I don't think they are stupid or inept. In general, assuming that highly successful companies / individuals are dumb just proves to be false. They have large teams of very smart people working on the design decisions. Nintendo definitely made quick play and GSP the way that it is on purpose, in spite of being well aware of what their core players want, and what is the industry standard. I'd say that they are inept at the actual programming of the net code, but that is nintendos fault for refusing to get with the times for the last 10 years.
Regardless, my point here is that they are just arrogant. They refuse to adopt other people's net code and ranking systems. They have to be special and do it their own way, since they are just so awesome. Aside from the lag, which they lack proper servers and technology to handle, they purposefully made the game the way that it is... I guess that you could argue, in a sense, that this is basically incompetence in its own way, but they aren't dumb. They actually almost certainly think that their system is awesome, and I'm sure that they are all getting high praise for the massive game sales.
I did some research. It seems like the devolpers for this game was bando Namco (a very successful Japanese gaming company) and Sakurai own company. It took about 34 months to complete the game. It took about 2 years only to complete smash 4. I simply don’t how they could supposedly take so long to make this game and for it to be so...mediocre. And the only reason this game has high sales was because of huge marketing and the fan service of how huge the roster is. It’s not because this game is actually that good. It’s just “flashy”.
I mean, battle data does not even work.
The online system is garbage.
World of light can’t be played by two people and isn’t even that good (ironically... this mode is why I believe it took them so long for devolping the game).
A lot of classic modes like home run bat and those stuff are missing being replaced by useless stuff like “amibos”.
This isn’t that good of a game. And character equality in this game is horrendous, too.
Smash ultimate isn’t a game that will last at this rate.
And your point about the quickplay online system... that’s exactly what I mean by they are stupid and inept people. Whoever were the monkey farts who were paid to come up with ideas to basically only amount to this half baked online system are the epitome of “INEPT”. My online template is basically smash 4 but more advance and nuanced. Why couldn’t they have just done that? They built off smash 4 graphics, WHY NOT BUILD OFF ITS ONLINE.
My online system is this:
Party play
Causal play
Ranked play
Friend play.
Party play - a new mode where people can compete in more whacky smash modes like home run bat/target mode etc etc.
causal play - probably going to be the biggest mode. This is basically I unranked play. You can do team battle or 4 player smash. Team battle being separated into two player mode, or single player mode. Then 4 player smash being separated into items mode or no items mode. Once you click on mode you want. Your character screen will also have a customizable ruleset option on the top right (you can also access it on the mode selection screen too). You are given 45 seconds to select character as the game is searching for you, oppenets.
Ranked play - consisting of team battle or 1v1. Same thing as causal play, you have customizable rulesets based on mode select. For team battle, ID also have co op and single player. So you can play serious with a friend or family. My ranking system would be smash 4 but more advance. So your ranked play would actual be rank for tournament play after every month. In order to qualify for tournament you have to be at least a yellow tier player. What’s yelllw tier? Glad you asked. My tiers:
Grey tier - everyone who hasn’t played 8 games
Green tier - 0%-40% win rate
Yellow tier - 40-60% win rate
Orange tier - 60%-80% win rate
Red tier - 80% - 100% win rate
In order to get a tier. You have play 8 games in grey tier. 8/4 is 2. 4 being the rest of the non grey tiers so that means in this 8 game stretch you have to fight 2 green, yellow orange and red tier players. Whatever win rate you get from that puts you in your tier. For the next month, your character will compete in either tb or 1v1 in order to compete for seedlings (rank) in tournament. (For team battle, you just have to play 10 games against random oppenets... your win record will garner your tier).
At the end of each month, there’ll be 12 64-slotted tournaments. 10 of them being 1v1, 1 being single player team battle and the other being 2 player team battle.
Also, at the end of each month which will be showcased for the next month until a new one comes out will be the 10 most “most outstanding players” in team battle and 1v1 (so two “top 10 most outstanding players). In order to qualify for this, you have to play 100 games that month. And in order for top 3 qualification, has to be 250 games played. Also showcased for your region to see will be the winners of each tournament.
There will be a total of 48 tournaments. 4 differnt time slots in 48 hour window of tournament play. Once the tourney is done, it’ll take a day for ranked play to become playable again. Rinse and repeat for the next month. 1v1 tournament... in order to qualify for top 4 seed. You have to play 25 games.
Friend play - it’s be just battle arenas with automatic voice option
My mouth waters at how amazing my online system would. It wouldn’t even be a copy paste of any other game system, it’d just expand on what smash 4 did.