Fire Emblemier
The Crests are to Blame
Another Fire Emblem Theme mafia! "Already?!"
Inspired by the first commercial for Fire Emblem 7 in the States, this is Fire Emblem “Poisoned Mutton” Mafia. Dorcas was found dead, someone poisoned his mutton, it’s up to you to find out who conspired against him. 
Build an Army, Trust No One!
For a while, I was thinking about switching this to an Earthbound theme, due to Heroes II, but decided that there's room for a subsequent themed game. (Plus, thought up of way more flavor for this than Earthbound) Everyone’s roles will be based off of Player characters from FE7, it won’t be as easy as figuring out who the black fang members or morphs are. Each in game day will last 72 hours. While each in game night will last 48 hours. Feel free to sign up at your leisure, or even ask to spectate the game and be added to the spectator lobby. I also could use the assistance of a cohost, to help with vote count requests, deadline extensions, etc. I do recommend signing up for Thrones Mafia first if you are interested in that, or any other mafia game that peaks your interest, if you see a game you like as well.
- Have fun and do not personally attack another player in an offensive manner.
- Once you have died in the game, you are no longer allowed to make any more posts in the thread until the game is finished.
- No communication about this game is allowed with non-players or players who are dead, even if you yourself are dead. (If you are dead, you may not discuss the game with anyone who is currently playing, even if you could while you were alive, unless your role specifically states otherwise.)
- Unless your role PM specifically allows you the power, you are not to communicate with anyone about this game outside of this game thread. This includes posting content outside of the game thread and linking to it in the game thread.
- Do not edit your posts. Double posting is completely fine in its place.
- I reserve the right to deny anyone from signing up/replacing. (Very unlikely for this game to be quite honest)
- You are not allowed to quote any mod communication of any kind, real or fake. You must paraphrase all information you wish to claim. This includes any additional PMs I may send to you outside of your role PM. You are not allowed to post or refer to any images in your role PM, nor may you post metadata about mod PMs in an attempt to break the game. (e.g., message ID in the URL, time of day the message was sent, etc.).
- You may not post screenshots of any kind. These will be immediately edited out by the mod.
- The use of non-English, invisible, hidden, coded, or otherwise intentionally hidden or indecipherable text is strictly prohibited. (Spoiler tags are allowed because they are easily noticeable. This rule is not meant to disallow breadcrumbing within the visible text of a message.).
- If you feel the need to be replaced, please address it in your role pm rather than in the main thread please. If a replacement can not be found, the replacee will be hostkilled at the end of the current phase.
- Failure to send in your night action(s) will result in no action(s) being taken.
- Failure to adhere to the rules will result in replacement or modkill based on the moderator's discretion.
Voting and Lynching
- Each Day, you may vote for a player to be lynched using a bold Vote command. For example, Vote: Y.
- To unvote, use the command Unvote. For example, Unvote, Vote: X. You don't have to unvote before voting again.
- No Lynch is a viable lynch choice and a majority will end the Day without a lynch. For example, Vote: No Lynch.
- After the majority lynch has been decided but before the lynch scene is posted, there will be a Twilight phase. Everyone can post in this phase, including the lynch majority target. After the lynch scene is posted, the game will move to Night.
- The Day will end when a majority lynch is decided or a preset deadline has been reached. If deadline is reached without a majority lynch decided, there will be no lynch.
- There is no posting in this thread during the Night phase.
- You can also vote for a deadline extension, if you believe the current day phase is too short. this will extend the day for another 24 hours. For example, Vote Deadline Extension
X, you are Athos, Vanilla Townie. While you do not have any special abilities unique to your role, you do have the power to vote, and communicate with the other players during the day. Your goal is to rout the mafia faction. You win if Mafia is defeated even if you die. You lose if Mafia outnumbers town. You have a mighty Beard, and wisdom to share as the ArchSage.
Its a 13 player game. Night Convos will exist for mafia alligned players, and specific roles whether they may or may not appear
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