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Flavorless Mafia III: Game Over. Who Won?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Votecount 1.6

1. Maven: Kary, Pokechu
2. UtopianPoyzin: Giraffelasergun, Raxxel
3. Raxxel
4. Z25
5. Giraffelasergun: UtopianPoyzin, Pythag
6. Pythag: Maven
7. Pokechu: Z25
8. Kary
9. Bessie

Not Voting

Important Game Links
Game Links and Vote Counts

Prodding Maven.

*= Currently being replaced
^= V/LA

With 9 players, it takes 5 votes to lynch
The deadline for Day 1 is March 11, at 11:59 PM EST.
Last edited:


Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 10, 2018
Not sure, I’ll get back to you when I find out.
Switch FC
SW 1975-0838-2970
UtopianPoyzin UtopianPoyzin it's nice you posted something, but I don't see any explanation for why you voted GLG in the first place, in your post #72.
At that point in time, GLG had posted nothing that stood out as particularly townie, and nothing since then has caused me to change my vote. A blind squirrel can write a good post once in a while, which is what happened today from GLG. May vote for Z25 instead.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
At that point in time, GLG had posted nothing that stood out as particularly townie, and nothing since then has caused me to change my vote. A blind squirrel can write a good post once in a while, which is what happened today from GLG. May vote for Z25 instead.
I still don't really understand why you put GLG on blast, describing him as 'useless', when Maven is in this game, but whatever.


Hipster Heavyweight Champ
Jul 3, 2014
I didn't ask Pokechu because I wanted you to answer.
Now you've ruined the interaction between me and him by easing the pressure and giving him a free answer.
You're basically just hurting the town saying this lol

I voted for someone and got zero response or support and so I changed my vote. How is that contradictory?
I felt like their post answered itself already, and frankly the fact that they hadn't answered you for a while after you asked was driving me up a wall since I felt I knew the answer. It's the same feeling of knowing the answer to a math problem and not being able to just shout it out loud because everyone else wants to work it out for themselves.

I apologize though. It was indeed not my place to be answering that.

As for the part about what I found contradictory, I just wouldn't have taken you as the type to step down from pressuring someone that I gather you have a scumread on.
Here’s some things that I found notable in my initial read.

This feels to me like setting up an early excuse for bad reads.

How is this defending UP? Raxxel is literally claiming they are scum together. And why didn’t you switch your vote?

Can you clarify? Are you referring to games where you were town or mafia? I have not played with you before, but I don’t see how you can believe this is true. For most players, behavior will likely not be the same as town or as mafia, even though the differences may be subtle. If everyone always played consistently regardless of alignment, we would have no use for the day phases, other than to report night results and vote.

So at what point in the game do you start taking content seriously?

You actually considered that perhaps Kary believed you were claiming mafia roleblocker in your opening post? And just to be clear, your vote for Kary was serious and not RVS?

Why don’t you formulate your own reads?

So from this I assume you have been scum in your six immediately preceding games? I think that from your content on this page and by linking to the Law of Averages, you are trying to distract everyone by drawing attention to the unlikelihood of being scum seven times in a row (see Gambler’s Fallacy).

Ok, if we’re actually playing, please explain this actual vote.

What makes you think ZestOfLife is an inexperienced player? There was no information about past experience, except that this player might have played on MafiaScum, see post #18. This seems to me as you trying to look good by defending the new player, but at the same time leaving yourself an excuse to join a wagon, should one form.

Please do. You have very little other content.

So do you always rely heavily on meta in your reads?

How do you know this?

I don’t agree. I don't like to discard any content because I often find that there was something useful on the first page of a game, if I was smart enough to see it as such.

So why were you lurking instead of posting?

I don’t see this as anyone putting their neck on the line. Perhaps they’re just trying to generate some content among the plethora of active lurking that is going on in this game.

Post #174, I feel that this argument by Z25 defending his vote is weak.

