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Foxy's Bromonthly < 3 - Raleigh, NC - YAYUHZZZZZ EDITION


Smash Master
Jul 28, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina

Melee Doubles

1: Suck Your Balls (Dr. Peepee + Everlasting Yayuhzzzzz) ($60.00)
2: Suck My Balls (Twitch + Jim) ($30.00)
3: 9 x 44.5 (Foxy + GofG) ($10.00)
4: Seven of Hearts (Darkhart + Seven)
5: Karnage (Karn + Ace)
5: Get Money Green (Behr + Mask)
7: The Masters of Death (Audi + Moophobia)
7: Sharp Spoon (Spoon + Slasherking)
9: Link to the Falcon (Zeon + 0room)
9: Buff Physiques (ph00tbag + stingers)

Melee Singles

1: Dr. Peepee ($63.00)
2: Everlasting Yay ($31.50)
3: Twitch ($10.50)
4: Lord Karn
5: Foxy
5: Ace
7: Stingers
7: Jim
9: Seven
9: Mask
9: Moophobia
9: Audi
13: Dark Hart
13: Behr
13: GofG
13: Yeroc
17: Slasher King
17: Max
17: Spoon
17: Kotus
17: Vilt
17: Blitz Falcon

Brawl+ Doubles

1: He Lives in You (Karn + THO) ($45.00)
2: The Stars of Justice (Everlasting Yay and Foxy) ($25.00)
3: Dinner of the Destined Mustard (Yeroc + Dr. Peepee)
4: Scandalous Hunks (Bill + Stingers)
5: The Penguin and the Little Boy (Smith + Ph00tbag)
5: Rush Hour (Jon + Keith)
7: Juggernauts of Sexiness (Ashieteru + Vilt)

Brawl+ Singles

1: Everlasting Yay ($42.00) (Wolf)
1/2: Dr. Peepee ($21.00) (Marth)
3: NC-Echo ($7.00) (Kirby/Olimar?)
4: THO (Peach)
5: Stingers (Lucario/ROB/Lucas?)
5: metaXzero (Kirby)
7: Lord Karn (Yoshi/Others)
7: Ph00tbag (ZSS)
9: Yeroc (ZSS)
9: Foxy (Captain Falcon)
9: Smith (Toon Link)
9: Twitch
13: Dark Hart
13: Vilt
13: Ashieteru
13: Max


Dr. Peepee - Sorry we didn't get to play much, wish I could've gotten some advice from you; just too busy with running things. Good stuff in Melee, and I'm sure you'd have more success with B+ if you actually played the game much, regardless of how similar it is to other games.

Everlasting Yay - You made this tourney. Nobody really wanted to come until you said you'd show up, and that basically single-handedly made it the biggest local NC tournament in quite a long time. I owe you a lot of thanks. It was awesome teaming with you for B+, even if I wasn't able to concentrate to much; I think we still did pretty well.

Twitch - You should definitely come to all the tournaments with PP that you can make. Once we take a look at PR's you'll definitely be one of the best players, as you just outplaced every NC players apart from your brother at a large tournament. I was really impressed with you, and I wish I had more matches with you.

Karn - Sorry that your Fox wasn't so good today, hopefully you still felt like your performance was decent. You managed to place pretty darn well. I wanted to play you in bracket, but I didn't feel it was right to intentionally set that up myself.

Ace - You were so Ganon-worthy today, so many broful actions. Nice job proving that you're the REAL Ganondorf.

Foxy - Next time just don't enter your own tournament. And watch your opponents.

Stingers - Awesome placing, you made a lot of smart choices and even did really well against Twitch. We had some silly matches.

Jim - Your Ganon is too good, and good work in the money match. Your Fox doesn't deal as well with super-gayness.

Seven - I still didn't get to play even a whole match with you, maybe next time.

Mask - Thanks for coming out to another tournament of mine, good job absolutely wrecking me in our money match.

Moophobia - Glad to see new faces around, and nice job in the tourney!

Audi - Again, awesome to see someone that I haven't met at a tournament before.

Dark Hart - You still are so much better than your placings! Someday you'll break out of the Josh-curse. Hopefully sometime you'll calm down a bit with the comments towards me.

Behr - Christina is still in your BIIIIIIIIIIG ****.

GofG - You should have done a LOT better in singles, you wouldn't have lost if you weren't forced to play characters you have no idea what to do with... but amazing job in teams anyways.

Yeroc - Thanks a ton for coming out to this, and I hope you had a good time playing Brawl+ here! And much thanks for the setup. The codeset I used was the Plusery 4.1 (http://www.gyrus-hex.net/RSBE01.gct).

