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Finally have some vids, critique me.


Deleted member

Good job. A few things:

You are crazy aggresive, u do a good job of it, but there were many cases where throwing an egg wouldve helped. MORE EGGS. They help limit the opponents options, and your aggresiveness got punished, especially on the end of the 3rd match, where ankokou finally got the hang of your yoshi. Like, sometimes, u could maybe instead of chasing throw a few eggs, then go in, at least to change the pace a lil bit.

Maybe some retreating bairs would've helped if u saw him approaching, those will always make a shiek wary.

I saw alot of runnign charged usmashes when he was on the edge, its a good mindgame i guess but u did it like every time, might as well have dtilted or throw an egg or something besides that some of the times. A lil more RAR bair i guess, a lil less dash attack, maybe some pivot grabs, but overall good job.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
From watching the first match (still wanted to critique even though it's bad =P):

In the beginning, never use your Fsmash until you need it at mid% or high%. Too much after lag from it.
Dair should be a main edgeguard move. Fair should be situational until you know it'll hit.
Pivot grabs. Don't get discouraged from using grabs. They are still good to use to keep the pace at your speed.
No, to charged moves. They are best for traps that are almost ingenious for the opponent to get around.
Spotdodge should be your main defense. If you can abuse the very small timing that yoshi can counter from shielding, then do that too.
Practice your ECE more. 2 SDs aren't going to cut it.
There were no eggs.......yeah....

Second match:

Much better this time around.
Fsmashing too much. Still not good unless you use it where you can't get punsihed well from the after lag.
Noticed you started egging now. I suggest using ETS as it's a good move to dodge while atking.
Never atk a person after they come from the respawn deck. Ever...
Went from almost no defense to rolling excessively. Spotdodges and just plain shielding are the most important.
You went from using tilts in the beginning to no tilts. What happened?
If you're in the air and your opponent isn't recklessly chasing you, don't DownB into the ground. Can get punished easily.
Also, lol @ the missed edgehog.

Third match:

Even better this one. I'd suggest trying to land out of grab range, or land behind the opponent.
Ah, you missed a big opportunity when Ankoku was changing characters. I saw a smash, tilt, or a downB.
You did faily well in this one. Not much I can say.

Overall I'd say that you did pretty good. You're pretty aggressive and you should kind of try to make it so that your aggressiveness doesn't get you into horrible placements. Land in better spots other than just dead in front of the opponent (always = shieldgrab), and try to use ETS to get more mindgames into your game. I didn't see any DR (T_T), but whatever. I'm just being hyper atm. XD I'd advise grabs also. AT least pivot grabs since it's a good counter and it's the quickest.

I'd say 6/10 (I'm a harsh rater)


Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2008
Royal Oak, MI
Good job. A few things:

You are crazy aggresive, u do a good job of it, but there were many cases where throwing an egg wouldve helped. MORE EGGS. They help limit the opponents options, and your aggresiveness got punished, especially on the end of the 3rd match, where ankokou finally got the hang of your yoshi. Like, sometimes, u could maybe instead of chasing throw a few eggs, then go in, at least to change the pace a lil bit.

Maybe some retreating bairs would've helped if u saw him approaching, those will always make a shiek wary.

I saw alot of runnign charged usmashes when he was on the edge, its a good mindgame i guess but u did it like every time, might as well have dtilted or throw an egg or something besides that some of the times. A lil more RAR bair i guess, a lil less dash attack, maybe some pivot grabs, but overall good job.
I know I'm crazy agressive. That playstyle is the most fun to me, except I get predictable and that's my weak point. It's really interesting since I don't think many characters are able to be played so agressively, so I take advantage of it as much as possible.

The reason for all of the charged usmashes is because if you time it right, you can peg the enemy recovering from ledge ALL THE TIME. I need to back down my game a bit and be a bit more campy though. I don't want to give my opponents time to think about what the hell is going on, though :D

From watching the first match (still wanted to critique even though it's bad =P):

In the beginning, never use your Fsmash until you need it at mid% or high%. Too much after lag from it.
Dair should be a main edgeguard move. Fair should be situational until you know it'll hit.
Pivot grabs. Don't get discouraged from using grabs. They are still good to use to keep the pace at your speed.
No, to charged moves. They are best for traps that are almost ingenious for the opponent to get around.
Spotdodge should be your main defense. If you can abuse the very small timing that yoshi can counter from shielding, then do that too.
Practice your ECE more. 2 SDs aren't going to cut it.
There were no eggs.......yeah....

Second match:

Much better this time around.
Fsmashing too much. Still not good unless you use it where you can't get punsihed well from the after lag.
Noticed you started egging now. I suggest using ETS as it's a good move to dodge while atking.
Never atk a person after they come from the respawn deck. Ever...
Went from almost no defense to rolling excessively. Spotdodges and just plain shielding are the most important.
You went from using tilts in the beginning to no tilts. What happened?
If you're in the air and your opponent isn't recklessly chasing you, don't DownB into the ground. Can get punished easily.
Also, lol @ the missed edgehog.

Third match:

Even better this one. I'd suggest trying to land out of grab range, or land behind the opponent.
Ah, you missed a big opportunity when Ankoku was changing characters. I saw a smash, tilt, or a downB.
You did faily well in this one. Not much I can say.

