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Get past ikes side b


Smash Apprentice
Aug 3, 2008
Getting 3stocked Over...And over and OVER
How can I get past ikes side B with marth? I just played the most annoying ike on the planet he just sat there and charged side b if I jump over it he just uses it goes the the other side spams side b again side b side b side b god its annoying and I cant do anything about it


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2008
Augusta, GA
roll + punish.

its fast on release so you'll have to be perfect when countering but other than that punish him for his predictability.


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
When he releases it, use your shield. He'll hit the shield and you attack him. I don't even know why you would spam QD, it sucks. (no offense Light if you see this)


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2005
Chester, IL
Either Counter the QD (Counter comes out in 1/15th of a second, it shouldn't be that much of a problem) and then when he starts charging it extra long to throw you off, just shield it and punish him during the lag.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 16, 2008
Ridgewood Queens NYC
Shield or spotdodge, then punish. If that doesn't work for you, then take him to a stage that makes QD useless, after a while seeing that QD isn't working, he'll start using more pratical moves.


Smash Champion
Feb 2, 2008
When he releases it, use your shield. He'll hit the shield and you attack him. I don't even know why you would spam QD, it sucks. (no offense Light if you see this)
Spamming Quick Draw is a foolish technique, as it is with spamming any other move. There is quite a distinct difference between haphazard spam and concentrated offense, however.

Let's look at it this way: What does Quick Draw do? Basically, it provides a very fast mode of transport from point A to point B that has an attack that occurs if it connects with a hurtbox. Now then, why would you not use it? Because it has a colossal amount of cooldown time, so if you hit a shield you're pretty much going to be damaged.

But there lies the beauty of using Quick Draw to attack, note that the following applies to non-projectile characters, I can discuss some projectile ones later on, if anyone cares enough to respond to this.

Every defensive action in Brawl has many invincibility or shield frames. There is, however, a downside. They all have vulnerability frames right at the end. If you can charge Quick Draw as they are coming toward you, they'll instantly be wary of the attack and must perform a defensive maneuver, as the range of QD is really huge. Let's see what they could possibly do:

If they:
Shield - You wait for them to manually drop the shield. You need to predict this, as the shield drop time is very hard to punish with QD. Fortunately, there is very limited shield to use, know when a QD can break a shield, and release just before then.

Roll - If it's towards you, wait it out for the vulnerability frames and punish. If they roll away, swiftly catch up to them and hit them if they are in QD range, if not, do something out of QD, like a jab.

Airdodge - Same principle as the roll, but with another twist. You can go straight past them if they go high and airdodge.

Jump - Release, try to go under them and up tilt. If they are too close for comfort, just go past them.

Counter: Wait it out, very simple.

I know it seems risky, but it's all about mastering the frames. Your reward is anywhere from 9-16% (Usually towards 16, since you've been charging it) and the potential to kill them, and ruin that method of approach for them.

Yeah, I like this move too much.


Smash Ace
Jun 14, 2008
As a marth, getting past QD is cake. Sure, you don't have the projectile advantage, but you're fast enough that it just takes some prediction to **** him. Like, if you're falling, and he's gonna try to catch you, counter (cuz it stops you in midair), and either he'll miss, and have to come back for you, or you'll counter him. stuff liike that.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 10, 2008
Dallas, Texas
Or you can just pick D3 or Kirby and stand on the edge and use Inhale, lol. It works so well.

Lex Crunch

Smash Journeyman
Jul 25, 2007
Alameda, CA
Simply jump out of your shield, landing (or at least pretending to land) right near him, causing him to QD, then jump back to where he is and attack. It's really not a good tactic, so I have no idea why he uses it. This'd be an instance where I would actually use the down aerial to hit him even if it has ridiculous landing lag, since it'd set him up for more attacks, or at least put him in a more compromising position. It might have also not been that bad of an idea to just take the hit if that's all he's gonna do...
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