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Flavorless Mafia III: Game Over. Who Won?


Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 10, 2018
Not sure, I’ll get back to you when I find out.
Switch FC
SW 1975-0838-2970
It's the reality that you've signed up for by strapping yourself to the GLG waggon.
Perhaps, but sometimes the best rewards require the largest risks. Luckily I know I'm town, so if GLG flips town after my POE, then Pokechu would be my vote.

I could ask you how it feels that I will probably vote for you if GLG flips scum, but that's not very productive for any of us, is it.


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
To be fair if Utopian is wrong on GLG I would probably lynch him but I also would admire the commitment and effort that went into a play like that if he’s town

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Perhaps, but sometimes the best rewards require the largest risks. Luckily I know I'm town, so if GLG flips town after my POE, then Pokechu would be my vote.

I could ask you how it feels that I will probably vote for you if GLG flips scum, but that's not very productive for any of us, is it.
I'm shaking, I'm shaking.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Votecount 2.3

2. UtopianPoyzin
4. Z25
5. Giraffelasergun: UtopianPoyzin
6. Pythag
7. Pokechu: Kary
8. Kary
9. Bessie

Not Voting
Z25, Giraffelasergun, Pythag, Pokechu, Bessie;

Important Game Links
Game Links and Vote Counts


*= Currently being replaced
^= V/LA

With 7 players, it takes 4 votes to lynch
The deadline for Day 2 is March 22nd, at 11:59 PM EST.


May 7, 2007
Sorry, I see a lot has happened.

Even though the whole world is shutting down, I picked up more hours at work, cause we're going all online.

Kary's read of UP was irksome to me, because I was initially town reading UP.
UP's jump on the GLG wagon was frustrating to me as well, because I started getting nagging thoughts that his vote on GLG showed me that I was in the wrong direction.

What is the logical end point of this thought? Is it just that GLG is scum? This sounds like an interesting question that never got an answer.
The two joke votes evolving into 'actual' votes really weirded me out, and I was kinda stunned that no one else thought it was 'convenient'
For it to happen once is whatever, but for two people to do that pinged me, and I was surprised that no one else really brought it up.

That's why I asked you about Pokechu, and you were totally unworried about it. Which it looks like you answered toDay.

as far as the logical end, I don't know if I was thinking about that because I was townreading UP, and had sparse interaction with Pokechu.

I think there are a few logical ends, and not exactly one.

1. what you said EoD yesterDay which was Poyzin/Pokechu scum team, they're just trying to distance themselves
2. Lazy townies who just hitch their vote and don't feel like changing it
3. Scum trying to bus (In the case of UP I think this is least likely, I DON'T think it's a GLG/UP scum team)
4. Townie(s) who has found scum
5. Any combination of the above

since I was townreading UP, it was easy to take it in stride and view it as :
UP= Town, GLG = Scum, Pokechu =???

After toDay I think I need to re-evaluate, because you view UP so differently.

Tried to twist Pokechu's arm into being my doublevoter was because I wasn't feeling a lot of town vibes from him.
Sheeping the top town isn't a top tier mafia strategy but its not bad, particularly for example if you are too busy to be completely caught up on things.
However Pokechu doesn't seem keen to blindly follow me. But this works out for me because when I'm telling him to vote for X or Y but he disagrees, that gives me information on his stances that I'm not getting from his pretty sparse posts.
From my point of view the situation also works out if he does decide to sheep me, because if he's scum it limits his options and if he's town it keeps him from being an imbecile and allows me to apply more pressure.
So that's the long and short of why I did it.
I expected him to go along with it in the beginning because he really had no excuse for not voting anyone at that point in time.
I see, that's fair.
But you aren't worried that Pokechu could be 'using' you for a bus then?

I'm going to be here, but I do have to go workout, but I did want to post and show that I'm alive, semi caught up


chugga chugga
Mar 3, 2014
Moo Moo Meadows
Switch FC

Z25 and Pythag I explained in #206 #364 #411

Bessie I feel like is kind of weird when it comes to her/his/their/its(? LMAO!) position on me. #222 they posted an ordered reads list, their best reads (as in least suspicious, not necessarily town) were 1. Bessie (themselves) 2. Kary 3. Me Embarrass

Kary asked this in response, here's some of what went down
Since I have your attention, I would like to hear what makes you town read Pokechu, if there's anything in particular you can point to, for instance.
What makes you think I town read Pokechu? There’s no neutral line on my town-scum list.

Pokechu is not on my radar for today. In the notes I made last night, I have “I like Pokechu” written near the beginning, so it is a general feel from the first couple pages, with no pings from the remainder of their content thus far.
what a ridiculous thing to say.

You put Pythag in your lynch pool with the reasoning that:

does this same reasoning not also apply to Pokechu?

what is it that distinguishes these two players for you and why is Pokechu the townier one?
You want me to go through Pokechu’s content and cherry pick a few items I can slap a super townie label on? Sure that would be super easy to do, and would tell you nothing.
But as someone who said that all content is useful in #280, Bess shouldn't be saying that this would be useless. I don't think it would be! Like maybe Kary was confused about one of my posts but Bess happened to quote that one and add what they thought about it. Like that would be super helpful right? It kind of feels to me that they didn't fully want to commit to having a more positive read on me compared to the other players for some reason (such as to mislynch, since I think the thread was still kind of mixed on me at the time? don't quote me though Pokechu, 2020) the whole sequence I just found kind of off.

In her original read list

She has GLG and Pythag both lower than Maven, and Pythag is her worst read. But she really doesn't say much about him? Like most of her Pythag posts D1 are like asking for clarification. None of it is really dunking on him like how she did with Maven in BLANK
Right from Page 1, I thought Pythag’s Post #35 was odd. And perhaps it influenced my thoughts as I read.
I don’t understand why he asked this, was it serious or rude or an insult? Or just an inside forum joke?
Next page, Post #44, there’s something that pings me about this post, I already discussed it a little. Same with Post #55.
Page 3. Posts #113, 119, 120, I noted that these posts struck me as active lurking.
Anything else, I think I already mentioned in one of my posts.
This is what she says about Pythag in her #280, but breaking it down I really don't see how any of this contributes to a scum read.

#35 was just two jokes and I'm not sure how it could influence thoughts throughout the rest of the pages. I couldn't find what she said about #44 but unless I missed something this is all she said about #55.
So at what point in the game do you start taking content seriously?
Then #113, 119 and 120 are all question posts from Pythag.

