Since i am the best marth in the world and i care about my friends(all you guys) ive decided to share some info with you people so that you can perhaps get good enough to beat me one day and not die becaues of the following. It doesnt DIRECTLY apply to smash but when the revo smash comes out, it will apply tons.
Man dies after 50-hour gaming marathon
A 28-year-old South Korean man who began a marathon online gaming session August 3 died just after 50 hours of nearly nonstop gaming, according to a Reuters report. Identified by authorities only by his surname of Lee, the man only left his online battle simulation games to go to the bathroom. Lee had apparently quit his job recently to play more games. The cause of death was presumed to be heart failure stemming from exhaustion. The event is sadly reminiscent of previous gaming marathon deaths in South Korea and Taiwan.
By Sam Parker -- GameSpot
POSTED: 08/09/05 - 05:19pm
South Korean dies in marathon game session
A 24-year-old South Korean man dies after 86 hours of straight gaming without food or sleep.
According to an Associated Press report, South Korean police said today that a man has died after an 86-hour gaming marathon. The incident occurred at an Internet café in a town 160 miles southwest of Seoul, where the man, who was unemployed, had been "virtually glued" to a computer since Friday, skipping sleep and meals. The man collapsed near the café's counter and was later found dead in the restroom. Many Internet cafés in South Korea are open 24 hours a day.
By Sam Parker -- GameSpot
POSTED: 10/09/02 08:21 PM PST
New casualty of marathon gaming
A 27-year-old Taiwanese man has collapsed and died after playing games for 32 hours straight.
For the second time this month, there's a report of a death linked to a marathon gaming session. According to a report cited on Blue's News, the new incident occurred last Thursday in an Internet café in Taiwan, where a 27-year-old man played games for 32 hours before collapsing. Police said the man died from exhaustion as a result of having stayed in the same position too long.
By Sam Parker -- GameSpot
POSTED: 10/23/02 04:54 PM PST
The reason why i put this on here is to show u that their are morons on this planet that do dumb shizit like the above info! And im afraid that one of you might do this(when the new SSB comes out, or maybe even SSBM). Becaues ii posted all of that stuff,yall will thank me one day! i truly am a GREAT marth.....dont yall wish u were like me?