Overall I'd say that you did pretty good. You're pretty aggressive and you should kind of try to make it so that your aggressiveness doesn't get you into horrible placements. Land in better spots other than just dead in front of the opponent (always = shieldgrab), and try to use ETS to get more mindgames into your game. I didn't see any DR (T_T), but whatever. I'm just being hyper atm. XD I'd advise grabs also. AT least pivot grabs since it's a good counter and it's the quickest.

I'd say 6/10 (I'm a harsh rater)
Yeah, I know I need to work on spacing a lot. Also, something worthy to mention, my entire yoshi experience has come from 4 or 5 smashfests I've been to. I don't own a wii so I have NO experience in a lot of matchups.

I found myself to be kindof a 'momentum' player. I really go all out and I **** when I'm "in the groove" but then towards the ends of matches I always lose it. I think I lose my cool and get in a rush to end the match, which is why there are SO many more smashes at the ends of my matches.

Thanks for the tips keep them coming


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2008
BC, Canada
Your MegaMan/Hard Hat Girl sig makes me smile :)

Nothing much to say that hasn't been said already. You need to Fsmash and Fair alot less, and maybe hold back on the Air DownB's too.

That was some nice edgeguarding on the 2nd match though


Smash Rookie
Jul 24, 2008
Pretty good, If you're agressive, im crazy O.o
Where are da grabs in da first match O.o
Also, when that shek's sheild was weak, a good Dsmash or Dtilt could have gone through it :p!
Anyway, that's just my opinion, you're better hearing from more experienced yoshis :p!


Smash Master
Oct 31, 2007
Syracuse, NY
I found myself to be kindof a 'momentum' player. I really go all out and I **** when I'm "in the groove" but then towards the ends of matches I always lose it. I think I lose my cool and get in a rush to end the match, which is why there are SO many more smashes at the ends of my matches.

Thanks for the tips keep them coming
I think it's more that by the end of the match, your opponent figures you out, as Burntsocks said in his post. That's why he was able to shut you down so much in the end of the third match. The key here is to mix up your approach to keep him guessing as to what you're going to do. More eggs would be a nice start. =)


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
Ames, IA
I agree, approaches can be pretty mixed up. There's such a variety of ways to approach... bair, grabs, dash attack, walk to ftilt, and occasionally nair or dair. Or you could just eggspam and make Sheik approach you...


Smash Chump
Nov 7, 2004
:yoshi: Stop airdodging after you get down thrown. She regrabs or capitalizes and it's embarassing.

I like Sheik in this game, but there's no reason to have suffered what you did in those matches. Don't get predictable after getting down thrown and just try not to get grabbed as much in general. At certain points, the Sheik was just mindlessly spamming grabs; do your best to spot traits like this and make some opportunities for yourself.

P.S. - Two more things. First, in regards to the forward smashing. I know everyone said to tone it down, and I agree, but I just want to note something; correct me if I'm wrong. I looked a lot of times like you were using forward smash to attempt to punish at a reasonable distance. The thing about forward smash is that it's not a punishing move anymore. I dunno what it is just yet as I haven't given too much thought to it, but I know for a fact that punishing with this move cannot happen and, in fact, you will be the one getting punished! So, tone forward smash down and try to find a different use for it as well. Also, I do agree with you on the charged up smash at the edge. However, it gets really old to your opponent after they've been hit by it twice. Try to stay frosty so that they're not waiting for "that darned upsmash" everytime they grab the ledge. If they see it at all, your tactics before should have been so mixed up that they have to hesitate in order to remember how they got around it last time.

And yeah, edgeguarding needs work. That comes with time. Just use less forward airs and experiment with the double jump a little bit.


Smash Champion
Feb 26, 2008
Orlando (UCF)
Yeah, all I can really say is more ftilts (didn't see too many of those), maybe replace some Fairs with Nairs since its so much easier to hit with, and from what I've noticed the Fsmash isn't a punishing move against characters with a moving Fsmash (fox, shiek, you know the rest) so I'd tone it down a bit on characters like that. More RARing would be a good way to approach as well, pivot grabs seem to work well on the faster characters so I'd throw in some of those, nuetral B s a good way to annoy an opponent, as for being predictable...i can't really criticize on that as I might be even more aggressive making me extremely predictable.


Smash Cadet
Nov 22, 2006
Winter Park, FL
Change dash-grab into run-behind-opponent-pivot-grab. It's safer, in case your opponent dodges or rolls away from you.

Mix-up your aggressiveness with safe "poking" (like D-tilt, retreating Bairs, pivot-grab, or ETS) so you don't give the match away to your own predictability.


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2008
BC, Canada
One thing I may add on the vs. PT fight, you didn't seem to know that you could Dash Usmash Squirtle on release. You also seem to have troubles with Chaingrabbing in general.

Deleted member

Uhh i punish with foward smash all the time. Not as good against longranged moves, but falcon better think twice before spacing bairs against a yoshi.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 29, 2006
Rhode island
The forward smash still has the backup, which i've always thought was good for punishing as long as its spaced right, or i could just be insane and its 4 in the morning, whichever


Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2008
Royal Oak, MI
Like I said I've only had 7 or 8 days in the entire summer (since the beginning of june) that I've ever played yoshi. I don't have a chance to perfect chaingrabs at the moment. Same with the DR, I want to learn it but can't until I move back to my dorm when my roommate will have his wii and brawl.

But yeah, I was playing a ton of friendlies that day and it just happened I played that one on a TV that was recording, and that was one of the few times I was really missing my chaingrabs... Oh well, that's life. I'll get better.
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