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[FIRE EMBLEM] Pegasus Sisters, The White Wings soar the skies for challengers

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC

Pegasus Sisters, Palla, Catria and Est support thread for Smash Switch!

With their latest inclusion in Fire Emblem Echoes, I think the Pegasus Rider sisters ; the White Wings should be considered as a new character. Palla, Catria and Est would all share the same slot with virtual no moveset differences much like Bowser Jr. and the Koopalings.

The concept of Pegasus Rider as a unit is as old as Fire Emblem 1, which was also the White Wings' first appearance. With high mobility that is unbothered with any sort of terrain, Pegasus Riders offer unique strategy in Fire Emblem. Using a lance as their primary weapon, they strike from airbone with range, high speed, and of course grace.

The Pegasus Rider's main strategy is keeping the opponent in their ideal reach. Far away enough to not make the opponent reach you but close enough to make a quick strike or two, and then retreat to safe range again. The Pegasus Rider would have exellent airbone abilities and able to rack up good damage swiftly if under the right conditions. However they would be light despite the Pegasus and cannot function well on the ground.

The concept of a mounted fighter would be fairly interessting. And I feel a full airbone character would make a nice unique contribution to the roster. Palla, Catria and Est are recognisable enough and the Pegasus Rider is a mainstay in Fire Emblem as far as units go.

As the thread is under construction, expect no moveset as of yet. Although I do have a Special Moveset in mind.

B: Javelin

The most common weapon type used to train your Pegasus Rider and keep her from harms way; a ranged throwing spear that's got a sweetspot at the tip. Not ideal for KO's but can stack for some nice damage, tilting the attack slightly influences the traction and direction of the javelin. Typically travels in a 90 degree arc and can be used in the air, or for approaches in general.

Side B: Pegasus Sommersault

Based on the Pegasi Riders attack animation in Echoes, the White Wing Sister will do a sommersault stabbing attack with her pegasus. Not very powerful but a rather good approach option. Can also be used to help in recovery. Sweet spot can KO above 130% ish.

Up B: Pegasus Flight

The unique selling point of the character, flight. For a 10 second period the Pegasus can fly at faster speeds than with regular jumps (having multiple). This can help in both approaches, retreating and recovery but sparringly. Jumps cannot be used till the Pegasus lands. Any grounded attacks can be used in much the same fashion while using Up B, at the trade off for no aerials (otherwise it wouldn't make sense in Smash moveset). This makes aerial Smashes possible for example and makes the White Wings a terror in the sky. Works similary to Pit's Up B in Brawl but with the ability to attack of course.

Down B: Graceful Counter

By making her mount do a spin, the White Wing Sister avoids a physical attack to do a thrusting stabbing attack afterwards with moderate KO power. Works best against sword characters due to their range. Ideal for dealing with disjointed hitboxes but is somewhat slower than regular Counters. Not ideal for close ranged attacks.

Final Smash: Triangle Attack

Palla, Catria and Est join up forces for a brutal Triangle Attack. Basically a stronger and controlable version of the Latios / Latias Pokeball summon.

Let me know what you think and if you'd support their inclusions then I would make a support list.
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Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2016
I am always up for more fire emblem reps. If we got a pegasus knight rep I think they would go with Caeda (due to her closer connection with series icon Marth) or Cordelia (seems to be the most popular pegasus knight). Getting these three together would give us some better alts overall (unless we somehow get a Mirage Caeda alt) so I feel as unluckly as it is we will get any of these fighter that this would be the best choice when you factor that into consideration.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
I choose the White Wings because they are easily the most appearing playable fighters in the franchise. Caeda might have Warriors on her resume, but Palla, Catria and Est are in Echoes, where DLC for Awakening and have the most playable appearances out of any Fire Emblem unit. Which is kind of huge.


Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2016
I choose the White Wings because they are easily the most appearing playable fighters in the franchise. Caeda might have Warriors on her resume, but Palla, Catria and Est are in Echoes, where DLC for Awakening and have the most playable appearances out of any Fire Emblem unit. Which is kind of huge.
That is a good point. To tell you the truth I never put much thought into who has appeared most in fire emblem, as embarrassed as I am to admit this I kind of just assumed it was Marth without doing the proper research.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
That is a good point. To tell you the truth I never put much thought into who has appeared most in fire emblem, as embarrassed as I am to admit this I kind of just assumed it was Marth without doing the proper research.
Well you are not to be blamed for that. Marth indeed has the most playable appearances out of any Lord character, but each game Marth is in, so are Palla, Catria and Est. And they get to enjoy two extra playable appearances because of Gaiden, and it's remake Echoes. Anna also has a lot of appearances, but didn't became a playable fighter till Awakening. Of she can get support, so could the White Wings.


