So this is my story on what happened at the tourney
(BTW congrats on winning man, although i'd be more gassed about being asked out by the girl lol. I already gots PBR and i don't need a shirt, although i won't lie, it'd have been nice)
((BTWBTW, i got asked out by two random chicks too. SO i guess i shouldn't be too pissed about losing to a noob...)0
ok, get this. now, i don't mean to brag, but i know and anyone who can tell the difference between EVs and IVs knows that i was easily the best player there (mainly because my team didn't consist of mewtwos with psychic, confusion, psybeam and recover). btw, at my game stop only darkrai shaymin and arceus were banned. I saw plenty of mewtwos manaphys and other totally rediculous ubers. anyway, I got into the second round unscathed. there were only three...
the interference with the Wii to DS communication was horrible at the mall, so it kept shutting off.
FIVE TIMES it shut off in mid battle
my battle with the guy would always play out the same.
i would send out machamp, him garchomp or tyranitar.
My choice banded machamp would ice punch chomp or dynamic punch ttar for an easy ko.
then came mewtwo.
he uses psychic so i switch out to ttar myself and take no damage.
i switch again to gengar and he uses aura sphere, no damage.
my timid choice specs gengar outspeeds mewtwo and OHKOs with shadow ball.
the comes empoleon
switch to machamp
dynamic punch, thunder punch, either one.
and then it would shut off.
the fifth time
i switch to gengar to take the psychic because i overestimated him and thought that he would think i would switch to ttar and he would use aura sphere.
and there went the match.
I was poed.
anyone want to do PBR? i need to face someone good...