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G3s #3: Taste of Vanilla | Town Wins!

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
This is what I was going to post had all we needed to do was lynch goon to win:
Alright so first off, I am traitor.

btw claiming traitor regardless of alignment, just a heads up.
As Mafia I am claiming this as an excuse for why I will not be night killed for the rest of the game. As well a reason not to lynch me (which I will discuss below).

As Traitor I am claiming this so that my mafia partner knows not to kill me. As well as a reason not to lynch me (which, again, I will discuss below).

As Town I am claiming this so that mafia does not kill me, increasing the chances that he does in fact night kill the actual traitor. Furthermore, this prevents me from being lynched which is also pro-town. Simply put, I am virtually bulletproof unlynchable.

Now then, why should the traitor not be lynched? Well, I assume the rest of you are intelligent enough to know that we should in fact be looking to lynch the goon. We should keep the claimed traitor alive throughout the rest of the game. We simply need the single goon lynch to win. For those of you who aren't familiar with the traitor role. The mafia traitor wins when the actual mafia faction wins. He loses, if town wins. HOWEVER, he is counted as town with regards to vote counts and majority. That means that we simply need to lynch the single goon to win the game. Once they are lynched, the game is over.

Now then since I am the traitor, your lynch pool has been decreased in terms of catching the goon. At the same time, my mafia bud knows not to kill me, so me claiming is mutually beneficial. While the traitor doesn't count towards mafia numbers, he still has his vote so it is important that the mafia member keep him alive. Say we get down to 2 town, 1 mafia, and 1 traitor. That is game win for mafia since traitor and mafia can simply create a no lynch with their votes. But once again, regardless of this we should still aim to ignore the confirmed traitor (at least until mylo) and aim to lynch the mafia since that is the only player town needs to lynch to win.

Now then let's look at the options and perspectives that mafia & traitor/myself have at this point.

-If I am mafia, I should likely not have a counter claim based on the reasoning provided below.
-If I am indeed traitor, I should likely not have a counter claim at this point. Mafia should assume that I am indeed his partner.
-If I am town, it may be in traitor's best interest to counter claim at this point based on the reasoning I have provided. However, I believe that traitor will not counter claim in this scenario in fear that I am simply attempting to out him. Furthermore, the traitor doesn't know if I am mafia, in which this could be a very beneficial strategy. For him to counterclaim could ruin us both.

So overall I am thinking that am most likely not going to have a counterclaim in any event.
NO town player from here on out should claim traitor. It is only beneficial for one single player to claim traitor. If you do believe it to be beneficial, you need have legitimate reasoning for doing so. No random acts here.

With this in mind, if I do get a counterclaim, we be 100% certain that they are in fact scum. Now remember what I said about not lynching the confirmed traitor? This is certainly the our best route. However, in the event that two people claim traitor (a player after me) Or a player is playing traitor-like (inactive, ect.), we should in fact lynch on of the traitors because they are guaranteed scum. What's really cool about this is that we can know for certain that any player that claims to be traitor after me is in fact scum.

Our plan of action then should be to lynch any player who is coasting, lurking. I have taken out all other options for mafia and traitor at this point other than them for to blend in with the town and play an actually active game. The beauty of this being an open set-up is that we know there aren't any PR related reasons for anyone to be playing oddly this game. We can all just strait out scum hunt, dominate, and hopefully lynch mafia within the first two days. Since Traitor has to play with the town (since we will be lynching anyone who plays murky in the slightest, as scumfewy), he will not be able to keep away from the goons night kill/give him any indication of not being killed. And since the goon has to be involved with the town in the same way, we will be getting more content and slip opportunities.

And once again, since I am in fact traitor, this will be beneficial to me for my partner to know who I am. I pretty much have free range to be as scummy as I like. Partner, you really do need to be involved with the town this game. Do not play lurky in any way as that is who we as town will be lynching. This will all come down to either how well you can blend in with the town or how well town can scumhunt and catch you. This is all a battle of skill baby!

Unless there are any concerns/questions with what I have provided I will be lurking the rest of the day and will be sheeping a random person.

(If I am town, I will for sure vote/provide a case/and lynch maf if I feel to have caught him at any time. Otherwise I will not be providing anything).

Good luck Town! And partner seriously listen to my advice and play with all you got this game yo.

This is going to be so interesting.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
That actually pretty much covers everything.
Except for Gheb's ninja which ruined your plan, but nice work regardless Zen :)


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I skimmed most but the 'plan of action' paragraph. The rest won't really matter since your plan relies on just finding the goon.

We do punish lurking, coasting, and dumb ****. Right now I'd look at Badwolf/Dabuz first. Then Darkhorse/Rake, and then Soup/You/J+Summoner. When I say that, I mean I'll keep an eye on people in that order. I feel we can catch goon/traitor that way. Thoughts?

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
We do have the option of all claiming traitor and being scummy as hell. That would be amusing.

@Ran: I do already have some reads, but I'd rather not give them out just yet.

#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.
I skimmed most but the 'plan of action' paragraph. The rest won't really matter since your plan relies on just finding the goon.

We do punish lurking, coasting, and dumb ****. Right now I'd look at Badwolf/Dabuz first. Then Darkhorse/Rake, and then Soup/You/J+Summoner. When I say that, I mean I'll keep an eye on people in that order. I feel we can catch goon/traitor that way. Thoughts?
wrt lurking. I keep tabs open. Plus I have tabs open on my phone.... So yeah... I don't exactly agree with the lurking anti-townness.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Are you seriously going to make me play this game before it officially starts


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
We do have the option of all claiming traitor and being scummy as hell. That would be amusing.

@Ran: I do already have some reads, but I'd rather not give them out just yet.
I understand that.

wrt lurking. I keep tabs open. Plus I have tabs open on my phone.... So yeah... I don't exactly agree with the lurking anti-townness.
So go invisible? Be pro-active, don't expect us to give you a bone just because you leave tabs open.

Oof. My ego stings.
I did that in order of being able to read.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
zen that's not the answer i want to hear

also yes i know

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
you should vote him as a joke!!!

it would make me laugh.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
No. Too early in the day for that decision. You should explain how Soup is off to you first tho.

Also, in the first post (role pm's section) it says the Traitor knows who the goon is. So we should look for the goon first and look for reactions there. That's the only way to find a 'sort' of connection. (It'd be one way only)

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
I am not so great with connections , just look at the paper mario newbie lol, although there i couldn't exactly look too strongly.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Ranmaru obv town again

Zen null until he agrees to lynch Rake ^_^
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