combos are good for going "ONFG I KILZORDZ DIS GAIIN LEIK 2 SEKINDS" but not fun to watch videos of. i'd rather watch a video of 2 n00bs or amateurs going at it and having some random dumb stroke-of-luck kills like i do alot. its more entertaining to watch. and honestly, i would get really bored with smash if i started winning every game cuz i was so efficient.


May 31, 2005
'indie' hasn't literally meant an independent label for years (though animal collective is signed to domino and i&w to subpop, and there are countless underground hip hop labels-- def jux, anticon, rhymesayers). the yeah yeah yeahs were even signed to the same label as the black heart procession for a while. (and yes, all of the above are most certainly pop, as is the music in your videos. anything made with the intent to appeal to a lot of people will fall under the pop umbrella)

i scorn the 'indie ideology' because it ascribes so much significance to irrelevant and tedious detail. i don't care if you made this album with your christmas bonus from best buy, or if only a couple of elitist underground zines are bumping your ish. 'the proof is in the pudding.' it doesn't matter if britney has never penned her own tracks, or how many times her voice has been processed and reprocessed-- 'toxic' is still a **** good track, with a compelling melody, excellent phrasing, and amazing production. similarly, miles davis' '*****'s brew' and can's 'ege bamyasi' are amazing albums, but not for the merit of their experimentalism. music succeeds or fails in its own right, and 'meta'-music is, imo, an attack on art itself. but, then, you have already admitted to an inconsistent set of beliefs!
I haven't been on the boards much recently, and when i have been, i haven't felt like writing out the long *** response post to this. here goes.

i mean, i guess we just have different views on what indie means. i know the yeah yeah yeahs were on quarterstick/touch-and-go for their first ep. i actually like the song, "art star" on it. that's my favorite label and arguably one of the last bastions of true indie.

i don't care about whether or not music is made on a shoe string budget or that it's only promoted by a few underground sources. i feel like you have a fairly jaded sense of the indie ideology. i just like music with a more raw, real quality than something that sounds so artificial with massive amounts of overproduction. i'm just not able to connect on an emotional level or any other with songs with that sort of a sound. pop songs just generally do not appeal to me, and, if they do, it's only for about two days until i get sick of hearing them. sure, they're catchy and whatever, but that's about it. there's no real musical depth or experimentation, nothing to draw me in and keep coming back for more listens.

i could care less that, on some level, "toxic" succeeds. i don't find the melody compelling, phrasing is a fairly basic part of composition, and i think it's far too overproduced. compare toxic to a song like "good morning, captain" by slint. it's swaggering melody, sparse guitar lines, and haunting vocals just create an absolutely black atmosphere and lead up to the climax of cathartic screams of, "i miss you." i get much more out of a musical experience from that than i ever could from "toxic."

i value experimentation and originality in music a fair bit, and i like a raw, real sound. indie just tends to have these things more frequently than pop. i tend to be impacted by indie music more, ideology and all other bull**** aside.

i see where you're coming from, especially since indie's given itself quite a bad name. however, i just find very little merit in most pop songs. i don't dislike it solely on the grounds that it's pop, i dislike it because i don't find it pleasing. on the flip side, i don't like music that is indie just because it's indie. if slint were a pop band, i'd like them just as much as i do now provided their sound was the same. however, i'm almost positive their sound would change because of pressure from larger labels and other factors. i think we've just got differing views on indie and music in general. it might just be that we're looking for different thinks from music. i don't know for sure. it's hard to say. i mean, at the end of the day, what, exactly is it going on in our brains that makes us like or dislike a particular type of music or song?

at any rate, to answer some other questions.

the combo with dk where he switches colors is a **** up. it's actually two different clips i put together because i accidentally deleted the clip with that complete combo and i didn't feel like spending the time to do it over since it's one of the ones that took me more than like 15 minutes to get right. yeah, that one and a couple others are actually new to this video and aren't in apoc now.

kso- i watched the vids again, and, as far as i can tell, there's nothing new that everyone hasn't seen like a thousand times already combo wise. i have no interest in making a montage out of those vids. if you want to, go ahead.

to the folks who think this is boring- i could see people complaining about apoc now being too long and repetetive, but i don't understand how you could label this vid boring. oh well. this'll probably be the last training mode combo vid i make for a long, long time.

and no, i can't play any other chars as "efficiently" or on as high a technical level as i can falcon. he's my main.
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