Can you clarify this a little? I think I agree with everything else you’re saying in your bigger post, but I don’t think I get what you’re saying in this sentence
I don’t get what you mean by favorite, like, maven’s was the funniest to me, but Kary was the clearest to read imo. An unknown slot makes the puzzle harder to solve.
Actually, why do entrances matter so much UP? Have you seen them matter a lot in the past?
But Bess never says how they're "active lurking". I'm not sure what she means to get at here. Like the last two question were in response to another player so what else is Pythag supposed to say besides his answer?? LOL Like I can definitely understand having a problem with his lack of substance. But to isolate these three posts is kind of weird imo.

She kind of dunks on him here


chugga chugga
Mar 3, 2014
Moo Moo Meadows
Switch FC
omg how embarrassing!!!!!!! I didn't mean to submit that so early!!!!!!!!!! :x yikes



Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
omg how embarrassing!!!!!!! I didn't mean to submit that so early!!!!!!!!!! :x yikes

What is that reads order? Town at top, scummiest bottom?

if so pythag and me are very different slots if you look at them without personal bias. Is your idea that we are connected and scumates?

If the case how did you come to that conclusion as looking at it from a different perspective I don’t see how you could form this opinion.


chugga chugga
Mar 3, 2014
Moo Moo Meadows
Switch FC
I'll keep working on the post in the meantime because it's taken me longer than expected. . .
What is that reads order? Town at top, scummiest bottom?

if so pythag and me are very different slots if you look at them without personal bias. Is your idea that we are connected and scumates?

If the case how did you come to that conclusion as looking at it from a different perspective I don’t see how you could form this opinion.
Town at top, scummiest bottom!

I'm not sure I follow with you saying you and Pythag are really different slots. Can you expand? Like do you mean in terms of pushes and targets and such? Because I feel like that rarely comes into play in putting together the scum team (like, just because they're targeting different folks doesn't mean they can't be together). My idea is that you are scummates though, you are correct!

You two haven't interacted much which I feel is a bit strange but there was this weird vote from Pythag during D1
Is there a particular reason that you made this vote?
I noticed he didn't have a vote on him, so I provided him with one.
like I feel like the vote accomplished nothing other than to potentially buss I'd imagine. Like why specifically you? If he had left the vote unexplained I could see someone doing that to see how the person would react but voting and then immediately saying "this vote was pointless!!" I don't understand why he would do.

Also coming into this Day phase with this post
I'll explain why I think z25's post is strange :

YesterDay z25 mentioned he recognized UP's tactics

later in the day he viewed it as null.

Now today he's bringing up the interactions again as trying to ask if it would be a reason for UP to kill Rax?

That doesn't exactly ring true to me.
which could be more bussing, and you didn't respond to it. Pythag has also still had nothing to say about my wall on you.

Also looking back I missed this in your reads D1
Null to possible town lean:
Pythag: they’ve offered fair content for day one. With responses to others.His page 7 posts seem to show an interest in giving information to questions alongside giving thoughts about wha going on.
Pythag's page 7 was literally NO substance LMAO :joyful:
Ooof, not without looking at it again, give me a bit
1. Hey! I did play a game with pokechu. It was this one. I certainly don't remember pokechu's exuberance.
2. That game was a disaster and a half, I had no idea what I was thinking for like, any of it.
3. GLG could easily look like town in that game because scum had to scumhunt as well, though from my cursory glance, I don't know if he ever found his scummate 'scummy' once. (it almost looks like they don't even talk in the thread)
4. Pokechu actually nailed GLG in that game for being inactive (though no one followed), so perhaps I'm wrong about his argument about activity with z25 being pointless. Or maybe Pokechu was a broken clock twice a day.

GLG didn't have much of a presence in the Fire and Lightening game, though of note as scum, it looks like he didn't interact with his partner even once in the thread. I don't know if that's strategic or simply from his lack of involvement in general.

F&L looks like he just asked questions, would only respond when pinged, and would then just kinda coast.
He hasn't been as question-y this game I suppose, but Bessie has posted like twice and I would say has had more presence. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
~this is a glitched post~ IGNORE
@UP what's wrong with an inactive lynch D1? You'd rather have those in later days?
I’m a little unnerved by two joke votes that have evolved into “real votes”

Raxxel, thoughts on Bessie?
Your current stance on maven is bizarre with this question to Kary.
Kary obviously thinks inactivity is worth less, as he is voting maven. Why did you ask this question, when you seem to be in agreement now?
Whoops, that’s dangers of phone posting.

I thought z25’s post was Rax nvm.
if GLG is town, I look at UP first.
If GLGis scum, I look at Pokechu and z25
UP why did you initially put your vote on GLG?
Kary, you mentioned twice about pokechu being your double voter.
Why specifically him?
Kary does it ping you at all that pokechu is sheeping your vote?
That exchange between you two was weird as all get out
so like, two posts about my vote backing up Kary's. A meme. A glitched post. One post about mistaking one of your posts for Rax's. Two posts about Fire and Lightning Mafia. Some random questions. Hardly any actual reads or like observations he made. Like I'm not sure why you would give this a possible townread LOL and it's the fact you did, yet you two haven't really interacted much, that boggles me. like for calling out a lot of other things you've been surprisingly tolerant of Pythag


Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 10, 2018
Not sure, I’ll get back to you when I find out.
Switch FC
SW 1975-0838-2970
Your GLG reads because I don't really care about your Z25 read because it directly conflicts with my own
WAIT! I'm sorry :(, it's not like I don't care what you had to say above, as I didn't really get a chance to read it. For me, hearing what YOU have to say about GLG would be the most beneficial to me, because it seems like you've been avoiding talking about them. If I'm your top town read, then wouldn't you agree that my points on GLG would be at LEAST slightly convincing to you??


chugga chugga
Mar 3, 2014
Moo Moo Meadows
Switch FC
WAIT! I'm sorry :(, it's not like I don't care what you had to say above, as I didn't really get a chance to read it. For me, hearing what YOU have to say about GLG would be the most beneficial to me, because it seems like you've been avoiding talking about them. If I'm your top town read, then wouldn't you agree that my points on GLG would be at LEAST slightly convincing to you??
I think you had some good points against him! I hadn’t realized that the only thing GLG said about your scumread is that they didn’t like you attacking them LOL

But I also think that GLG is coming from a place of “town but can’t post”. Like I see posts like that and that’s how I start off before I respond to them seriously (like Kary voting for me, that post, my response was so so dead, like basically “ok and?” LMAO sorry if you found that rude Kary!)

