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For Science!!

Mike G

███████████████ 100%
Oct 3, 2002
The Salt Mines, GA
Thomas. It's not "Case Closed" Yet

I just thought about it and it will fail. If I were to Photoshop my sig to my liking, wouldn't that defeat the actual purpose of the message?

I mean, who will actually read the message once the sig is "enhanced"

Mike G

███████████████ 100%
Oct 3, 2002
The Salt Mines, GA
lol She's actually facing us, actually. The cut off makes it hard to tell.

But that's what I'm getting at. I am considering creating a better sig with the same idea but only with a girl thats already naturally enhanced with southern qualities. What would be the point to even add words if you yourself find difficulty reading the sig as it is currently?

I present to you:

A: Yes it's prolly shopped to death(proportions are off imo) but be honest. How long did it take you read the Text?

Boob...er B:

see A or w/e

pretty much...

So yeah, it just seems like fail either way.

Mike G

███████████████ 100%
Oct 3, 2002
The Salt Mines, GA
I will still make a better sig in the near future and will run a survey to find out how many guys on SWF(this will be also difficult since most of SWF is gay lol) actually read the text or how long it took to read.

For Science!


Smash Master
May 18, 2008
Cave of Olmec
I will still make a better sig in the near future and will run a survey to find out how many guys on SWF(this will be also difficult since most of SWF is gay lol) actually read the text or how long it took to read.

For Science!
I read all the texts pretty quick tbh.

Mike G

███████████████ 100%
Oct 3, 2002
The Salt Mines, GA
I will still make a better sig in the near future and will run a survey to find out how many guys on SWF(this will be also difficult since most of SWF is gay lol) actually read the text or how long it took to read.


doot doot doot
Feb 15, 2005
Usually not playing Brawl. Location: Enterprise
The girl in the current sig is probably like 13 or something. I figured she was facing forward mostly because the skirt seems a bit longer in the "back," since, under different/better circumstances(whichever adjective you prefer) that extra length would be put to use.

My question is why do you even bother having a fLatbottomed girl when I'm not looking at the text in the first place? They do not make the rockin world go round. Might as well have someone who I can easily tell which direction she's facing, if the text is useless anyway.

The pics of women not in their natural habitat were pretty good, definite step up from the pedobearism in your sig currently. Though I'm curious who let them go outside--or whose kitchen is that big?

BikeLee said:
I will still make a better sig in the near future and will run a survey to find out how many guys on SWF(this will be also difficult since most of SWF is gay lol) actually read the text or how long it took to read.
For Science!
Well you shouldn't poll the peach boards, that will probably help. The other potential problem is the number of people on smashboards who don't read.

Science is a wonderful thing.

Also threads for individual members aren't allowed. You should like change the title or something. >_> Always on the job.

Mike G

███████████████ 100%
Oct 3, 2002
The Salt Mines, GA
While the age of the person in the pic can be questioned, that is not the actual point of the sig. You're looking too far into the person than message which is comparing forum post to a skirt and not the person wearing said skirt.

I have also received positive feed back in that regard as well. People commenting on how much "truth" the words in sig holds rather than the girl in question.

Mike G's sig is truth.
<3 my boi Mike G

dat sig is truffff

There is definite truth in what the message displays but not much info is given on the girl. Some girls can still look 13 even when they're 18 or maybe 20 and vice versa.

The females in exhibit A and B are a step up in the visual department and though I'm not sure who let them out the kitchen, I respect the person(s) for giving them at least some form of break between kitchen and ironing duties.

I already considered both peach boards to be a dead end for this experiment which is why I'll begin doing my research on the Super Smash Brothers Melee Douglas J. Falcon section and then Roy of Pharae and Ganondorf Dragmire of Gerudo respectfully.

ATTN: "Atlantic South" it is then lol


doot doot doot
Feb 15, 2005
Usually not playing Brawl. Location: Enterprise
While the message compares a post to a skirt, it compares the "subjects" of the two as well. Thus, the skirt is "about" its subject. Just like in any post, we should not be concerned with the individual words or surface covering, but rather what lies behind it.

With that rational, why should I not be concerned for the girl in the picture? She seems awfully marginalized to me--you do not seem to care whether she is 13 or 20. I wonder if her man ever allows her out of that green speckled bedroom?

My concern for the point being made in the signature is also apparent: I truly believe the underlying point could be made more effective by a more interesting subject. It may also benefit from an overall "improvement" as well. I definitely do not think it will become less truthiful with a different subject.

I agree that those forums would be a better place to start than the peach boards, but you may skew the results the other way. I am concerned about the illiteracy levels of forums than can do little more than yell "JYES," "HAZ FIRE," and "THE PUNCH." I would have the same concern for forums that "Fight for their friends."

But we must start somewhere. No science is perfect.

Mike G

███████████████ 100%
Oct 3, 2002
The Salt Mines, GA
Hmm. Yes, I see your point.

Putting all that into consideration, I will use another female in my experiment who's age(18+) will be confirmed beforehand by a credible source or by Atlantic South Members. This will be done in order to try and obtain the most accurate results in my experiment.

Furthermore, I will compile a list of a few (appropriate)"skirt pictures" and we'll decide which is the best one to use for this experiment.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
Also threads for individual members aren't allowed. You should like change the title or something. >_> Always on the job.
>Social room : You can post anything that's on your mind

>You really cant post anything that's on your mind

Also, Mike. Your text is hard to read, any way. And your sig is so NOT revealing, I am not really drawn to look.


Mike G

███████████████ 100%
Oct 3, 2002
The Salt Mines, GA
@ above posts: Isn't that why I'm going to make a new sig?

The text will be easier to read in the new version so there will be no johns in the experiment.


Deleted member

What's this thread about? I fully took time to read all the content looked at the pictures.

What's with the pictures with the men Mike? Dealbreaker...

Mike G

███████████████ 100%
Oct 3, 2002
The Salt Mines, GA
So you're implying that you took the time to look at the pics of men rather than reading the thread content?

Am I reading that correctly? lol

j/k lol

Deleted member

Mike where is that signature booty of yours?

It disappeared..


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
I'm sure SWF wouldn't have a problem with this

Even if the legs are wide open.

Because this site is sexist. :mad:
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