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Gentlemen, I need help on some matchups.


Nov 1, 2008
Morrison, Colorado
I see three prevalent matchups that I'm having trouble with in my area. They are Pikachu, Dedede, and Mr. Game and Watch. I know very little about these matchups, so I would like some info on how to deal with them. Counterpicks, in-game strategy, the works. I have a tournament in a couple of weeks in which I have to know these matchups like the back of my hand. My avatar and icon may say Snake, but I find myself using Diddy more than Snake nowadays.


Advent Lee

Smash Ace
Aug 13, 2005
Sunshine State
I see three prevalent matchups that I'm having trouble with in my area. They are Pikachu, Dedede, and Mr. Game and Watch. I know very little about these matchups, so I would like some info on how to deal with them. Counterpicks, in-game strategy, the works. I have a tournament in a couple of weeks in which I have to know these matchups like the back of my hand. My avatar and icon may say Snake, but I find myself using Snake more than Diddy nowadays.

That alone might not get you that much help around here LoLz, unless you meant it the other way around.

Diddy however does pretty well in all 3 of those match-ups. Just throw food at them.



Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2008
Pikachu: Play stupid patiently it's hard to approach him just likes it's hard for him to approach us. Jab cancels out thunderjolt which is your best option so Pikachu doesn't get a free hit. DSmash is really annoying, so learn to SDI out of that as fast as possible. Imo Pikachu should have a harder time killing Diddy than Diddy killing Pikachu. Stick to neutral stages. I think FD and Halberd are ones to avoid against Pikachu though.

D3: I'll edit this tomorrow when I'm not about to go to sleep.

GW: Land. Don't go near him in the air, he ***** DDK in the air. The only reason Diddy has an advantage over GW is because we have items. GW has the second longest stand up after being hit by a banana (I think Pikachu takes the longest) and after he's hit you can deal damage stupid fast. The way I look at it is , Bananas > Game and Watch > Diddy. The only real advantage GW has is that he can kill Diddy a lot faster than Diddy can kill him; by now taking longer to get kills is a norm for us so don't worry about it. If he air camps, just wait it out until he blunders, it will happen.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 30, 2008
northern CA
Nice. I main Snake and Diddy as well. The G&W matchup is pretty easy imo. All you need to do is take him to a flat stage like FD or SV. He's going to approach you from the air and try to bait you into attacking prematurely so you just need to be patient and hit him with bananas right when he's coming down from the air. Don't try to fight him to much close up without your bananas. DDD is a bit more difficult. You need to remember that you're probably not going to kill him until he has at least 150%. Once you start getting him high on damage it's critical that you don't make your kill moves stale. One effective trick against DDD is when he's coming down from his recovery to charge your barrels and fire yourself straight into him. This does about 15% to DDD and 5% to you while shooting him back up and you into the stage. The pikachu matchup is one that I'm not very familiar with so I can't help you there.


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
Gnw: Don't let him bait out an airdodge by uair juggling you, that's one of their setups for the kill. Save your sideB until you're about to touch the ground, then use it (the farther reaching one, so you can avoid the "I kill at 70" usmash).

Though Halberd has a horribly low vertical killzone, I love it as a counterpick against D3 and GnW, as it provides us with ample room to avoid their grab game, the platform helps you avoid GnW's usmash, our stage control allows for the stage hazards to wreak havoc on them, and banana locks last forever :)

Against Pika... Are you talking about Fluxus' pika? I don't see why you should be having any problems with him, play patient and force him to come to you using bananas. Like the other guy said, learn to SDI out of pika's dsmash (also remember to tech roll away, it's the safest option).

You coming down to NM for my tourney on the 30th? :)


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2008
G&W can't do much other than punish your mistakes...If you approach in the air, make sure your throwing a banana first (Either force air dodge and punish or Uair when he's in hitstun) or are close enough to him to hit him before he gets and aerial out since his moves are pretty slow (Generally approach from the sides to throw a banana first/diagonally below to Fair him)...Use Side B so you don't land near him so you don't get Usmashed (Avoid those early kills at all costs, so don't get grabbed)...If he air camps on platforms, just throw bananas up repeatedly and be patient, after he gets hit a few times, he will realize its kinda pointless and stop air camping...


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2008
how do you guys handle gnw's bair
i hate how it always shield pokes me

should i just run away and throw bananas up?

i cant seem to stop gnw unless hes on the ground
Exactly. You're 100% right. Diddy isn't made to stop any of GW's attacks. Wait for an opening and **** with your nannerz. I wouldn't throw nannerz up unless you're trying to bait the airdodge.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 10, 2008
San Diego, CA
how do you guys handle gnw's bair
i hate how it always shield pokes me

should i just run away and throw bananas up?

i cant seem to stop gnw unless hes on the ground
don't try to roll behind him when your sheilding his b-air obviously cuz it'll poke you when you first start your roll and arn't invincible yet. i used to do this a lot and i couldn't figure out what was going on haha.


Nov 1, 2008
Morrison, Colorado
Gnw: Don't let him bait out an airdodge by uair juggling you, that's one of their setups for the kill. Save your sideB until you're about to touch the ground, then use it (the farther reaching one, so you can avoid the "I kill at 70" usmash).

Though Halberd has a horribly low vertical killzone, I love it as a counterpick against D3 and GnW, as it provides us with ample room to avoid their grab game, the platform helps you avoid GnW's usmash, our stage control allows for the stage hazards to wreak havoc on them, and banana locks last forever :)

Against Pika... Are you talking about Fluxus' pika? I don't see why you should be having any problems with him, play patient and force him to come to you using bananas. Like the other guy said, learn to SDI out of pika's dsmash (also remember to tech roll away, it's the safest option).

You coming down to NM for my tourney on the 30th? :)
First-hand advice from the man himself, here. He fought one of the three guys I'm stressin' about in Grand Finals last week.

G+W - Okay, I get that. Play possum with his uair. I'm gonna have to stand back and play patiently, because the G+W I'm talking about is good with his aerials, most people can't get close. I'll throw meat and fruit at him (peanuts are a meat, dammit)

Halberd - I'LL PRACTICE ON IT NOW. Your advice has sound reasoning, I'll work more on my banana lock, bait them out of their throws, and take advantage of the platforms. You're a godsend.

Pika - Yes, it's Fluxus' Pikachu. I used Snake against him, which as everyone knows, Pika has a huge standing CG against him. I have no experience when it comes to the Diddy / Pika matchup, so I came to the Diddy boards instead of working on the Snake matchup (Snake boards are kinda dead ): ) Did you face it at all during Grand Finals at CO Springs?

And no, I can't come to the tourney on the 30th. Parents won't let me. Oh wells.

Please, please, PLEEEEEASE come to NVGA Supercon in July ( http://allisbrawl.com/ttournament.aspx?id=6167 ). In fact, bring the whole state of New Mexico! The tourney itself will be amazing, I can feel it. I'll BE SURE to play your Diddy tons if you come, hopefully you'll be kind enough to give me some advice ;D

Or, even better, come to that AND this: ( http://allisbrawl.com/ttournament.aspx?id=6165 )

If it seems like I'm being selfish by making you come to CO while I can't go to NM, I'm sorry, but my hands are tied behind my back. I'll ask my parents again, maybe my grades will be good ammunition.
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