Like if someone did that to me I def would have say “congrats you know how to spell ‘useless’” LOL

I really think GLG is just lacking motivation. I agree with Kary and you in that it’s obvious when he’s a town player so I’ve been cautious of the slot now but still optimistic. I said a few bits and things about the slot, I’ve said a couple of times that I like the observations he does make. I’ll post more about this in the post I was working on already.

I feel like some of your points mimic Kary’s though. Or hers mimic yours. Whichever one came first. Like there was someone who brought up the post where GLG said he didn’t like slots automatically saying they’re town, and they said that was a poor reason to scumread someone. But ironically seeing that post again made me think better of GLG because I know there was one of Nabe’s games where a random townie had a gun to shoot during the Day phase, and I was scum, and I said “I’m town but I didn’t get the gun not fair ;((((“ as my first post and he held that against me. Would look for it (both the game and the post calling GLG out for bad scumread reasoning) but I’m on my phone taking a break from working on my larger post !

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
The two joke votes evolving into 'actual' votes really weirded me out, and I was kinda stunned that no one else thought it was 'convenient'
For it to happen once is whatever, but for two people to do that pinged me, and I was surprised that no one else really brought it up.

That's why I asked you about Pokechu, and you were totally unworried about it. Which it looks like you answered toDay.

as far as the logical end, I don't know if I was thinking about that because I was townreading UP, and had sparse interaction with Pokechu.
I'm just realizing now that I'm not 100% sure which two joke votes you were talking about. Who were you talking about exactly?

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
UP's jump on the GLG wagon was frustrating to me as well, because I started getting nagging thoughts that his vote on GLG showed me that I was in the wrong direction.
So you had a town read on UP but you also had a feeling that UP was scummy for jumping on the GLG waggon?
Can you just explain this part a little bit more I'm not sure I get what you mean.
3. Scum trying to bus (In the case of UP I think this is least likely, I DON'T think it's a GLG/UP scum team)
what makes you confident that it can't be glg + poyzin?
finally, what's your opinion on Bessie so far?


May 7, 2007
The joke votes were :

UP - GLG, later stayed on GLG
Pokechu - MAven->unvote->maven

So you had a town read on UP but you also had a feeling that UP was scummy for jumping on the GLG waggon?
Can you just explain this part a little bit more I'm not sure I get what you mean.

what makes you confident that it can't be glg + poyzin?
finally, what's your opinion on Bessie so far?
Most of D1 I was townreading or townleaning UP, and I found GLG scummy

With UP getting on the wagon EoD that was giving me foreboding feelings. UP's case reminded me of his case on Ran last game.

-why do you think it can't be glg+up

Ok, I don't have too much confidence behind it, that more just strikes me as a position of likeliness.

UP's case seems to be based solely on the fact that GLG didn't die, and he spent more of his time talking about how you are his scum partner when GLG isn't even confirmed scum. That's a pretty big reach, and this makes me actually like GLG more.

-what do you think of bessie
Bessie asks some really pointed questions. Some of them I feel worthwhile, some of them I think aren't that helpful (to me at least) but I chalk that mainly up to the fact that he's new to this community. His brevity is good, and I like the list that he brings up, for what pinged him, and why.

however, I'm surprised he likes/did like pokechu. Or at least said he did, I don't know if he has amended that for D2.

Pokechu Pokechu
Pythag has also still had nothing to say about my wall on you. (z25
I did, actually. I thought that enormous back and forth you guys had about activity was a huge time waste. I don't think I learned anything from it. I went and counted interactions/activity, and if activity was anything to be calling people out on, either of you should've called out maven (which, to pokechu's credit, I guess he did or at least voted on it early) But if you have such confident scum reads on me and z25, why haven't you voted for either of us yet?


May 7, 2007
UP why were you writing so much to finding a scumteam instead of a singular scum?

You've admitted to the case on kary being solely dependent upon GLG's flip, so why are you putting the cart before the horse?


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
I'll keep working on the post in the meantime because it's taken me longer than expected. . .

Town at top, scummiest bottom!

I'm not sure I follow with you saying you and Pythag are really different slots. Can you expand? Like do you mean in terms of pushes and targets and such? Because I feel like that rarely comes into play in putting together the scum team (like, just because they're targeting different folks doesn't mean they can't be together). My idea is that you are scummates though, you are correct!

You two haven't interacted much which I feel is a bit strange but there was this weird vote from Pythag during D1

like I feel like the vote accomplished nothing other than to potentially buss I'd imagine. Like why specifically you? If he had left the vote unexplained I could see someone doing that to see how the person would react but voting and then immediately saying "this vote was pointless!!" I don't understand why he would do.

Also coming into this Day phase with this post

which could be more bussing, and you didn't respond to it. Pythag has also still had nothing to say about my wall on you.

Also looking back I missed this in your reads D1

Pythag's page 7 was literally NO substance LMAO :joyful:
so like, two posts about my vote backing up Kary's. A meme. A glitched post. One post about mistaking one of your posts for Rax's. Two posts about Fire and Lightning Mafia. Some random questions. Hardly any actual reads or like observations he made. Like I'm not sure why you would give this a possible townread LOL and it's the fact you did, yet you two haven't really interacted much, that boggles me. like for calling out a lot of other things you've been surprisingly tolerant of Pythag
Pythag has been quiet sort of low activity because of irl stuff according to them.

I’ve been here consistently offered decent enough thoughts with what I could work with. We are pretty much polar opposites plays and push wise imo. Which sure scum could distance themselves, but I tried the same thing last game as scum and it didn’t work.

So why would I do it again?

And honesty I liked pythags early content more then yours because it at least felt like he was trying. With your content it’s a lot of random content that feels like it’s attempting to piece things together but sort of falls flat with tour ambition. Although kary summed that up pretty well.


Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 10, 2018
Not sure, I’ll get back to you when I find out.
Switch FC
SW 1975-0838-2970
I think that's everything I wanted to cover here. Is it a good idea to try to peg a definitive scumteam D2? No. Can I be wrong? Hell yeah. Does a lot of my theory rely on conjecture? Of course it does. However, it's the best idea I've got, and it looks PRETTY solid at the moment. There's also the possibility of Pokechu coming to my rescue as an out for when I flip town, but I got myself really convinced while writing this that it's Kary and GLG, and hopefully you all take the due time to check this post out IN ITS ENTIRETY because I'm pretty sure I'm onto something.
UP why were you writing so much to finding a scumteam instead of a singular scum?