This is not necessarily true. An experienced player is usually harder to read than a new player. An unknown player is unknown, and may turn out to be quite easy to read, if they are new. So are you a gut player, or do you rely heavily on meta for your reads? I am not clear from your posts, in post #37 you say “I’m really much more of a gut player” but in post #44 you say “I think I base my gut off of the meta” and then go on to say that your gut was on Raxxel in your previous game based but you cleared him on meta.
Well, for firsts, I didn't really address ZestOfLife directly at all in my post. I feel like your question answers itself though. Why would I assume he had much experience when I lack information on said experience? It would be like sitting someone down for a game of chess without asking if they actually know the rules.
Here is the GLG Iso 'N More™

Everything is going to be rated either "useless" or "not".

Useless ^

Potentially debatable, but nothing extraordinary. Scum can also say that Raxxel is a little sus. I gain nothing from this post. +Useless

Useless ^

Useless ^

Not. Let's look at this post some more.

"The line of questioning being about how people will read him based off of the last game did seem to be self preservation at first until he explained it, but I think self preservation seems to be a common thing for newbies to do regardless of alignment."

While I do agree with the last bit here, my interpretation is that Raxxel is playing with a lot more confidence, which is fantastic in my opinion. They were able to joke around early on about how Pythag was immediately cleared because he posted a meme, which is a far cry from how they used to play. And I don't fault Raxxel at all here; they now have participated in several games, and I do believe that they know what they are doing, and are well aware about the implications of self-preservation. I personally wouldn't judge the above comment as an attempt at self-preservation; instead, I view it to be a notice that they are planning on changing their game style, and were curious whether people would see this change as "against the meta". I'd love to hear more from cool, calm, and collected Raxxel. ("Oooh but you're defending Raxxel". I did a similar thing in MMA after I had a few games under my belt. Granted I was scum there, but it was how I planned on playing that game anyway.) I'm harping here a ton because I don't think there's much to harp on in general. A lot of filler in my opinion.

"They asked about how our meta compares which leads me to believe they are experienced. Are you worried about their experience in regards to your lylo fear, or is it more that you want players in lylo that you feel you can Meta read better?"

Useless ^

"I don't like that Zest has only made one post. I'd be fine with lynching them today if they don't get more active."

Eww, a D1 inactive lynch for a slot that appears will be replaced. Yucky. This also comes off of their previous comment of:

"They asked about how our meta compares which leads me to believe they are experienced. Are you worried about their experience in regards to your lylo fear, or is it more that you want players in lylo that you feel you can Meta read better?"

A lot of this stems from the brewing of paranoia that a slot that we haven't played with can single-handedly throw the game for town, which I disagree with. While it would be useful to know a player's history, lynching a slot under the premise that it "could be ambiguous" in the future seems premature and, if I can say it, a way to fearmonger townies to get rid of a slot that hasn't acted particularly scummy.

Debatable, but I feel like a lot of the stuff here could be faked. There is nothing that spurs me with "that's a townie reaction". I recuse to comment on the first bit, the second bit is a touch of self defense, and seems to try to get Pythag to slip up with a contradiction. I also recuse to comment on the last bit. This is probably his best post though.

Useless ^
Attacking an obvious beginning joke post for being "useless" is definitely odd. That aside, it's a decent ISO, and I like that it differs from what I did last game by being more aggressive. Regarding the takeaway from the meta question, I guess I brought it upon myself somewhat, but I don't like that people think I asked because I wondered what they thought about me in particular. I asked in regards to myself only because I wanted to add the layer of a potential scum player among the 4 of you having to think of a response that I would be satisfied with, without it being overtly appeasing to me. The question was for the sake of pressure more than it was obtaining knowledge.

Other than that, you seem to have taken a tone shift towards me. I feel that's worth looking at when I get my ass out of bed tomorrow.

I'll unvote you for now though. I would vote Maven because I want to drag him back into this, but he has two votes on him already and with 5 people being all it takes to lynch him, I don't care to potentially open the door for the 2 scum players, if they're not Kary or Pokechu, to hit the kill button.



Hipster Heavyweight Champ
Jul 3, 2014
also you do not understand how disappointed I am that the image uploader has failed us once again I had the perfect thing to attach to my reply to UP's ISO god DAMMIT


Hipster Heavyweight Champ
Jul 3, 2014
I still don't really understand why you put GLG on blast, describing him as 'useless', when Maven is in this game, but whatever.
Do you believe filler is worth more than inactivity?


