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Good stages against dedede?


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
If anyone can give me good stages and a good explanation i'd really appreciate it :) Fd is not an option, every d3 bans it.

Keep in mind dedede can survive to 180% with extremely good DI each stock, I know one that DI's almost every one of my fsmashes, and his dsmash did not kill him at 160 AT THE EDGE of battlefield. I had to end him with an fair for a vertical KO (yeah... vertical!).


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
against d3 i always like going lylat/bf/brinstar :) the platforms are really useful.

choosing lylat:
well the platforms make it rather difficult for d3 to actually cg u, but cg shouldn't be a problem if you have a banana on the ground and a close banana on one of the platforms in case of well you need it or not o-o. you can create quite a few mind games here since d3 has to deal with several obstacles and interruptions, he has you and the two bananas/peanuts to worry about. just watch his projectiles and especially the gordo, that thing has weird *** physics when it bounces off at an angle O-o. the rest is just simply put on your shoulders. just take it aggresively and when things are getting a little hectic you can cool off on one of the platforms to slow or reverse the momentum.

choosing battle field:
same as above really but with a twist o-o the platforms are slightly higher meh :\. you know CP just be aggressive as hell and do what u have to do. being on the platforms is the safest approach. just watch for his fair/upair/bair :\ but it will be predictible so no worries. user any sort of naner locking on the ground and mindgame by positioning bananas in certain places and your good to go. z dropping is fun here btw :p

choosing brinstar:
not to familar here but the stage's unusual make-up make it quite versatile to diddy. The little stones towards the bottom can be used as a free banana when u need it as its always bouncing there :3. the wall cling here is fantastic once the gap breaks your free to continue the game whenever youd like. just be careful here as d3 will most likely go air crazy on u. just peanut retreat and ****.

d3 should not be a problem for u man. ur **** o-o. and as %'s go it should not matter just keep ur moves fresh use ur dash attack combos often to refresh those smashes and punish mistakes. the big characters are really easily punishable...now make them pay for being so fat. :)

@ bridge of eldin:
if he cg's u man u soooo dead xD but if not wewt :p


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
Best options are probably Lylat/BF and Japes.

Lylat/BF: The platforms really help against CG. They also can't CG you as much because the stage is smaller and will only get like 2 or 3 CGs on you if you have bananas on the ground. Lylat might be better because I THINK Diddy can get out of the CG if the stage is tilting down, but I'm not sure.

Japes: Japes is probably good because the stage is small and you won't get much damage when they try CG you, the 2 small platforms are good for camping. High ceilings help against his Utilt and his recovery sucks here.


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
yea just realized about the infinites. yea brinstar=bad >_< and @player1 yes u can get out of the cg cause of the tilt.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
As I said earlier, Japes is the best IMO. High ceilings = longer living against Utilt. The small platforms are easier to camp and you can 't get CG to much on this stage. Also, it's harder for D3 to swallowcide you and riskier because you have a longer time to get out (from the right side) and if you do break out then D3 has more lag than you do when you break out.

The Sauce Boss

Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2008
Ann Arbor, MI
japes sounds like a really good idea vs a dedede.

Does anyone know if a diddy fthrow/bthrow would stage spike on the side platorms and send your opponent into the water? Im picturing it like how donkey kong can cargo throw people into it.

Also japes has so little ground room if you get some nanerz on it I can picture it being a mess with big ol dedede.

O ya and never forget about that klap trap LOLz.


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
japes sounds like a really good idea vs a dedede.

Does anyone know if a diddy fthrow/bthrow would stage spike on the side platorms and send your opponent into the water? Im picturing it like how donkey kong can cargo throw people into it.

Also japes has so little ground room if you get some nanerz on it I can picture it being a mess with big ol dedede.

O ya and never forget about that klap trap LOLz.
i know the backthrow can when ur close to it (low %'s) dunno about forward but i think so yea.

and the big penguin doesnt stand a chance when u get a good nanner combo in
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