Ok, moveset for a Gerudo Guard, specifically, Nabouru. Great idea, so I'll go along with it.
Nabouru will be able to weild three wepons, as recomended. I'll list accordingly.
(However, the movesets are kept simialar as to retain a feel for her. Really, only the speed, range, and damage changes.)
Staff- The standard weapon of the Gerudo Guards- A 6 foot Stave with a red ribbon attached to the blade. Meant to keep a foe at a distance. Does the most damge with the blade itself. Also, the staff is not a simple stick, but rather, has a 1 foot blade attached to the end, with the ribbon concealing the weld or tack.
-A. simple stab
-AA. two consecutive stabs
-AAA. two stabs ending with an upward slash. (she stabs 2 times, then picks up on the staff)
-Rapid A. after the initial combo, she rapidly stabs with the staff (about 1/2 the speed of Link's rapid A).
-FTilt A. Hilt bashes with the staff.
-UTilt A. Swipes in a half moon circle. Minor damage in close range, normal damage if hit by the blade.
-DTilt. Spins the staff in a half moon swipe.
-Smash Front/Back. Stabs forward, spinning the blade as she does so (in a drill like fashion)
-Down smash. Spins on her heel creating a full circle. Same rule applies as the UTilt.
-Up Smash. Simialar to the F/B smash, except she then spins the staff, hilt bashing in a quick fashion. The hilt bash does minimul damage, meant to knock away the opponent so they don't land on her.
-B Neutral. Charges a combo. The longer it's held, the more hits executed (max of 4). She does 2 quick slashes with a spinning hilt bash to a kick in the torso.
-Forward B. Dashes 5 feet with the staff sideways (holding it as to push at the stomach of her foe). Low damage, more as a knockback move.
-Up B. Front flips at a 45 Degree angle, spinning the staff with her.
-Down B. Switches wepons. (Random order) High lag.
-Dash Attack. Spins into a hilt bash.
Taunt- Poses towards the screen holding the staff upright next to her and does a "Hmphh" Jesture.
Next, the dual Swords. The stealth Guards weapon of choice. Quick with medium damage and range that's meant to keep a foe close to deal multiple hits. Deals the most with the middle (thickest part of the blade).
(Cross slash is side to side)
-A. Cross slashes.
-AA. Cross slashes twice. (left then right)
-AAA. Two cross slashes ending with an X shaped slash.
-Rapid A. Slashes wildly in random directions.
-FTilt. Stabs with both swords straight.
-UTilt. X slashes above her.
-DTilt. X slashes at opponents feet.
-Smash Front. DUAL SMASH!!! Cross slashes with a powerful strike. Second hit of A. makes her spin and stab behind her back, which is now facing the opponent.
-Down Smash. Stabs forward at the feet of opponent with the swords crosses, then pulls then apart, seperating the legs of the opponent, tripping them. Then kicks behind her.
-Up Smash. Dual stabs above and spins once.
-B Nuetral. Crouches and charges. Leaps forward 5 feet spinning, and X slashes when she lands (finishing move in Gerudo Fortress).
-Forward B. Dashes 5 feet X slashing at anyone in between that distance (2/3 the damage of her Down Smash).
Up B. Front flips at a 45 degree angle with her swords extended.
Down B. Switches weapons.
Dash Attack. Slide Kicks the ground.
Taunt- Spins her swords sheathing them, then does a "Bring it" jesture.
Next, the silver gauntlets. The secret treasure hidden inside the Spirit Temple guarded by the temple guards, Iron Knuckles. Shortest range, medium damage, and with the highest knockback.
-A. Simple jab.
-AA. One-two punch.
-AAA. One two punch ended with an upper cut.
-FTilt. Medium cross punch.
-UTilt. Karate chops the area above her.
-DTilt. Trip kicks while kneeling, straight shin kick while standing.
-Smash Forward. Hay maker punch. Strong lean back, into, and lean through type of punch.
-Up Smash. Puts her arms out to her sides and "claps" her fists together above her head.
-Down smash. Crouches, and trip kicks all around her.
-B Nuetral. Gerudo Punch. (ganondorf's B nuetral in melee, except her fist shines silver).
-Forward B. If an opponent is directly in front, she picks him up and tosses him. If not, she dashes 5 feet and does so.
Up B. Front flips at a 45 degree angle, spinning with both fists extended. On the ground she only jumps 2 feet off of the ground.
Down B. Switches weapons.
Dash Attack. Same as Captain Falcon's Smash B in the air.
Taunt- Applauds her opponent's efforts, but crushes rocks between her hands as well.
Sorry, but I was trying to stick with the series with the gloves idea.
Feedback welcomed.