Y'all want a wild ride down town? Listen up. Buckle up. This gon be LONG.
Here's my thing about Z. The slot has been SO... nonchalant. For lack of better word? Like, not really caring about anything. I guess I'd concur GLG's assessment of him not being proactive or lacking initiative. My only language is slang so I would say he's been wishy-washy????
He votes for me really just for my activity seeming like an initial scum move or push, like showing up at the start and then dipping.
When someone starts to go against him, he makes potshots and kind of OMGUSes like his opinion is the only one that can be right.
None of this is a real argument. He just went against Poyzin because Poyzin didn't like how he was pushing me. Poyzin doing me a favor and linking to a game is not him trying to be "connected" to my slot. Can people not do small favors like that in mafia? LOL Like are people not allowed to defend other players now? Isn't that part of the game, debating your mindset? Does he need interactions to defend me? Should he need interactions with me in order to combat an argument by someone else? Like isn't this just gatekeeping . I don't understand Z's mindset here, he says Poyzin hard defended me but he (Z) really jumped at Poyzin too quickly.
So he's interested in tying me to Poyzin now. Cool, everyone has their stances. He's really not feeling (LMAO Shulk quote

) Poyzin right now. We'll get back to this later.
Kary asks them to substantiate their read on me with a post, and Z clearly misrepresents me
The two posts in question
The first is me giggling with GLG like I do in every game we're in together, and answering the question I posed him (warming up to the game essentially). The second is me just fooling around with my joke vote. That's miles away from me seriously "suggesting a random wagon" and "approving of that mindset." I have no clue where Z pulled that from.
Now back to his Poy read. Z posts a reads list in #289. This is what he has to say about Poyzin
Huh????? "I would put this slot as the most town out of my null list (GLG, Poyzin, Pokechu) because statistics." Z went hard in on and took a bite out of Poyzin for siding with me earlier in the Day phase, but all of that is ignored solely for statistics? Even though, statistically, in this game alone, we all had the same chance of being town or scum? Like Z isn't using content to support this judgment. That's what is anti-town. He hasn't been sturdy with a lot of the things he's said this game. He's throwing out potshots off the cuff and then going back on his word saying "well, they might be town!"
Start of this Day
This post reads kind of slimy to me. Why would Poyzin treat the first Night kill as a joke? Obviously it wasn't a joke!!! They got our tracker out!!!!! LMAO
This seems to me like a cheap attempt to throw dirt on Poyzin, but disguised as asking Kary where her head was at (with regards to her voting Poyzin toDay right off the bat). Like why would the amount of interactions Poyzin has with Rax give credence to Poyzin killing him? I don't understand the correlation.
And now he's made the full circle back to me and Poyzin, one of us being scum. Even though he's hardly analyzed either of us, either of our posts. I don't have a clue as to how his mind got to where it's at from this. I'm scummy at first because I wasn't that active (despite how Z only had about two more posts). I combat him, Poyzin agrees with me, so now Z thinks we're both scum. However, Z feels statistics show that Poyzin's probably town, so Z backs off Poyzin a bit. Until this Day phase, where Raxxel is killed and Z thinks it's possibly a joke? And then he's made the full circle of getting Poyzin back as a scumread. Like throughout all of this, he hardly uses the content Poyzin and I posted. He hasn't made an ISO for either of us, he hasn't really interacted with us to get a better read of where we're at; he hasn't advanced his read. But as town, shouldn't you always look to advance your read? You should be motivated to put content out there if there isn't any, in order
to advance your read.
It's not the other players' job to make content for you to respond to. As town it lies on your shoulders to deduce who the scum is, not sit back and go "well IDK how to be proactive here". There's a reason Kary and Bess are townread, and it's because they're doing well with what the game has given them. They don't have a superpower or anything!! LOL
Similar quote from D1
Ask players questions? Meta reads? Prior history? Like D1 Kary asked who I hadn't played with, Poyzin asked me my stance on "ends justify the means". There's always something to post. There wasn't much to say, yet Z based his first vote on me entirely on my (in)activity and how it seemed like a scum move. Make it make sense!!!! LOL Like it goes both ways. You're choosing not to post, yet you're harping on someone you thought wasn't active enough . There's clearly a bigger evil here
All of this together makes me believe that yes, Z is lacking initiative. He's not getting down and dirty with his reads and going in-depth unless it's a quick potshot ("you're defending him but you haven't even interacted with him, could be telling!!!!"), and those potshots, he walks back out of with "statistics". It feels like Z is testing the waters and he goes with what gets reception (or doesn't go with what doesn't get reception). His arguments are shallow and he's been very opportunistic. Unless an epiphany hits me, I think Z will be my vote for toDay.