May 7, 2007
Okay that's fair.
Can you make a comparison to Fire & Lightning mafia? GLG was scum and you were town that game.
1. Hey! I did play a game with pokechu. It was this one. I certainly don't remember pokechu's exuberance.
2. That game was a disaster and a half, I had no idea what I was thinking for like, any of it.
3. GLG could easily look like town in that game because scum had to scumhunt as well, though from my cursory glance, I don't know if he ever found his scummate 'scummy' once. (it almost looks like they don't even talk in the thread)
4. Pokechu actually nailed GLG in that game for being inactive (though no one followed), so perhaps I'm wrong about his argument about activity with z25 being pointless. Or maybe Pokechu was a broken clock twice a day.

GLG didn't have much of a presence in the Fire and Lightening game, though of note as scum, it looks like he didn't interact with his partner even once in the thread. I don't know if that's strategic or simply from his lack of involvement in general.

F&L looks like he just asked questions, would only respond when pinged, and would then just kinda coast.
He hasn't been as question-y this game I suppose, but Bessie has posted like twice and I would say has had more presence. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


May 7, 2007
@UP what's wrong with an inactive lynch D1? You'd rather have those in later days?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2020
He voted for me for voting for UP, that seems like defending someone to me.

Know was the wrong word to use here, but I don't think any player would in their opening post be serious and say "we are the scum team"
Just because you wouldn’t do it, doesn’t mean someone else wouldn’t. But I will table this for now, because I don’t have any examples readily available.

An invalid vote would count as not voting, yes. For example, a vote on Ranmaru or Xiivi is invalid. Yet if you vote a player and misspell it, it'll be counted.

Ignore this. After discussing this with my co-mod, we'll simply handle it by counting as if the vote never changed to keep things simple. To act along this, I'll be changing Maven's vote to what he had previously.
I would say that was non-standard on this site, but on the other hand I can't point to any autoritative standard that we have in place. It tends to be more an individual mod's ruling. Mostly commenting to suggest you tag ranmaru ranmaru and @Xivii directly.
Interesting. Since it does seem to be something that is non-standard, I am unable to determine from this whether or not Maven “knew” that voting for Xivii would count as an unvote.

Maven89 Maven89 , are you aware that you are voting for Pythag (see mod ruling Post #230)?

Since I have your attention, I would like to hear what makes you town read Pokechu, if there's anything in particular you can point to, for instance.
What makes you think I town read Pokechu? There’s no neutral line on my town-scum list.

Pokechu is not on my radar for today. In the notes I made last night, I have “I like Pokechu” written near the beginning, so it is a general feel from the first couple pages, with no pings from the remainder of their content thus far.

UtopianPoyzin UtopianPoyzin re Post #234: Can you justify your vote in #72 using only content that had been posted at the time of your vote? From the wording of your post #72, this was a serious vote, not RVS. Do you have something more than “useless” (which would be a more valid reason over the entirety of Day 1), like a strong ping, in the first three quotes?

Well, for firsts, I didn't really address ZestOfLife directly at all in my post. I feel like your question answers itself though. Why would I assume he had much experience when I lack information on said experience? It would be like sitting someone down for a game of chess without asking if they actually know the rules.
I don’t know, why did you not just ask ZestOfLife if they had any experience?

Same question to UtopianPoyzin, why did you not ask ZestOfLife directly about his mafia experience? Do you use meta to develop your reads, and do you consider a player’s experience in your reads?


Hipster Heavyweight Champ
Jul 3, 2014
Just because you wouldn’t do it, doesn’t mean someone else wouldn’t. But I will table this for now, because I don’t have any examples readily available.

Interesting. Since it does seem to be something that is non-standard, I am unable to determine from this whether or not Maven “knew” that voting for Xivii would count as an unvote.

Maven89 Maven89 , are you aware that you are voting for Pythag (see mod ruling Post #230)?

What makes you think I town read Pokechu? There’s no neutral line on my town-scum list.

Pokechu is not on my radar for today. In the notes I made last night, I have “I like Pokechu” written near the beginning, so it is a general feel from the first couple pages, with no pings from the remainder of their content thus far.

