None taken; I was being sarcastic. Still, I should be able to bring at least a couple others this time around.I didn't mean any disrespect Flex.
Much love for the Low - Tier Masta.I already know you will pull through. I just don't have faith in the rest of Columbus coming.
I agree with all of this statement.I don't see Will doing so hot either. Derrick on the other hand could probably do alright, but we'll have to see. Columbus could be much better if we actually had better peeps than just X2X and Reflex, because right after them is myself, and I don't claim any skill whatsoever.
That'd be sweet.Yeah next time will have more peeps get out of pools, Columbus shall step it up big time at this!
Still, Columbus is a rather small area when you compare it to most places. I don't really worry about the reputation as an area, so much as individual reputation. I haven't been in any real crew battle, so that's probably why, though. :x
Well, I can take some people pretty easily, but that doesn't make me outright better than them. I'm much more mindgame-proficient than technical skill-proficient.I put it that way because yeah he had a hard pool, but you should never have lost a match to him for one, and for another I can take Prac easily, which has me wondering wtf how did he make it but not I? Then I remember I had Bobby, Reflex, and Carter. Then of course Tsunami and Datman, both who are highly able Falcos. That leaves me and Justin, a Fox and a camping YL. And of course having Bobby there is just a "OK top 3 make it out of pools, Bobby is excluded". Oh and we had the guy that left, Joe.
No disrespect, but I mean come on, I seem to get screwed over in every pool I participate in lol. Hence why I said lucky he got into that particular pool.
Also, I would think you mean "Okay, top 2 make it out of pools, Bobby and Reflex are excluded." *is shot*
No, I'm not really egotistical.
Let's not argue over such things, though; if you really care about making it in the pools, step your game up. This goes for everyone; I'm not singling Gerbil out. I know I'm not the greatest, but I still say that not being so competitive about things helps me out with things.