Being the big Laegjarn fan that I am and having pulled her Summer variant, I decided now is as good a time as any to start conceptualising a “Laegjarn Emblem” team. Can't say if we'll ever get a 4th one, and I'm sure it would bother a lot of people if it happened, but I'll definitely be pulling for her if that happens, especially since my experimentation with the current three Laegjarns has been working out quite well for a surprisingly synergistic team.
The original (OG!) version of Laegjarn is currently the one I have the most trouble fitting on this team. I do have a wide variety of skills on her but on this team in particular, struggle to give her a real niche. For now, I threw a Spd refined Slaying Edge+ on her and gave her skills that make her sort of an all-around generalist. Another option I think might just about work is to actually try to build her towards “fixing” her Res stat enough with things like a Res refined Barrier Blade+ and Distant Counter (both of which I already have on her), to make her capable of baiting Green mages, since the rest of the team is blue and doesn't have great Res, and her naturally good Def means she can also deal with archers with Distant Counter. Regardless, this is the one who I will do the most experimentation with.
New Years (NY!) Laegjarn is actually one of my personal favourite units in the game, not just because it's Laegjarn in a comfy fluffy kimono drawn by Daisuke Izuka, but I find her to be one of those units that I think is largely underrated by the community and has a lot of hidden potential for those willing to invest the time and resources into her. I also feel she may be the leading Laegjarn of this team. Being a TT unit, she isn't really built with a full kit out of the box and her kit mostly focuses on Chill skills by default as well as Def Tactic, so most just see her as good skill fodder. However, by foddering some premium units and getting some nice skills onto her, as well as with the recently released Brazen Atk/Spd Sacred Seal, I think I've turned her into a bit of a monster. The idea behind her is that she just runs in and storms the enemy on the first turn after getting danced by L!Azura to apply an Atk Tactic buff across all of her stats. With this and all of her personal buff conditionals met, she can reach 71 Atk, 53 Spd, and 56 Def (63 Def on Enemy phase). That's enough for her to be a potential problem for physical green units, as they usually can't do more than single digits to her, and red and blue are almost always doing no damage to her. Her Res is 27 when buffed which is enough to survive against most mages, and this also does her the service of activating her Brazen Skill. If I really wanted to though, I could use Berkut's Lance+ so she can take some magic damage better if a particular map might need it. Atk Smoke is also really useful for her. Usually, when she storms the enemy on that first player phase, there are multiple enemies near her target meaning she is hitting all of them with Atk Smoke, leaving all immediate enemies weaker and less able to put a dent in her. This is especially useful for the mages I mentioned earlier too. The special is pretty flexible. I typically run Galeforce on her on other teams so that's why you see it there (and it still works on this team – the first enemy phase initation where she typically takes on an entire enemy team will fill it up for turn 2). But I have a few other specials like Aether and Ignis which can obviously work well on her too. Overall, I find her to just be an extremely independent and capable unit, and that's just why she works here.
Summer (S!) Laegjarn needs no introduction right now, I'm sure, and not just because of the art. And honestly, I don't have much I feel I need to explain here. She's a blue flying nuke that bombards enemies before they can do anything about it, with her Prf weapon and Swift Sparrow 3. She has the Atk to make good use of Heavy Blade (a shame she can't use Flashing Blade though, she'd NEVER miss that, especially with the +Spd IV I got). Luna and Moonbow are her ideal specials as they will push her over the edge against units who may have high Res or have just enough to survive a normal initiation and retaliate.
Legendary (L!) Azura is subbing in for the lack of a 4th Laegjarn for now. This is mostly because she provides a water blessing for a bit of extra HP and Res which is good for NY!Laegjarn especially, and her utility is generally always really nice to have. As mentioned before, she also is there as an easy way to fully buff NY!Laegjarn, particularly on the first turn.
I haven't touched on them much on purpose, but now I'll briefly talk about the Chill skills. The idea to make a full chill team came about because OG!Laegjarn and NY!Laegjarn already have Chill Atk and Chill Res built into their default kits respecitively, so I figured I may as well go the full extra mile so everyone benefits, and S!Laegjarn and L!Azura don't desperately need anything in paritcular in their B-Slot. NY!Laegjarn has Chill Def built into her default weapon, Wagasa+, but I figured her using Safeguard+ on top of someone else applying Chill Def was better in the long run, especially since Safeguard+ or Berkut's Lance+ can synergise with the Chill Atk from OG!Laegarn, or NY!Laegjarn's own Atk Smoke. Either way, everyone can benefit from these Chill Skills (though Chill Spd is likely overkill for S!Laegjarn, lol).
As for what I would want out of a 4th Laegjarn? The ideal would obviously be a Legendary Laegjarn, with the context being that's she's from a timeline where Laegjarn lived on to become Queen of Múspell. This is because she can provide a HP boost and one other stat boost during the approriate season (likely fire). As for what I want her to be, in terms of unit type, I would ideally like a green axe or green tome Laegjarn to fill up the extra colour, though colourless could work too. Also, perhaps it's too novel an idea, but I find the idea of a Laegjarn with a sing skill similar to L!Azura appealing. Not just because she could replace or even improve upon the current setup I have on this team, but also because Laegjarn's English VA (Abby Trott – though she uses the alias “Alicia Stratten” in FE Heroes) is the English singer for Lifelight, the theme song of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, so as a nod to that, her special sing skill could be named after the song. It's unlikely this would happen due to it being a bit of trivia exclusive to the English dub and might fly over the head of the Japanese audience, but it's definitely my ideal dream for a Laegjarn alt – plus she could totally rock a really elegant dress with light armour plating, making her like a queen rallying the troops with her song. Though failing that, just a tanky but fast green axe infantry with a cool new skill of some kind, or a green tome flier, would probably be just fine and work really well on this team too. A Res tank Laegjarn would also fill an open niche on the team.
Until that fourth Laegjarn comes, I will continue my futile effort to +10 all three current Laegjarns, haha.