UtopianPoyzin UtopianPoyzin re Post #234: Can you justify your vote in #72 using only content that had been posted at the time of your vote? From the wording of your post #72, this was a serious vote, not RVS. Do you have something more than “useless” (which would be a more valid reason over the entirety of Day 1), like a strong ping, in the first three quotes?

I don’t know, why did you not just ask ZestOfLife if they had any experience?

Same question to UtopianPoyzin, why did you not ask ZestOfLife directly about his mafia experience? Do you use meta to develop your reads, and do you consider a player’s experience in your reads?
Because I wasn't really talking about Zest in the first place, I was asking Kary about her approach towards new players in general to see if this was something reoccurring with her.


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
I meant that generally. Like if a player is harping on someone that you think is town, even if it's just that one player harping, it might be nice to step in and give your own two cents. If Poy was immediately voting those who even glanced at Zest LOL then that'd be weird. But just putting out your thoughts helps.

Honestly? From what I've seen toDay? Z or Pythag. Z because his arguments against me are just constructed very poorly. I'm mad in the first place cause it's against me LMAO, but I'm even MADDER that it's BAD. Like come on!!! If you're going to vote me, make it GOOD. STOMP me into the ground! Make me cry!! It feels like he just wanted to vote just to vote. See if he could get a real wagon going. Even his #192 terribly misrepresents one of my posts saying I was suggesting a wagon on Maven and that I approve of getting wagons on anyone for the heck of it. In his #174 he said he chose not to post because there's not much to say, but as town shouldn't you try to put more content out regardless? Even if it's asking players their stances on random things (like Poy asking me whether the ends justify the means). Staying silent just because "idk what to post" isn't good for town at all.

And Pythag is me kind of taking a shot in the dark but I feel like throughout the phase they've only been reacting. Like going with the flow. Just there. I think the slot hasn't been proactive enough, I don't get that vibe. lays tarot cards and ouija board out I'm getting a negative aura. He's asked a few questions this phase but they seem to be moreso clarification and not really trying to further a read or a perspective on someone, and overall he hasn't attracted much attention. His vote on GLG seems a bit unprompted considering how he didn't say much about the slot before IIRC. But I think my suspicion is partially due to me not having played with him before.

I'm also OK with T-Rax for the same reason, that I haven't played with them before. I don't feel guilty voting out a stranger ;);) I don't think the slot has done anything overtly scummy but it's D1 so it's too early to say someone's definitely scum and someone has to be the first to bite the bullet. So if Z's out, and Pythag's out, then I'd have to say him because those three players are the ones I'm least confident in. But now that Maven hasn't posted anything besides throwing shade at T-Rax, him too. I'm equally as unsure of Maven and T-Rax. My joke vote has unironically become a possible vote for me! I like when that happens

tl;dr Z, Pythag, T-Rax, or Maven. Z first, the rest in any order really.
I see kary beat me to this but I was going to ask the same thing in regardless to maven. Their was more valid reasoning for him and wanting to vote for me first and foremost because I voted for you isn’t how the game should be played.

I totally get that mindset though and there were multiple times I had the same idea but it’s almost never good. Regardless I see you’ve realized maven makes more sense based on your reasoning.

I think his behavior of vanishing when he was here after being asked questions is a bit of a red flag.

Im unvote for now

but I’m not sure if I want to go in in Maven yet. He’s played a lot like this before and it makes his alignment always harder to gauge.
Not psychopath; INTJ. I almost made this my avatar because I'm also passive aggressive:

View attachment 265278

You are correct, I did not realize I was voting.


Ok, so your’re saying that your behavior was always the same because your alignment was always the same (town)? Thank you for clarifying, I thought perhaps you believed your behavior was always the same regardless of alignment.

My initial gut feeling last night, based on that first read, without a reread:


Maybe that’s what’s wrong, trying to teach yourself to play “right”. Which in itself is scummy, because you’re trying to play like town, instead of just being town (if you are in fact town).

I'm already asking him to explain his vote in #197.