You've admitted to the case on kary being solely dependent upon GLG's flip, so why are you putting the cart before the horse?
Whaaaaat? I never suggested lynching Kary. I’m just saying that this scumteam makes a whole lot of sense, but I’m also open to considering GLG + Pokechu. Kary will almost definitely still be here for D3 regardless. It just so happened that the trap of them linked perfectly in my mind. My original goal was never to nail the scumteam D2, so to suggest or was is disingenuous.

UP's case seems to be based solely on the fact that GLG didn't die, and he spent more of his time talking about how you are his scum partner when GLG isn't even confirmed scum. That's a pretty big reach, and this makes me actually like GLG more.
This progression of thought is absolutely baffling to my small brain, but my history with you is that you don’t make much sense as town, so I’m willing to accept this as creative differences between you and I. How does that make you like GLG more? It dies not make a single grain of sense to me, but we’re always on different pages.


Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 10, 2018
Not sure, I’ll get back to you when I find out.
Switch FC
SW 1975-0838-2970
so to suggest or was is disingenuous
suggest it was.

I think GLG is scum. Therefore, it should be natural that I try to find a partner for said scum. I believe that in the instance GLG is scum, Kary would be a likely partner. Does that mean that I therefore think Kary should be the target? Naturally not. I am not locked in at all to Kary in comparison to my lock on GLG. From your perspective, you believe I am locked on both Kary and GLG, which is not the case.


Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 10, 2018
Not sure, I’ll get back to you when I find out.
Switch FC
SW 1975-0838-2970
This progression of thought is absolutely baffling to my small brain, but my history with you is that you don’t make much sense as town, so I’m willing to accept this as creative differences between you and I. How does that make you like GLG more? It dies not make a single grain of sense to me, but we’re always on different pages.
I think I was too hostile here, sorry :(

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
UP - GLG, later stayed on GLG
Pokechu - MAven->unvote->maven
Yeah I guessed that must be what you meant from your recent post.

When I first read your comment about 'two joke votes' I thought you were talking about Poyzin and GLG voting each other, because they've been opposed ever since RVS. What do you think about that interaction?

I can see how Pokechu also fits that pattern but to me his vote feels more like just a coincidence he ended up on Maven. Unless scum Pokechu was hoping from the start that Maven would go inactive and be a good target? Hmmm.


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
Yeah I guessed that must be what you meant from your recent post.

When I first read your comment about 'two joke votes' I thought you were talking about Poyzin and GLG voting each other, because they've been opposed ever since RVS. What do you think about that interaction?

I can see how Pokechu also fits that pattern but to me his vote feels more like just a coincidence he ended up on Maven. Unless scum Pokechu was hoping from the start that Maven would go inactive and be a good target? Hmmm.
That last part could be a coincidence but scum pokechu could have been reliant on meta in tha scenario.
Maven kinda of keeps a low profile usually and does sort of lean towards inactive depending on the game, so maybe scum pokechu thought about it that way, and thought it might happen. Seems unlikely that that is the full story but there might be some level of meta being used there if chu is scum.


chugga chugga
Mar 3, 2014
Moo Moo Meadows
Switch FC
OK I fell asleep during my break :X so I'm still not done (almost though! a lot of my notes are still scattered though)

so here's a good checkpoint of what I do have now, I just don't want to leave you guys hanging for hours on end and I have a Zoom class in a bit smh. These all came out as like ISO's, but Z and Pythag I just collected my already-existing posts because I've said a lot about them

Poyzin (didn't make this draft, notes still scattered & not pretty)
Kary (ISO almost done)
GLG (Done!)
Bessie (Done!)
Pythag (Done!)
Z25 (Done!)

Z25 and Pythag
I explained in
#206 (touches both)
#364 (focuses on Z)
#411 (touches both)
#452 (touches both)

I feel like is kind of weird when it comes to her/his/their/its(? LMAO!) position on me. #222 they posted an ordered reads list, their best reads (as in least suspicious, not necessarily town) were 1. Bessie (themselves) 2. Kary 3. Me Embarrass

Kary asked this in response, here's some of what went down
Since I have your attention, I would like to hear what makes you town read Pokechu, if there's anything in particular you can point to, for instance.
What makes you think I town read Pokechu? There’s no neutral line on my town-scum list.

Pokechu is not on my radar for today. In the notes I made last night, I have “I like Pokechu” written near the beginning, so it is a general feel from the first couple pages, with no pings from the remainder of their content thus far.
what a ridiculous thing to say.

You put Pythag in your lynch pool with the reasoning that:

does this same reasoning not also apply to Pokechu?

what is it that distinguishes these two players for you and why is Pokechu the townier one?
You want me to go through Pokechu’s content and cherry pick a few items I can slap a super townie label on? Sure that would be super easy to do, and would tell you nothing.
But as someone who said that all content is useful in #280, Bess shouldn't be saying that this would be useless. I don't think it would be! Like maybe Kary was confused about one of my posts but Bess happened to quote that one and add what they thought about it. Like that would be super helpful right? It kind of feels to me that they didn't fully want to commit to having a more positive read on me compared to the other players for some reason (such as to mislynch, since I think the thread was still kind of mixed on me at the time? don't quote me though Pokechu, 2020) the whole sequence I just found kind of off.

In her original read list

She has GLG and Pythag both lower than Maven, and Pythag is her worst read. But she really doesn't say much about him? Like most of her Pythag posts D1 are like asking for clarification. None of it is really dunking on him like how she did with Maven in #222 or GLG in #197.
Right from Page 1, I thought Pythag’s Post #35 was odd. And perhaps it influenced my thoughts as I read.
I don’t understand why he asked this, was it serious or rude or an insult? Or just an inside forum joke?
Next page, Post #44, there’s something that pings me about this post, I already discussed it a little. Same with Post #55.
Page 3. Posts #113, 119, 120, I noted that these posts struck me as active lurking.
Anything else, I think I already mentioned in one of my posts.
This is what she says about Pythag in her #280, but breaking it down I really don't see how any of this contributes to a scum read.

