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Fludd - is it worth it?

Jul 13, 2008
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
i dont no if fludd is a good edgegaurdin move. i charge it up everytime i take a stock of my enemy but when i knock them off the stage and theyre recoverin i use fludd 2 slow down theyre recovery 2 follow up with somethin and they just dodge right through it. then im left wonderin 'is it worth it?' if any mario mains can gimme some pointers on usin fludd id really appreciate it.


Creator of delicious desserts
Feb 23, 2008
First off...... can you please fix your punctuation and spelling when you post next time? It would really help people reading it to better understand and help you. ;) Thanks! ^__^

Anyway, Mario's F.L.U.D.D works with varied results on gimping different character's recoveries. It would work well on recoveries such as Ike's, Kirby's ( Final Cutter), Wolf's, Falco's, Fox's, Mario and maybe a few others.

But with Peach's, Snake's, and others are barely affected. ;)

You should be sure which characters to use F.L.U.D.D against and which characters you should be using something else.

Then again... I'm not a Mario main, so what do I know? Either way, I hope I helped in the slightest! ^__^

If anyone finds something wrong, feel free to correct me or add something to my explanation. ;)


Smash Ace
Apr 13, 2008
It also works on Luigi's recoveries too. Oblique (a friend who uses Mario) says that FLUDD on your back makes Mario heavier and short hopping easier and more effective, but i am not too sure about that myself.

mario brawler

Smash Journeyman
Dec 30, 2007
Playing Brawl until I have a seizure,nah im kiddin
for fludds best results use it after you cape some ones second jump,OR when they are already in free fall
certain characters just die no matter what as stated above ike,kirby's up-b,the star fox crew,link,ganon,C.Falcon ect.
I beleive their is already a gimping thread that can help you on these boards


Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD
i dont no if fludd is a good edgegaurdin move. i charge it up everytime i take a stock of my enemy but when i knock them off the stage and theyre recoverin i use fludd 2 slow down theyre recovery 2 follow up with somethin and they just dodge right through it. then im left wonderin 'is it worth it?' if any mario mains can gimme some pointers on usin fludd id really appreciate it.
Fludd is definitely worth it, it just takes a little creativity on your part to make it effective. It's not an insta-gimp, however, and usually must be followed up with a cape or something that'd screw your opponent up. Keep in mind that it must be charged more on some fights more than others because of how effective it'd be against each opponent.

Also remember its uses. For example, from capeglide, as a recovery option, and for jumping out after your opponent before they'd be in normal Fludding range. Some characters are affected by Fludd for reasons other than gimping and edgeguarding. For example, what Peachy said pretty much hit the nail on the head in who is vulnerable to it (don't forget Ness and Lucas) because of how effective it is on their recovery. Characters like Peach, Kirby, and Luigi who have powerful aerial games because of how floaty they are, can be thoroughly screwed because an uncharged (best half-charged) Fludd can hurt approach and spacing and can allow for easy punishment.
Jul 13, 2008
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
First off...... can you please fix your punctuation and spelling when you post next time? It would really help people reading it to better understand and help you. ;) Thanks! ^__^
no prob ill do that next time

Oblique (a friend who uses Mario) says that FLUDD on your back makes Mario heavier and short hopping easier and more effective, but i am not too sure about that myself.
i heard that 2 but what i heard is it makes u slightly heavier on vertical knockback only. not sure bout s hops ill have 2 test that out. thanx 4 the info

for fludds best results use it after you cape some ones second jump,OR when they are already in free fall
certain characters just die no matter what as stated above ike,kirby's up-b,the star fox crew,link,ganon,C.Falcon ect.
I beleive their is already a gimping thread that can help you on these boards
thanx 4 the info


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
FLUDD is certainly not close to cheap, but it's worth using.

The one thing it can do consistently is force someone on the ground to the ledge, which can limit someone's options. Against some recoveries, you can mess up spacing and capitalize on errors, which is nice too.

It also increases Mario's fall speed a bit which helps against vertical kills.


Smash Rookie
Aug 23, 2008
Mario's F.L.U.D.D is very useful for Mario's metagame. You can get a cape gimp easier using the F.L.U.D.D. Example:

Ness get's owned by the F.L.U.D.D. While he's trying to recover with PKT F.L.U.D him and quickly cape him, sometimes you don't have to even cape him to get him to mess up his recovery. That's how effective the F.L.U.D.D is on Ness/ Lucas.