Slasher King - Great to see you again, and hopefully we can play sometime while you're nearby.

Spoon - Nice job riding the bus! It was awesome that you made it here, and I think you are much better than your placing shows. There just happened to be a ton of great players here.

Vilt - Sorry I didn't team with you, Iceys was too much to pass up! We still had chemistry flowin' in teams friendlies.

metaXzero - I was really impressed with your playing, I definitely didn't expect to lose! Good stuff. I'm really glad you came.

David - Your Peach is ridiculous. I used to main Peach in B+ but I gave her up when I saw yours. Nice job in teams. And I always think you're making fun of me when you talk until I realize you aren't actually being sarcastic.

Christina - You weren't here >=[

Amy - You were here >=]

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
First results thread we've had since.....ever for me.

Posted in the other thread:

Okay, I'm tired and bored and I want to do shoutouts:

Foxy- Good hostin bro. Stop squandering(for reasons that you deny =p) in tournaments so much, and things will go much better for you I think. Anyway, thanks for calmin your parents down and having higher grade women for me to pretend I'm enjoying. That reminds me, Christina wasn't there. ****. Btw I beat you with Pichu AGAIN.

Dark Hart- Hey bro. You get mad when I combo you. Should I sandbag? Probably. Good times at the tournament and at Karn's man. Btw I was just messin leavin your house. I knew it was the other way the whole time....

Knorr- I dunno how you did what you did but you're a true man for it.

Malk- 14 year-olds ain't worth it sonnnnnn

Karn- You were lookin a little out of practice in dat Melee game, but you placed really well regardless. Good shiz. I didn't see much of you in Brawl+, but I know you tore it up in teams. Good job. Thanks for letting my group stay at your place for two nights in a row man.

THO- Dude you are so chill. I had good times playing against you man. You helped me step up my game in B+ so I could pretend to come back on Yay in the GFs. I definitely hope to see you around more.

Oh yeah foxysis- I almost didn't recognize you without your less than flattering hoody. You're pretty cool, and you run better tournaments than Foxy does.

MetaX Kirby- Bro your name is hard to spell without it in front of you lol. GJ in the B+ tournament man, and I hope to see you around much more often.

Spoon- Why not? I mean....GGs bro, hope to see you and lots of **** dished out in the future.

Slasher Bryan dawg bro King- Bro you're getting better, you just gotta stick with things and stay positive. At the very least, give yourself an honest chance until your tournament(I think you'll have a better view of things by then at this rate). Keep hittin em with dat beak shot.

Eman and Arvy bro- wut.

Audi- Great meeting you man. Your Marth really surprised me. There is no Falco goofing off in our matches anymore lol. Keep rapin man, and I hope to see you around much more often.

Ph00t- Was it good? Btw I wanted **** too. Oh yeah and f*ck that Dereck story lol.

Bill- Don't be mad bro. <3

Ace- Bro Rankings all dai. Your Ganon is eatin a little pasta these days, and it's lookin pretty tasty(you should know what this means lol). That set with Yay was epic man. Quit it with those B moves and you can start winnin sets like that. XD

GofG- Good stuff in teams finals bro. I'm really sorry we didn't get to friendly. I think both of us could've benefited from it.

BEHR- Don't quit singles bro. It helps your teams game, I promise. Work on reading your opponent man. I think you already have your tech down.

Zero- Why didn't anyone wake you up????

Vilt- Don't quit bro. You're really cool man. I'll see if I can help you out.....sometime soon.

Mask- You're back! As much as I'm sure you hate it, I don't mind at all. =p For real though, good shiz in singles and teams(inexperience aside), and I think you just missed your daily doses of Catfish in some loses. It's okay, we'll build you back up.

Smithy- You're loud. That's ok though. "Hey guys I'm sprintin durrrrrrrrr"

Southern Pines- Sorry I didn't play you at Karn's. I get carried away with Yay haha. Hate that you guys couldn't make Foxy's though.

Keith- Did you like Yay? XDDD

Corey- I don't know if ZSS/Marth is even a good team lol. Ah well, we did our best. Uthrow -> Falcon Punch. Catfish approves.

The Kids- You guys make every trip much more fun. Thanks for being cool.

Jim- Good shiz on teams with Twitch. Keep gunnin for that #4 spot bro. I think you can take it, but it will be tough.

Stongers- I considered not giving you a shoutout since you were too happy about my last one, but this is probably better than not saying anything. Your Jiggz needs to be gayer. Btw we'll get Christina when she least expects it....