#35 was just two jokes and I'm not sure how it could influence thoughts throughout the rest of the pages. I couldn't find what she said about #44 but unless I missed something this is all she said about #55.
So at what point in the game do you start taking content seriously?
Then #113, 119 and 120 are all question posts from Pythag.

Can you clarify this a little? I think I agree with everything else you’re saying in your bigger post, but I don’t think I get what you’re saying in this sentence
I don’t get what you mean by favorite, like, maven’s was the funniest to me, but Kary was the clearest to read imo. An unknown slot makes the puzzle harder to solve.
Actually, why do entrances matter so much UP? Have you seen them matter a lot in the past?
But Bess never says how they're "active lurking". I'm not sure what she means to get at here. Like the last two question were in response to another player so what else is Pythag supposed to say besides his answer?? LOL Like I can definitely understand having a problem with his lack of substance. But to isolate these three posts is kind of weird imo.

She kind of dunks on him here for his #205
Almost every game I've played recently has been a disaster (for me), so I've been trying to look at what I'm doing 'wrong' and correct it for future games.
Maybe that’s what’s wrong, trying to teach yourself to play “right”. Which in itself is scummy, because you’re trying to play like town, instead of just being town (if you are in fact town).
but really this doesn't mean anything. Like Pythag said nothing wrong. There definitely are assumed ways to play "wrong" (see: my refusal to vote and how people think it's scummy LOL ) and regardless it's easy to see what Pythag could have meant, that he just wants to have more success with his plays. He wants to play in a way that gets him more coordination overall with the town for example. Or in a way that makes his reads clearer, maybe how he goes about them. There's nothing wrong with that so I'm not sure why Bess would label it.

Like most of her commentary about Pythag really doesn't seem like Pythag deserves "worst read in the game" :laugh: like I'm suspicious of Pythag too and I feel really weird almost defending him here LMAO but the way Bessie is pushing on him is wacky. Like she's not using real content to say he's bad.

Also speaking about GLG's #197 I feel like Bess' response is kind of malevolent? Like it takes it out of context
I think of the players in the game, I've never played with ZestofLife(also hello ZestofLife, nice to meet you!) so I don't think I have a good read on them. There are a lot of people in this game I'm inclined to town read just off of general vibes. But in general I think I have the hardest time reading Up and Pythag. I feel like I have an easy time reading you, and will probably decide what your alignment is before End of Day 1 and stick with it for the rest of the game.
This feels to me like setting up an early excuse for bad reads.
I personally liked GLG's response, it answers my question perfectly so Bessie's comment here against GLG seems a bit manufactured. She also hasn't said much about GLG aside from this so it's hard to see why she has GLG and Pythag both as worse reads than Maven. She doesn't have either dead to rights and doesn't exactly paint the picture of how they're anti-town, she just more so aired grievances with some of their posts.

Back to me though Embarrass I think some of Bess' pings in #422 are a bit janky

I read their Day 1 posts during the night cycle, and I don’t like that Pokechu doesn’t seem to be following the game closely, refer to what I said in Post #380; along similar lines refer to Post #388, again Pokechu agreed with something Z25 said (which was suspicious in itself) without looking it up.
I think she's still a bit confused about my #291 #295 #297 but I can understand that, my mindset in those three (in case anyone else is confused) was that #291 is me thinking GLG hasn't been active, so he'll get a replacement. #295 I'm surprised and caught offguard from Z not agreeing, because I know GLG hasn't been active because I've read the thread LOL and #297 is confirming myself. I don't agree with her second point though. Z is my top scumread but that doesn't mean I have to go against everything the slot says, and Z did bring up a good point in that if GLG really was going to be replaced, he would have been prodded. Like regardless of the amount of time GLG was gone, that holds up. So I'm not sure why Bess found this strange?

In regards to Post #206, why did Pokechu not vote, they were not voting at the time of this post. They gave reasons for not voting for meta reasons in #211, 213, 215, but was convinced to vote anyway in Post #216, then I’m not entirely sure what Post #217 means, are they going to look for supporting evidence for the vote they already made?

Some other pings with the remainder of Pokechu’s content:
No ordered town-scum list (which most players haven’t provided).
Not unvoting and staying on Maven when GLG was the likely lynch.
you're right about my post #217! Like I just put that out to say I was going to look some more at Maven as a whole.

But if most players haven't provided an ordered town-scum list, why is it a ping that I have not as well? Or is this a typo? It's probably a typo LOL

Not sure what she means to get at about me not unvoting when GLG was the likely lynch. Is a ping necessarily bad? Or like just an eyebrow raise, like just simply interesting. That'd be nice to know! But either way I don't think it should be interesting that I stayed on Maven when I already said a couple of times D1 I was OK with GLG despite his inactivity, that I wanted to see more from him. Still think it'd be nice for Bess to have more conviction behind what she's saying, rather than just "this pinged me."

From rereading during the night cycle, I do not like Post #291. There was no indication that GLG might replace out. Pokechu made this post without even reviewing the content to see when GLG last posted, also an indicator that they were not really following the game. And this post made it clear that Pokechu didn’t scum read either Maven or GLG. Later, it is open for Pokechu to point to this and say “I didn’t really want to lynch them.” See also #295, why didn’t Pokechu check instead of asking the thread if they missed anything?
I addressed most of this but I'm not sure why she would single out my #291 either. I think one would find it weird regardless of alignment right? Like it doesn't seem alignment indicative. Like the whole fixation on me thinking GLG would replace out, seems a bit useless to point out, because of this. Like you can't gain anything from it and it's weak evidence to support a scumread imo. Not sure why she brings up my #295 without my #297 either. Like looking into it a bit closer a lot of Bess' pushes or observations are a bit confusing or a bit empty imo.

I said a little about him D1 throughout some posts saying I was OK with him
[IMG]https://smashboards.com/data/avatars/s/254/254482.jpg?1570417058[/IMG] Raxxel did going through GLG's posts change anything for you? He hasn't put much out there but I think there's some keen observations he's made. His #260 raises the possibility of Poy letting some OMGUS sneak out. He's right that it's a lil' aggressive. I'm still OK with Poy but I'll sleep on that.
Looking at his post history I thought he had posted more. But he hasn't. He hasn't posted for like three days LOL ouch he's losing some points!!!!

but what he has posted, some of it I liked. His #91 gave unique perspectives, like suggesting T-Rax/UP were scum and the joke T-Rax made was foreshadowing that. But that's all he's really said. He isn't pinging my scum!GLG radar so far but I really thought he had more of a presence. Interesting
neither are looking good but Maven's committed the crime of just doing nothing. And I feel like finding a second replacement might be tough and more work than what it's worth if we can just vote the slot out. GLG's at least trying! I can respect that (and what he's put out I actually kind of like. The few posts that do have substance LOL)
I also talked about him in #455

Alot of what has him on people's radars is that he's lacking town intent. But I see it the opposite way. He's not on my radar because he has no scum intent at all.

