SHFFL in Brawl?
L(button)-Cancel in Brawl?
Directional Airdodge in Brawl?
Being able to beat anyone in Brawl?
Knuckles in Brawl?
Meeting Masahiro Sakurai?
Working for Nintendo?
Going to Japan?
Being able to afford to live in Tokyo?
Being able to afford to live in NYC?
Cheap rent in Manhattan?
Job security? (Not a security job, ELL OH ELLZ SHINZORZ!)
Social Security by the time I retire?
A cure for the common cold?
Not getting shot when going to the BX?
A big screen TV?
A PS3, maybe?
A really epic salad in my hands right now?
A Sealy Posturepedic mattress to sleep on?
Meeting Christina Ricci and/or Eva Green?
Seeing Christina Ricci and/or Eva Green naked?
****ing Christina Ricci and/or Eva Green?
Mothafukkin' Surge. In a bottle. In my fridge. NAO!
Not having to deal with Rockin and his hentai obsession? (Oh snap, here come the playful disses)
Having Vanz NOT wear headphones when I play him?
Winning a MM against Luck?

Starz using my GCN extender?
Bum not sandbagging me?

Isai not sandbagging period?
Jesus growing a namesake beard?
Making Badakin wear the Knuckles hat 24/7.
THX and Pitfall join Demigodz?
NinjaLink not be so **** pro?
Team WA vs Cort and PC Chris $100 MM?
Leo vs Justin Wong $200 MM?
Not having to spend an hour to get to Shin's?
Not having to spend an hour to get to D1's?
Being in Team Supremacy? Plllllzzzzzzz?
Having TAG start coming to weeklies again?
Having weeklies again?
Having Zeniths again?
Not having douchebags run web2zone so we can have weeklies and Zeniths again?
Arrested Development back on the air?
Firefly back on the air?
Sifl & Olly back on the air?
Boomtown back on the air?
Daria back on the air?
Maybe a new season of FLCL?
Mitch Hedberg, back from the dead?
Rick James, back from the dead?
Heath Ledger, back from the dead?
Gwen Stefani, back from off the ho train?
White people stop trying to be 'black'? (Note: Excludes Me)
No religions, or at least no extremist religious zealot *******es?
Girls stop being hobags?
Guys stop being douchebags?
Chivalry makes a mothafukkin comeback!?
The Rubiks Cube makes a comeback?
The phrases 'reefer,' 'fuzz,' 'cat,' and 'Saracen' make a comeback?
The phrases 'blog,' 'skeet,' 'hot,' and 'mindgames' make a hastey departure?
Steampunk becomes a legit design genre?
Controlling fashion trends?
Controlling weather?
Sylar powers?
Super powers of any kind?
Meeting Stan ****ing Lee.
Being able to access Smashboards from my laptop? (Srsly wtf?)
Can you manage any of those, Shin? Are any of them within reason?