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Halp meh! KOS-MOS is a bully!


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
I wonder how boring these types of threads are by now. i would like some feedback of my ganon performance, if you can spare it. kage, linguini, and magus: if you could find the heart to watch these and help me out a bit i would be forever greatful. of course, any help or input from anyone is welcomed and appreciated, but those 3 are just who i learned from and try to base my playstyle off of. normally i go even with KOSY's peach with ganon, but his fox i absolutely have to handle with sheik. i'd like to be able to rely on ganon more, though...you know...since sheik is lame. i know most of what i'm doing wrong, so if you could focus on what i SHOULD do, that would be appropriate :D


the main things are that:

*i don't always know the best option to take when trapped in shield and pressure with nair. should i up+B? it seems like i have a small window to uair and the punishment isn't worth it. rolling obviously opens me up to some severe punishment. blah!

*surefire ways to edgeguard him when he firefoxes above the ledge. it seems he can go up, straight, or towards the ledge. as sheik i could just run out and fair him, but as ganon i always feel like i don't have the time. am i just being too slow and can punish him as he's charging? or are there other ways to catch him no matter what route he takes?

*bair...why the crap does a shorthop bair OOS have to be right above fox's head? should i just stick to spacing with forward air? it seems like if i only have doublejump dair and shorthop fair in my arsenal of approaches i'm way too predictable. hmm...

*anything else you spot...i'm sure i missed identifying some problems, so if you find something new, rub my face in it!

thanks again, hope to hear some good feedback! :D


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2005
Colver, PA
only watched part of match 1. only because i'm in the middle of other things.

Whenever fox shines you off of the ledge, DI towards the stage and you'll grab on to it instead of straight falling off. Don't be afraid to grab every once in awhile I don't think I saw a single one, it's a good way to get tech chases started.

abusing his recovery is pretty easy don't be afraid to just go and swat him away, u air, f air, b air, are all good choices you have plenty of time and if you don't, I would sometimes go on the ledge and if he would land on the stage i'd ledge hop waveland and take a free grab and or hit.

edit: hilliarous sig.

Bizzarro Flame

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2005
San Francisco
Yeah, other than what Renth says, you seem to have a pretty solid Ganon. Just be more fluid and gain more experience by playing against good people.

Bizzarro Flame

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2005
San Francisco
Don't worry The Phenom, I was already on it. What a coincidence =)

Edit: That was so creepy. I refreshed the page and I saw ThePhenom's post mentioning my name.


Smash Ace
Nov 20, 2006
Pasadena, Tx
The best advice I can give you in this matchup is to force fox to come to you, don't be so aggressive that you make yourself vulnerable. Throw out an aggressive attack when you know you're going to hit. To scare fox out of using Nair recklessly, you'll want to do retreating forward Uairs. If you know your spacing, he won't be hitting you with Nair anymore.

For edgeguarding, one foolproof method would be this:
If he is going to have to recover with upB, jump backwards after him from slightly above with a reverse Uair. There is no safe direction for him to go unless your timing is poor and he just hits you instead. This WILL kill him, no questions asked.


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
thanks for the input so far, guys
a few very helpful tips. renth and clueless, i'll find those uses for uair and edgeguarding tips very advantageous in the future

as far as playing better players, bizarro...it doesn't get much better than good old kosy. he was trading games with m2k (both drunk, but still) and almost went even with jman in fox dittos (both @ apex). so experience against good people i think is check ;p
oh and thanks for the sig compliment :D

Bizzarro Flame

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2005
San Francisco
Oops, I should have put "more good people."

Anyways, hopefully you do face against "more good people" like KOS-MOS so you can experience different styles by different experts. I hope you are experienced against Ganon so that we can Ganon ditto one day dude.
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