Pokechu or Z25. There's been a few posts from pokechu that have been overly buddying with other slots/overly defensive of slots without reasons that striked me as off. I would need to do a reread to find them. With Z25, this is more of a meta thing but I remember him being more proactive in most games than he has is this one.
Here are a few quotes for you:

The last post is both an attack/defense on me but you get the point.
You understand you've been acting as a double vote and are now trying to say you haven't been overly buddying someone? Like there were multiple instances last day phase where Kary tagged you to vote for someone and you did?
I only voted twice yesterDay. once when I came into the thread the first time, that vote was for Maven, and that vote was also unprompted (no one told me to make it). And only one of the times where Kary tagged me, once again voting Maven. Even now Kary tagged me when she voted Poyzin, and I haven't voted Poyzin. That's not overly buddying
Like take this piece for example. At first I thought it strange, the fact that he just dropped it. Like after that post I made he let the point go. Scum could have easily pushed it still, and I think it looks better for scum to do that, even if I corrected him with how I only voted once with Kary. It shows motivation and acutness on his part as scum if he were to push it still, dropping it is a weak look. Like that's what really raised my unibrow here. GLG made the point that I was overly buddying, after I corrected him on it, GLG dropped the point while Z kept it on!! And it wasn't even Z's point! LOL :laugh:

Still you listened to them the first time without hesitation. If Kary is scum and got lynched and flipped as such it would look bad on you for blindly trusting someone when you would have had no strong reason to at the time.

So I think that point is still fair on glg’s end. Especially when I don’t think you have really said why you did it unless I missed that.
Like that really shows the difference between the two slots imo. If GLG was scum then I don't see why he would back down from that point so easily. I think this is town!GLG just wanting to put his thoughts out and honestly not really wanting to argue back and forth on something. Like I truly think part of GLG wanted to be lynched D1 because he doesn't have his heart in this game.
Vanilla. Still think my Lynch is better than a maven Lynch because I think I provide more info than he does.
Even now he's kind of still skirting the lines for inactivity, like he hasn't shown up for almost three days. If it was scum!GLG being inactive I think he would try to make his posts "worth" more. Like put out more serious reads and posts in an attempt to not get attention. The fact that he's just really trying to get by, I feel it's town intent. like I've been in his shoes before.

This is another observation I like from GLG

How is UP linking the post different than when you answer Kary's question to Maven about why he claimed Jailer? I get the rest of the points you're trying to make but this specific one I'm having a bit of an issue with.
This shows GLG's really picking up on things, things that go unnoticed by other people. It shows he's making connections and really testing other people's arguments. This quote was towards Z and GLG made a good point that what Z was shading applied to himself as well.

Like there isn't much content I can really analyze from GLG. But throughout the game I've liked the comments he has made and the perspective he brings to the thread. I don't have a problem with this slot

OK so Kary has a lot lot lot of posts. So this can't cover most of them as I did with like Bess or Pythag

I was kind of apprehensive about the slot first because I think their pushes seemed like they were looking for a mislynch. Like their push on Zest seemed a bit malicious for instance and I questioned them on that
I feel like this game becomes a lot simpler to solve when I don't have this slot that's a total unknown floating around. And I'm having a kind of nostalgia for when we lynched first and asked questions later. Even if Zesto has some experience playing mafia that doesn't mean they're actually going to be useful to town or be able to show their towniness.
Shouldn't this apply to people you're familiar with as well? Even if anyone you have experience reading is playing, it doesn't mean they'll be useful in this specific game or be able to show you that they're town this time around, no? Why does this only applies to the new kid on the block?

Your offer to be your doublevote this game is tempting, though Embarrass
I was making a specific point that just because someone has mafia experience doesn't make them valuable to town.
I feel like her answer is kind of weak with regards to why she wanted Zest lynched and I found it confusing overall. It can be fun to bully the new kid LMAO but turbo lynching them D1? I feel like that's asking for a mislynch and I didn't see this as a town's perspective.

I also didn't like their response to me saying that it's kind of townie for Poyzin to defend Zest. I felt like their tone is more "shutting down" than being willing to hear opposing views on it.

Ok, but look at it the other way around. If Poyzin is town, why is he putting his neck on the line, day 1, to defend a slot he has zero information about?
And this quote
It also seems reasonable to assume that at most one of poyzin / GLG is mafia given their near-constant opposition of one another. If I am to believe GLG is town from his reaction yesterday, that would make poyzin more likely to be scum.
I read this as her saying they can't both be town, when in reality she's saying both are probably not scum, only one at most, but I think it's still a bit weird to read from a veteran player. Like she must have had to seen some CRAZY stuff in DGamesia right???? LMAO like I can't judge her because I'm OK with both Poy and GLG but it's just posts like these, and the one about Poyzin being town defending Zest, that made me wary at first because I think town!Kary would usually have more consideration.

This quote a bit too

UtopianPoyzin UtopianPoyzin UtopianPoyzin UtopianPoyzin one more question.

You realize that if we lynch GLG today and he flips town, you're dying on D3? How do you feel about that?
because I feel like D3 is probably LyLo? If there's 9 players I couldn't see there being more than 2 scum (3 scum seems like too much ). and I think, doing the math in my head, if toDay's lynch is town, D3 would be LyLo. So saying that she'd quick lynch Poyzin like this gives me pause too

However, I also really do like some of their other posts, and I think these few quotes I've picked out, I can account to just differences in playstyle. Like I'm down to clown so I'm open to wild rides but Kary as a whole is more strict with her plays so I'm willing to look past some of the posts that raise my unibrow. And as a whole her post quantity and quality show that she's dedicated to the game, which I feel more coming from town than scum, especially since there's a lot of players here who aren't putting out much content. Like it would be easy for Kary to coast by as scum.

Here are some of the posts that I do think show town!Kary really easily

my thoughts on him are still scattered around in my role PM!!! he didn't make this checkpoint


chugga chugga
Mar 3, 2014
Moo Moo Meadows
Switch FC
Finished the last two!