After a quick reread, I'm happy with my current town-scum list, and would vote for any of my bottom three.

giraffelasergun - Pushing for content #121. This was his last post, and he hasn’t been back.

Pythag - A lot of words filling the page but no focus and no scumhunting.

Maven89 - #60 trying to justify his vote for Kary, and also trying to justify unvoting. #83 doesn’t like Raxxel, promises to vote later (why didn’t he just vote when he posted?), and explain and doesn’t. When he does vote, he turns it in to a joke, by immediately voting for Pythag, then Xivii in his next posts.

@Mods, on this site would an invalid vote automatically count as an unvote?

Just want to be clear on the mechanics, I’m trying to figure out if Maven knew is vote for Xivii would remove his vote on Pythag.

Now I'm thinking the scum team could be Maven and Pythag.
This is a side note but I love that avatar it’s adorable. Thanks for the reads list as well.
How is UP linking the post different than when you answer Kary's question to Maven about why he claimed Jailer? I get the rest of the points you're trying to make but this specific one I'm having a bit of an issue with.

I didn't say a Raxxel flip would doesn't impact how I would view UP/s alignment, I just said I wouldn't use Raxxel's opening post in my determination.
Other than this post what do you find scummy about me? The last time you mentioned me you said you agreed with a lot of what I was saying.

None of their content gives me reason to change my vote. He felt the need to say multiple times that he was town, without any prompt. He spent a lot of time talking about his statistical fallacy stuff and posted a read list but hasn't really provided his thoughts behind anything yet.

Why are you voting Maven?
That is fair, I see the difference more in that there’s a lot of games that have been played here and to fetch specific games that included one of the users here alongside pokechu and not everyone else( at least they weren’t the focus) is a bit of an extra mile. Yes there’s a search function but it’s kinda of bad imo. I can never find things despite actual key terms.

With my response to Karry that was something I didn’t need to search for, I had it vaguely in my mind and that potentially would have affected their thought process. Which I wanted to clear up before that happened.

Again neither of these interactions are telling of a alignment completely I just thought them over in the moment.

Right now i am going to reevaluate things with the small content I have to work with this game compared to last.


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
I see kary beat me to this but I was going to ask the same thing in regardless to maven. Their was more valid reasoning for him and wanting to vote for me first and foremost because I voted for you isn’t how the game should be played.

I totally get that mindset though and there were multiple times I had the same idea but it’s almost never good. Regardless I see you’ve realized maven makes more sense based on your reasoning.

I think his behavior of vanishing when he was here after being asked questions is a bit of a red flag.

Im unvote for now

but I’m not sure if I want to go in in Maven yet. He’s played a lot like this before and it makes his alignment always harder to gauge.
This last part got butchered in quotes.

ranmaru ranmaru could a mod potentially fix those broken quotes with edits? I’m on mobile so it got messed up when I was typing


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
I still don't really understand why you put GLG on blast, describing him as 'useless', when Maven is in this game, but whatever.
I haven’t really played games with you before recently, but I’ve gotta five you credit for honest as hell opinions even if it would seem harsh.

Makes mafia really fun


May 7, 2007
I’m a little unnerved by two joke votes that have evolved into “real votes”

Raxxel, thoughts on Bessie?


Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2010
At that point in time, GLG had posted nothing that stood out as particularly townie, and nothing since then has caused me to change my vote. A blind squirrel can write a good post once in a while, which is what happened today from GLG. May vote for Z25 instead.

About to head off to work, I’ll respond to other stuff when I get a chance this afternoon but this felt uncalled for

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
I really stayed up stupid late last night playing this game, but I still have things left to answer today, goddamn. It might help if I stopped listening to kpop bangers and dancing in my chair though. Y'all heard of BTS right? some of that ****'s catchy as hell. Guess I'll stop talking about myself and actually catch up now.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Do you believe filler is worth more than inactivity?
Inactivity is worth nothing.

F&L looks like he just asked questions, would only respond when pinged, and would then just kinda coast.
He hasn't been as question-y this game I suppose, but Bessie has posted like twice and I would say has had more presence. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If we lynch GLG and he flips town where would you look next?