Twitch- Green Greens for make me awesome tier. What's that? I would hear your johning but you're too JaFAR away. XDD

Everlasting Yayuhz aka the man aka SC the whole state aka the man of favorable action- Bro you're really f*ckin smart lol. Good shiz comin up and makin this tournament awesome. The friendlies on Friday *****, and our teams and singles matches were too good(well, the non Falco ditto ones were =p). You had me crackin up all of the time, and I really enjoyed hangin with you. Please please PLEASE come back soon and **** some more fools. XD Oh yeah, you gave Keith the business LOL. DAAAAAT AAAAAAAAAAAAA$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ yuh

Christina- We need to play. Hollaaaaaaa

Foxymom- Nice nightgown.

Girls that I didn't know at the tournament- can I haz yo numba?

People I forget- My bad. I can edit you in if you remind me.

Everyone- this tournament rocked because of you.

everlasting yayuhzz

Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
swaggin' to da maxxx


PP - You're too smart. I thought you had me in Brawl+, but I cooled down and thought about what I did a bit more and pulled it through. You're too good at Melee.

Dark Hart - HEY LUCAS........................................... What's up? BRETTEH GUHD MITCHO!

Twitch - **** GREEN GREENS. You're getting too good. I still hate you for that CP though. *******.

Ace - I won't ever sleep on your Ganon again, lol. First match I won pretty convincingly and decided to start screwing around a bit and then you almost beat me. Too goodz.

Karn - Thanks for housing me. You're pretty GUHD. BRETTEH GUHD. I also heard you were flexible?

Foxy - The Stars of Justice lives on in us.

Smith - ...dat ***

David/THO - You look like a Spartan. Make love to me.

Malk - Where were you? ;_; I needed you Malk 'n cookie! How big is is your ***** again? Big right?

Knorr - Where were YOU?! You sexy beast. You make me...

Foxysis - Wanna cuddle? I'm mad cute. Did I just make a pass at you?

Bill/NC-Echo - Good matches in Brawl+, you're too good. Also, your serious face is too epic.

ph00t - AIM chat all dai! Good matches in Brawl+, nublet.

Vilt - Learn to capitalize things correctly, you cute mofo.

BEHR - I like to trash talk you. You know I lub u tho.

LOZR/Jonsey - Where were you at? You catsfish mofo.

Corey - You're too cool broseph. You and your twenty pounds of equipment. We should hang out more often.

Jim/Stongers - We're Gods son, they should worship us.

Black *** apes who were let in - Homer isn't impressed.

GofG - We beat yo ***** in team's finals. GET RAEP'D NYUKKA. It was some **** out of a horror movie.

Everyone who I schooled in Melee/Brawl+ - I took you guys to school. LEARN SOMETHIN'.

Anyone who plays Falcon or Ganon - I approve.

Whoever kept cutting the cheese and smelling everything up - ...

Everlasting Yayuhzz - Your Link is so good, lucky you didn't pull him out or you would've swept everything.


Smash Hero
Oct 24, 2007

Mike- You are my baby.Im sorry for letting you down in teams. ): I will do better next time and I dont care what anybody says me and you gave PP and Yay the most competition in teams on Floats. Are next team name is I love my Momma.

Ace-Good set man and Im leaving to NJ Next week.

Blitz- Dude its what I do when I meet newcomers I cant wait to see you again. You are mad chill.

PP-**** you

Yay- I cant play with you behind me man.


Jim-Amy thought I was cuter. <3

Sarah- So cute. <3

Amy- Lets hook up

Smith-You have bad accents.

Keith- You are awesome.

Jon- Jumpin On *****z

Twitch- Too Good.

anyone else my bad. <3

Im so much better at teams I might just do Melee teams now. @_@

and they are so fun.


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
ph00t - McDonalds man. We need to get derick over here for some smash bros. he invented wavedashing @.@

Smith - Quiet down plz x.x

Karn - Brad Neely is so **** funny :laugh:

PP - Thanks for the ride @.@ I love driving with you. Don't go to college and leave me without rides please

Amy - SMD

Christine - Foxy is a little *****, keeping you away from the tournament cuz you wanted my ****. its straight tho, we have next time

Foxy - SMD

Foxy - smashing with you at alexs was fun. love/hate

yay - LMAO your the funniest smasher ive ever met. just stop sandbaggin in matches. im takin you up on that offer to take me to TO5 btw :chuckle:

slasher king - sorry I gayed you on kongo jungle with jiggs

twitch - i'll get you next time

bill - teams was fun, we did aight

mask - sup
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