OK so Kary has a lot lot lot of posts. So this can't cover most of them as I did with like Bess or Pythag

I was kind of apprehensive about the slot first because I think their pushes seemed like they were looking for a mislynch. Like their push on Zest seemed a bit malicious for instance and I questioned them on that
I feel like this game becomes a lot simpler to solve when I don't have this slot that's a total unknown floating around. And I'm having a kind of nostalgia for when we lynched first and asked questions later. Even if Zesto has some experience playing mafia that doesn't mean they're actually going to be useful to town or be able to show their towniness.
Shouldn't this apply to people you're familiar with as well? Even if anyone you have experience reading is playing, it doesn't mean they'll be useful in this specific game or be able to show you that they're town this time around, no? Why does this only applies to the new kid on the block?

Your offer to be your doublevote this game is tempting, though Embarrass
I was making a specific point that just because someone has mafia experience doesn't make them valuable to town.
I feel like her answer is kind of weak with regards to why she wanted Zest lynched and I found it confusing overall. It can be fun to bully the new kid LMAO but turbo lynching them D1? I feel like that's asking for a mislynch and I didn't see this as a town's perspective.

I also didn't like their response to me saying that it's kind of townie for Poyzin to defend Zest. I felt like their tone is more "shutting down" than being willing to hear opposing views on it.

Ok, but look at it the other way around. If Poyzin is town, why is he putting his neck on the line, day 1, to defend a slot he has zero information about?
And this quote
It also seems reasonable to assume that at most one of poyzin / GLG is mafia given their near-constant opposition of one another. If I am to believe GLG is town from his reaction yesterday, that would make poyzin more likely to be scum.
I read this as her saying they can't both be town, when in reality she's saying both are probably not scum, only one at most, but I think it's still a bit weird to read from a veteran player. Like she must have had to seen some CRAZY stuff in DGamesia right???? LMAO like I can't judge her because I'm OK with both Poy and GLG but it's just posts like these, and the one about Poyzin being town defending Zest, that made me wary at first because I think town!Kary would usually have more consideration.

This quote a bit too

UtopianPoyzin UtopianPoyzin UtopianPoyzin UtopianPoyzin one more question.

You realize that if we lynch GLG today and he flips town, you're dying on D3? How do you feel about that?
because I feel like D3 is probably LyLo? If there's 9 players I couldn't see there being more than 2 scum (3 scum seems like too much ). and I think, doing the math in my head, if toDay's lynch is town, D3 would be LyLo. So saying that she'd quick lynch Poyzin like this gives me pause too

However, I also really do like some of their other posts, and I think these few quotes I've picked out, I can account to just differences in playstyle. Like I'm down to clown so I'm open to wild rides but Kary as a whole is more strict with her plays so I'm willing to look past some of the posts that raise my unibrow. And as a whole her post quantity and quality show that she's dedicated to the game, which I feel more coming from town than scum, especially since there's a lot of players here who aren't putting out much content. Like it would be easy for Kary to coast by as scum.

Here are some of the posts that I do think show town!Kary really easily

Okay but I want to know what YOU think, or is that about the extent of it?
This is her asking Pythag to expand on one of his observations about a comment from Bessie. It's simple but shows that she's actually interested in what people have to say. Like scum!Kary could have left Pythag with his original, weirdly vague answer and then later on chosen to vote for him and say "he's not motivated to give real reads here's an example" LMAO :laugh: like if Kary was scum she really does not have to be as inquiring, and it would be kind of bad for her to. Usually if people have more content then that means they could be read better, she could've used this to turn Pythag into a mislynch
what a ridiculous thing to say.

You put Pythag in your lynch pool with the reasoning that:

does this same reasoning not also apply to Pokechu?

what is it that distinguishes these two players for you and why is Pokechu the townier one?
This shows that Kary is actively making connections between players and testing their arguments. It's a good question to ask too because it achieves all three. Like it gets her commentary from Bessie about Pythag, about me, and also tests Bessie's read. It's also pretty innovative (trying to draw attention from Pythag to me) and shows a lot of town intent. Simple but effective
I'm going to assume you're asking me about my meta read on you. (If I am using self-meta then surely I am trying to give meta about myself)

The answer is I don't know, because I've played one game with you and that isn't enough to base a meta read on. Maybe you do act noticeably different or have certain tells as either alignment, but I will have to wait and see.

More to the point, why do you care? Are you already worried about what people think of you?
She really caught T-Rax here!!! I think she was the first one to throw shade at him actually and she makes a really good observation (why was he asking those questons?). Really showcases initiative on her part and it's insightful. I felt like he was just asking questions to gather discussion but it is true he could be asking them as scum to adjust his plays.

Like there's a lot of quotes one could bring up to make the point that Kary has a pro-town mindset. Just how she's taking things in her own hands and determined to further her reads and get more content out of people. Her idea of asking me to be her doublevote is clever for instance. But I really didn't think I was lacking in content !!!! Making these ISOs I'm kind of realizing, yeah, I was :(:( lmao

My read on him falls in the same vein as GLG but better. I think the slot really has zero scum intent, and that's why he's higher than Kary. I think it's likelier for Kary to do what she is, as scum, than it would be for Poyzin because if he's scum he'd be getting his cheeks CLAPPED LMAO

I mentioned this D1 but I think his defense of Zest really shows a town mindset
Hmm. You haven't said much about UP overall I think, but you're vote is on him despite saying that his opening is null. Can you elaborate more on your read for the slot?

Will be back. But one thing I liked about Poy is his defense of Zest. I think that while in theory, yeah the scum would definitely want to defend the inactive slot!! Mislynch HOORAH! But in practice they have nothing to gain from it. A town-flip would give scum no credit because scum already knows all alignments. This makes me think that it's a town!Poy defending Zest, because scum!Poy simply has no motivation to do so. By defending Zest, Poy is only putting his own neck on the line with the other town players who ream him for it.
But I didn't even capture all of it. A handful of people found it super strange that Poy would go so far as to look into Zest's history, but I found that really town. Like, scum has SO many better things to use their time on. Like discuss night kills and actions, mislynches, busses, etc. I would be very surprised if a scum player said "hey! it'd be a good idea to look at this random dude's history!!!" LOL

And to those finding it suspicious, I really don't find it any different from asking someone for a past game where they were scum, like T-Rax did to me. Or asking someone to make comparisons between games like Kary did to Pythag. Like it's just trying to use past history to make a read or a move now. There's really nothing scummy about it imo

I feel like the slot doesn't have much content for me to really discuss, like D1 they did just focus on GLG. But they make a good observation on T-Rax here

Other notable changes are Raxxel moving down. I generally do not like Raxxel's page 7. #246 in particular I don't like, because he spends the whole post talking about the quotes, but doesn't infer anything from them. Town's goal is to figure out who the mafia are, which Rax does not seem to be doing in said post, but rather what he like, don't like, and what he'll take note on. Because of this, I'm inclined to believe that he may not have made that post from a town's perspective, so I have him as null-scum.
which showcases T-Rax's passive playstyle and highlights how he wasn't really making stances with his meta questions. With Poy's comment here I can believe that he's coming from a town mindset and not just inactive scum.