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
What makes you think I town read Pokechu? There’s no neutral line on my town-scum list.
what a ridiculous thing to say.

Pokechu is not on my radar for today. In the notes I made last night, I have “I like Pokechu” written near the beginning, so it is a general feel from the first couple pages, with no pings from the remainder of their content thus far.
You put Pythag in your lynch pool with the reasoning that:

Pythag - A lot of words filling the page but no focus and no scumhunting.
does this same reasoning not also apply to Pokechu?

what is it that distinguishes these two players for you and why is Pokechu the townier one?


May 7, 2007
Do you believe filler is worth more than inactivity?
Your current stance on maven is bizarre with this question to Kary.
Kary obviously thinks inactivity is worth less, as he is voting maven. Why did you ask this question, when you seem to be in agreement now?


May 7, 2007
Whoops, that’s dangers of phone posting.

I thought z25’s post was Rax nvm.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2020
what a ridiculous thing to say.
Explain what is ridiculous about it. Am I required to have two strong town reads, two strong scum reads, and a neutral line in the middle?

does this same reasoning not also apply to Pokechu?

what is it that distinguishes these two players for you and why is Pokechu the townier one?
Interesting the way you worded this. Why did you not ask “what is it that distinguishes these two players for you and why is Pythag the scummier one?”

I have limited time to begin with, and since I came in to this game late, I had even less time for Day 1 analysis and reads. I like to utilize my time by concentrating on my scummiest reads. Then, as time allows, I get to everyone else. Why are you trying so hard to draw my attention away from Pythag and toward Pokechu?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2020
bessie bessie stop being anti-town and answer the question
First, I already told you that my first impression of Pokechu was townie, and that I had no pings from their content. I have almost no notes on them from my initial read through. If I’m still in the game, I will have more time during the night cycle to make some reads. You want me to go through Pokechu’s content and cherry pick a few items I can slap a super townie label on? Sure that would be super easy to do, and would tell you nothing. I did a Day 1 reads list once where for my analysis I scum read and FoS’d everyone in the game. Then, after a half page of annoyed posts from the other players, I used the same content, and in some cases the same examples, to town read everyone, FoS’d the mod for putting no scum roles in the game, and voted no lynch.

So yes, I can cherry pick some examples, if that’s what you want. When I do my detailed read.

Next, how am I being anti town?

I posted an ordered list, which in itself gives a great deal of information as to how I am reading the game. I like ordered lists because it forces you to make a judgment on everyone, even if it is only in relation to anyone else.

Where is your ordered list?

And reply to my post #268.


May 7, 2007
Kary, you mentioned twice about pokechu being your double voter.
Why specifically him?


Hipster Heavyweight Champ
Jul 3, 2014
I’m a little unnerved by two joke votes that have evolved into “real votes”

Raxxel, thoughts on Bessie?
Bessie? Very neutral on them at the moment. Their questions are a bit odd since they could have definitely pieced together the answers for a few of them themselves, but it seems clear that said questions aren't really intended to draw out information. They're to pressure and start conversation, perfectly fine but not alignment indicative imo.
Your current stance on maven is bizarre with this question to Kary.
Kary obviously thinks inactivity is worth less, as he is voting maven. Why did you ask this question, when you seem to be in agreement now?
I asked out of curiosity. I don't disagree with a Maven lynch at all, but I still wanted to ask because filler vs. inactivity seemed like an interesting subject.

I think if somebody is posting while consistently not contributing anything to the discussion, that they are about as worthless as somebody who is inactive. It could be argued that their filler also clogs up the page and wastes time, making it perhaps even the greater of two evils.

That said, at this point I've decided with the deadline approaching fast, that I'd much rather just vote Maven because there is little lost if he's a mislynch anyhow. There's also content to draw from with who decided to vote for him and who didn't. If the two scum want to show their asses and rush in to hammer him, they can be my guests.