This works on other characters as well, but not as near as effective as using it on Ness/Lucas.

Jul 13, 2008
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
FLUDD is certainly not close to cheap, but it's worth using.

The one thing it can do consistently is force someone on the ground to the ledge, which can limit someone's options.
fludd can also b blocked

Remember, FLUDD also has uses when the opponent is on the stage as well. I mean, ruining an aerial approach that ends in an F Smash to the face is always nice.
it certainly sounds nice. ill try that. thanx


Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2007
Ansonia, CT
listen guys my main point of this was 2 see peoples opinion of how effective the fludd+cape combo is near the ledge now that the fludd can easily be dodged
If they come back and they're close to the stage, just edgeguard them with bair when their invincibility frames run out. If they're not, you could use bair and then cape stall to make it more difficult. That's what I would do. To cape stall, just cape in the opposite direction that Mario's facing and then you're good. :)


Smash Champion
Jun 12, 2006
Orange County, CA
I use FLUDD to mess around for the most part. Only time I really ever use it consistently is against Ness/Lucas, as it destroys their recovery.. and I only FLUDD if I'm too far to Cape.


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2008
FLUDD > Lucas/Ness.
Saving your double jump, and being smart with PKT2>Fludd.

And anyone who thinks Mario can gimp Lucas is an idiot. (im not going to go in depth but, his recovery is really good. Outside the scrub box, he can use a B-sticked PKF, and reverse magnet pull to fly high horizontally and vertically. He also has PKT2 superior speed.

Your supposed to be a smash director dude.


Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD
Saving your double jump, and being smart with PKT2>Fludd.

And anyone who thinks Mario can gimp Lucas is an idiot. (im not going to go in depth but, his recovery is really good. Outside the scrub box, he can use a B-sticked PKF, and reverse magnet pull to fly high horizontally and vertically. He also has PKT2 superior speed.

Your supposed to be a smash director dude
Why would you say that? Seriously, there are better ways of delivering this kind of information; ways that don't include passive-aggressive insult.

And we've been through this, Mario can edgeguard Ness easily largely because of Fludd beating out your third jump. This remains fact, regardless of how well you time your DJ or PKT2, Fludd is bad for your recovery. This is the only point he was trying to make. Not that Ness/Lucas can't recover or anything like that, but gimping is definitely a problem for Ness.


Smash Champion
Jun 12, 2006
Orange County, CA
Saving your double jump, and being smart with PKT2>Fludd.

And anyone who thinks Mario can gimp Lucas is an idiot. (im not going to go in depth but, his recovery is really good. Outside the scrub box, he can use a B-sticked PKF, and reverse magnet pull to fly high horizontally and vertically. He also has PKT2 superior speed.

Your supposed to be a smash director dude.
No GOOD Marios that I know of uses FLUDD before a character uses their second jump when they're edge guarding. I don't even use my FLUDD on Ness/Lucas unless I see them in the PK Thunder animation. So, let me restate that, being smart with the FLUDD > Ness/Lucas.

My main doubles partner mains Lucas, and we play each other a lot... I can easily gimp him when he's off the stage, easy, but the problem is, getting him OFF the stage. Lucas has decent recovery, but not as good as you state. I've seen my friend frustrate people at local tournies due to his recovery. The reverse magnet pull is pretty easy to see coming, and bair > reverse magnet pull. And, how can he pull off PKT2 if I use Mario's many different ways to prevent that, from cape, to FLUDD, to just aerials?

Yeah, I'm a Smash Director... your point being..? I used to host tournaments, therefore, I get to be a director ^^


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
so kanzaki i should use fludd on my enemys 3rd jump(u b)?
Depends on what character.

Recoveries it does really well on (meaning you usually don't have to follow up with anything for a successful gimp): Ganondorf (both methods), Captain Falcon, Ike (both methods), Mario, Link, Ness, Lucas, Diddy Kong (Rocket barrel method), Zelda (Din's Fire method), Kirby (cutter method), Metaknight (Dimensional cape method) Olimar, Zero Suit Samus, Ivysaur, Fox (both methods), Falco (both methods), Wolf (both methods), Wario (corkscrew method), and Luigi (Super Jump method).