Poy's D2 is much better though with ISO's on GLG and Kary, I agree with Kary in that if GLG flips town then the argument is a lot weaker for her but I think Poyzin made a few good comments. I talked a little about it in #455 but here's some more comments
My initial argument was known to be statistically invalid, so I couldn't have used it to support my case as town.
good point here against GLG when he said that Poy must've intended for his whole "statistics" thing to be taken seriously, I didn't think about it like this at first when reading GLG's piece. But I don't think it's damning against GLG but rather shows his argument was just a bit shortsighted (and I can see that from a busy town player).

The fact of the matter is that your scummate asked you the question, so that the idea of lynching Pokechu or Z25 D3 would seem like a viable option even though my push on you should suggest the opposite.
The wording here confuses me a little bit and I'm not sure why. Like Poy's push on GLG should suggest to lynch GLG D3? Is that what it's trying to say? Well duh like Poy wants GLG lynched except he wants him lynched toDay so I don't think it's that. I get the bigger picture (that GLG was able to generate content from Kary's question and suggest alternative lynches) but that last bit about "my push on you should suggest" boggles me for some reason. Maybe it's a brainfart. I've been meaning to ask this question
However again, they admit to not knowing why I am more scummy than GLG, the person who they were voting just before the deadline.
This one too. Can I get a post number for this?
And after all this time, after Kary even voting for GLG, he finds that GLG's slot is immediately redeemed based on one post where he says that he is a vanilla townie. These are the facts of the case. Now it's time for my opinion, and that opinion is that Kary and GLG are the scumteam. Let's dive in.
I also think this is interesting and agree with it. I feel like Kary's 180 from the slot is a bit weird. Like suspicion was lessened a bit too quickly. But I can think of reasons for it

I think that Poy in these ISOs has his thinking cap on for sure. He uses some D1 posts against Kary but he also shows a difference between D1 for Kary and D2, possibly because Kary wants to elevate GLG a little bit. Like Kary's D2 isn't as strong as her D1. I would believe it but I simply think Kary and GLG are town. They're very good points, but I think Poy is just missing the bigger picture here. It's believable that Kary would have so much patience with GLG because they're town and don't want two mislynches, right? But I think that Poy made a lot of observations that show a willingness to listen, solve, and help the town, even if not all of them are correct.

I think I'll make some more comments about Pythag (he's the only one I haven't specifically ISO'd now), talk about Z's #365, and also Kary's #427 since I never got back to it after my #429


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Bessie has replaced out, seeking replacement.
Last edited:


Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 10, 2018
Not sure, I’ll get back to you when I find out.
Switch FC
SW 1975-0838-2970
I don’t know how much more meaningful content can come out before March 22nd. Half of Pokechu’s reads are spot on and the other half are meh. I didn’t feel inclined to respond to everything but it makes me feel better about them. Will surely be a good reference.


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
Damn we are down so much this game. Kinda of sucks. Now I don’t even know what to think. Too many switch outs, any of which could have been scum or town.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Sabrar has replaced into Bessie's slot! Welcome to the game.
Last edited:


Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2020
Hi everyone!

It's a shame I had to replace bessie because she's the only one who could confirm what an amazing scum-hunter I am. Also now noone will understand my references.
Anyway we lynch GLG today, if he's town then scum is Kary + Z25. Sheep me for an easy win!
(GLG started out bad and never improved. Kary started bad, improved but slipped back due to interaction with bessie, Z25 started neutral then slipped heavily due to interaction with Pokechu who is my biggest town-read right now.)
UtopianPoyzin is most likely town and I just can't recall any amazing insight or action from Pythag, he's currently very neutral in my book.

#284 looks good for Kary if GLG is actual scum (though UtopianPoyzin makes a good argument against this in #400). If GLG is town then #289 and #294 confirm the other two as the scum-team.

@Kary: you never answered bessie what you found ridiculous about the no neutral line thing in #263, #268. You deflected in #269 and went from there. Also
"What I'm trying to do is get a useful answer out of you, apparently in vain." from #273 is just terrible. bessie explained herself clearly, you're just not willing to read.

Vote: giraffelasergun

PS: never had to sub in before, turns out re-reading is just not the same as actually living through how the interactions developed. Will appreciate if people point me to specific posts when they want my opinion.
PS2: wrote all of the above before receiving role-pm (but knowing that Maven and Raxxel were Town), haven't changed a single character. Make of that what you will.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Hi everyone!
Hello and welcome to dgames, thanks for replacing in.
How many games of mafia have you played before and what's your favorite role?

Anyway we lynch GLG today, if he's town then scum is Kary + Z25.
Oh good, another horse and cart.
Who is scum if GLG is scum?

If GLG is town then #289 and #294 confirm the other two as the scum-team.
I just checked and neither of those are my posts so I'm glad to see someone else without an argument against me ;)

@Kary: you never answered bessie what you found ridiculous about the no neutral line thing in #263, #268. You deflected in #269 and went from there.
I didn't give an answer because I was not interested in having an argument based off an off-hand comment that I made. It's not as if Bessie cared enough to chase me up about it so I don't see why you think it's important. Surely it is more a case of our play-styles clashing than anything to do with our alignments.

"What I'm trying to do is get a useful answer out of you, apparently in vain." from #273 is just terrible. bessie explained herself clearly, you're just not willing to read.
I'm not willing to read? First, that's hilarious.

Second, how is being "not willing to read" scummy?

PS2: wrote all of the above before receiving role-pm (but knowing that Maven and Raxxel were Town), haven't changed a single character. Make of that what you will.
You're bad at being mafia and you don't like being pressured, got it.
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