Balloon Fight guy just to troll everyone who thought the balloons on Villager were enough to count him out.
Ninten or Roy?
Roy because:
-He's more wanted.
-Ninten explicitly had no offensive specials/PSI attacks, making him kind of a poor choice for a fighting game.
-Earthbound really doesn't need another little psychic boy representative, let's be honest.
-Roy has a history with Smash and could be brought back with a renovated moveset.
-I made Roy some new specials that I really like.
Edit: Dang, fast thread.
Lucina over Kumatora, due to popularity. Besides, who knows, maybe it'll become a fun challenge to see exactly how much Smash can do with five hundred blue-haired Fire Emblem swordlords.
An original Smash character (i.e. Playable Tabuu) or Bomberman?