Vote: Maven

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
First, I already told you that my first impression of Pokechu was townie, and that I had no pings from their content. I have almost no notes on them from my initial read through. If I’m still in the game, I will have more time during the night cycle to make some reads. You want me to go through Pokechu’s content and cherry pick a few items I can slap a super townie label on? Sure that would be super easy to do, and would tell you nothing. I did a Day 1 reads list once where for my analysis I scum read and FoS’d everyone in the game. Then, after a half page of annoyed posts from the other players, I used the same content, and in some cases the same examples, to town read everyone, FoS’d the mod for putting no scum roles in the game, and voted no lynch.
But I'm not asking you to make something up.
I'm asking you to share your actual thoughts and opinions on particular players that I'm interested in, so that I can evaluate your slot and to see if you have any good points that I may have missed.

I have limited time to begin with, and since I came in to this game late, I had even less time for Day 1 analysis and reads. I like to utilize my time by concentrating on my scummiest reads. Then, as time allows, I get to everyone else. Why are you trying so hard to draw my attention away from Pythag and toward Pokechu?
Pythag routinely gets read as scummy and waggoned when he is town. Pokechu is the opposite, he often gets read as townie when he is scum.
So you will understand that as town I have a pretty good motivation to nudge people away from Pythag and towards Pokechu, because it makes us more likely to rethink our collective assumptions and actually win the game.

But, to be perfectly clear, even though it would be townie of me to be "trying to draw your attention", that is at best something that is bubbling over in the back of my mind and NOT what I am trying to do in asking you something.

What I'm trying to do is get a useful answer out of you, apparently in vain.


May 7, 2007
Kary does it ping you at all that pokechu is sheeping your vote?
That exchange between you two was weird as all get out

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Kary, you mentioned twice about pokechu being your double voter.
Why specifically him?
It just makes sense in the context of our history and interactions.

Kary does it ping you at all that pokechu is sheeping your vote?
That exchange between you two was weird as all get out
It doesn't ping me especially because it's what I expected he would do. I do need to reread it though.


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
Whoops, that’s dangers of phone posting.

I thought z25’s post was Rax nvm.
Yeah I actually agree that at least filler content is something. You can pick out things from there and then look at it from how a townie would think Versus how scum would think of trying to filler. Filler itself could also be a sign that the slot isn’t doing to well with their scum role. That varies though as it also just might mean a person doesn’t have much interest in fully playing. It’s a very person oriented thing to consider but it’s still better then no content in my back.

And when’s deadline?

I’ll be honest I don’t have a good enough scum read but I have developed stronger town ones.

Maven seems to not being showing up so they may be a good lynch target because they aren’t doing anything one way or another. And it’s best not to give scum a slot that does nothing. And who knows if we could get another replacement. Even so with no solid leads this is definitely the best option at this point.

If I can I’ll try to get to posting a reads list tonight. I’ve got to help out family with some tech problems first though.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Deadline for Day 1 is March 11, at 11:59 PM EST. This is also in every vote count for your convenience.
Last edited:


Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2020
But I'm not asking you to make something up.
I'm asking you to share your actual thoughts and opinions on particular players that I'm interested in, so that I can evaluate your slot and to see if you have any good points that I may have missed.
Yes, I would like to do a real reads list with analysis. Truth is that I just didn’t have time to really dig into anyone’s content, with replacing on Sunday night (and I work 9-10 hours a day at a regular day job). For the most part, things I noted were because they pinged me as odd or scummy, not as townie.

Right from Page 1, I thought Pythag’s Post #35 was odd. And perhaps it influenced my thoughts as I read.
how old are you?
I don’t understand why he asked this, was it serious or rude or an insult? Or just an inside forum joke?
Next page, Post #44, there’s something that pings me about this post, I already discussed it a little. Same with Post #55.
Page 3. Posts #113, 119, 120, I noted that these posts struck me as active lurking.
Anything else, I think I already mentioned in one of my posts.

Pythag routinely gets read as scummy and waggoned when he is town. Pokechu is the opposite, he often gets read as townie when he is scum.
Interesting. I have played with neither before, so I shouldn’t be too influenced by meta when I do reread. Aaaand, since I apparently can’t read and I thought deadline was tonight, I will try to read Pokechu tonight.

What I'm trying to do is get a useful answer out of you, apparently in vain.
I’m a firm believer that all content is useful, if one is clever enough or knowledgeable enough maybe just lucky enough to interpret it correctly.
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