Sets up for an easy cape or aerial attack counter when timed right: Luigi (Luigi Missle method), Peach (both methods), Bowser, DK, Yoshi, Zelda (Farore's wind), Shiek, Toon Link, Samus (screw attack method), Ice Climbers (both methods), Kirby (hammer method), Metaknight (shuttle loop if done right after the slash), King Dedede, Captain Falcon (raptor boost method), Pikachu (both methods), Squirtle (waterfall method), Charizard (glide and fly methods), Lucario, Jigglypuff (pound method), and Marth (both methods).

Doesn't work that great against: Luigi (Luigi Tornado method), Wario (Chopper method), Samus (bomb method), Pit, ROB, Kirby (multiple jump method), Metaknight (tornado and drill method), King Dedede (multiple jump method), Jigglypuff (multiple jump method), Mr. Game and Watch, Snake, and Sonic (all methods).


Smash Champion
Feb 26, 2008
Orlando (UCF)
Heck, the Ness/Lucas don't even need to be recovering for you to destroy them. They can be using PK flash/freeze or PKT on stage and you can push them to their deaths, same with most moves that put you into a helpless state (din's...nikita...you know)

I think we can all agree though that new mario tornado Dair>melee nearly useless spin Dair. I never even used tornado in melee and mario was my second so a water gun is fine with me and getting a kill with it is oh so satisfying.


Smash Hero
Jan 7, 2007
where ever I please,im a f***in boss!!
this is when mindgames come in........at low percents when there off the edge returning yes spray them....but dont follow up do like a fakeout jump towards your opponent....he may/maynot airdodge......giving you a free grab/free smash attack.......


Legacy of the Mario
Aug 3, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
Melee Dair with L Canceling > Brawl Dair + Fludd.
Gotta agree there. FLUDD is pretty useful in situations, but I would've just preferred that they returned the Smash64 version of Mario Tornado (that one was generally useful, right?)


Smash Apprentice
Sep 9, 2008
Round Rock, TX
I just like to annoy people w/ the FLUDD...I found a funny use for it: throw Wario's bike in the air and spray it to bounce it towards him lol. **** near impossible to get away with in competitive play, but fun to mess with. Pointless stuff like that makes FLUDD my favorite move :colorful:

Judge Judy

Smash Lord
May 18, 2008
It ***** G&W, that's good enough reason for me to use it. It also works very well on some recoveries. It's got some situational instant kills too. The main problem with FLUDD is it's a pain to aim, and it takes a **** load of practice to get good enough to use it well in competive play.


Smash Champion
Jan 15, 2008
On the Runway
It ***** G&W, that's good enough reason for me to use it. It also works very well on some recoveries. It's got some situational instant kills too. The main problem with FLUDD is it's a pain to aim, and it takes a **** load of practice to get good enough to use it well in competive play.
Lol, play a few hours of Mario Sunshine and you'll be a pro at aiming FLUDD in Brawl.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 9, 2008
the only good thing about fludd is to edgeguard
i'm guessing you don't main mario at all..... FLUDD is also great for negating the motion for a lot of approaches. Within that gap, you can quickly rushin with any move. At higher percentages, this makes an easy set up for a kill.

Alot of projectiles can be pushed or canceled with fludd too which is great against certain pro players such as samus, or snake. ie full charged fludd cancels full charge beam shot from samus, and in snakes case, he can't really get too careless with dropping grenades because they can be pushed directly towards him.

Charging the animation and cancelling it with any defensive move can add to your mindgames pocket, as it greatly does mine to reduce staleness and repeticious moves.

Pushing people who miss a tech, free fall animation idle moves/shield break, or people who roll or jump back on stage can be pushed off the edge with FLuDD, very useful for adding pressure against an opponent.

A fully charged fludd can help you sweet spot to the edge if falling from above. ie, marth, who has a sword, can approach you with arials which of course has more priority over marios moves, to avoid being ko'd, you can push marth back and grab the edge...

I dunno, in my case, using FLUDD has a multitude of purposes, practice with it and you'll learn to appreciate it like i do. I can still think of a couple of more common/rare uses for fludd, but i dunno, i hate rambling....:ohwell:


Smash Journeyman
Jun 1, 2008
Depending on the character mostly. If they have a garbage jump and recovery and are at the edge of the stage grounded i'll use it just to push them off unexpectedly by using the fludd, because they are more vulnerable off stage recovering then I. Fludds what you choose to make out it, it's effects are very awkward. Espensially the no charged fludd against somebody who SH'd you're way planning on getting offensive.
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