Smash Champion
Jan 8, 2014
I honestly think a fire emblem triangle attack (either Pegasus or General) would make an excellent assist trophy...


Smash Journeyman
May 1, 2018
Switch FC
Personally I think the Whitewing sisters would be better as an assist trophy using their Triangle Attack. Maybe it's just me but I feel playable mounted units don't really fit smash bros playstyle since they would have weird hitboxes or end up being too big but if Sakurai and the smash dev team could somehow make it work then I would be all for it and they did manage Bowser Jr inside the clown car after all. Palla and Catria are some of my favorite Pegasus Knights from Fire Emblem.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 21, 2001
I think of them as another character concept that could bring something fun and unique to the table if done right. Many people are probably quick to think there is no way a character on a mount could work, but I would just have to inoffensively say they lack imagination. If Sakurai was even supposedly once thinking of doing an entire motorcycle based move set for a certain character, then anything is possible! lol

One possibility would be making it so the character isn't always on the pegasus, but the pegasus could be a utility that you use wisely to gain the advantage in battle. I've been replaying the old Fire Emblem games recently. I'm currently on the third game. One neat thing in that game that I like is how the mounted characters can dismount and remount which gives flying characters an extra option to approach bow enemies without as much worry. In Smash, Imagine if you started out dismounted and would mount when the time is right to gain an advantage. Flying units are known to use staffs like the rescue/warp staff, so they could just pull one of those out to summon the steed and hop on, and have it teleport away when they want off. They could be a normal fighter that uses a lance (no more swords, please!) when unmounted, and become reverse-Mac when mounted (Huge advantage in the air, somewhat disadvantaged on the ground. And unable to grap ledges while mounted (I just can't imagine that looking right...), but who needs ledges when you can just fly all over the place? lol). To keep the horse from becoming too broken of a free recovery or potentail keep/run-away option, the pegasus could have stamina that gets used up steadily as it is being used, used up faster from certain swift aerial maneuvers, and especially from taking damage; get low on stamina and it starts to lose mobility, run out and it retreats and can't be summoned back until it recovers at least a certain amount. Tactics, strategy, and resource management are what the Fire Emblem games are all about, and I think it is fun to see such reflected in its characters.

Many people might think if we were to get such a character, Caeda would be the better pick, but I think I would prefer the White Wings with them being more recurring, being the originators of the iconic Triangle Attack, and offering three for one (you want more blue hair, you got it in addition to green and red! lol).

On a fun side note, I think Est was my overall best unit in the original games, particularly Gaiden. As soon as I got her, I gave her the ring Catria comes with, which doubles stat gains at level up (why did it have to lose that effect in Echoes?! ;_; ), and did some grinding, and soon she had a 40 in every stat except magic defense (which had a 0% growth in Gaiden), making the rest of Celica's maps a breeze. It's like they say, you can't spell "best" without "Est"! :p
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Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
I never thought this thread would've gained traction anymore after such long silence.

I do think the addition of a mounted unit would add a lot of variation that Fire Emblem newcomers desperately should have. I began this thread with the recent experience of Fire Emblem Echoes on my mind, I got the (somewhat ironically intended) idea of having a Pegasus Sister playable, because people where complaining Alm and Celica where not unique compared to FE roster of that given time. And Palla, Catria and Est had a second appearance in the west by then, and so I began playing with the idea in my mind.

Mostly just came down to observing the combat animations of the Pegasus units in FE Echoes. That vision of playability, I lost with time. But now, with the release of Fire Emblem: Three Houses last year I imagine such character acting differently in Smash. Three Houses reintroduced the mount and dismount mechanic yet again with their animal riding units, and thus I can imagine a way more practical version of a mounted unit. I don't expect it to be the Pegasus Sisters however, but rather a potential new Lord in a new game.

I'm still down for discussion of this idea however. Post whatever you like honestly. Could still get me entertainment I think.
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