Smash Champion
Helpful rules and links
Newbie Guide: Introduction for new players.
Basic Rules: Reading these rules, along with the game's specific rules, will help you understand the game.
Common Roles: Includes a description of the roles both commonly and uncommonly found in Mafia.
Smashboards Mafia Archives: This archive includes examples of past Mafia games in Decisive Games.
- Disputes with and private questions for me should be handled through PM or instant messaging. If you notice that I have made a simple mistake or if you have a simple question, please address them in the thread in bold. I reserve the right to not answer any questions.
- Dead men tell no tales. Once you have died in the game, you are dead (unless, later, I tell you you're not). Dead players are not allowed to make any more posts in the thread for any reason whatsoever. No communication about this game is allowed with non-players or players who are dead, even if you yourself are dead (If you are dead, you may not discuss the game with anyone who is currently playing, even if you could while you were alive). Breaking this rule may blacklist you from future games, and definitely prevents you from being revived in this game.
- Unless your role PM specifically allows you the power, you are not to communicate with anyone about this game outside of this game thread. This includes posting content outside of the game thread and linking to it in the game thread.
- Editing your posts is not allowed.
- I reserve the right to deny anyone from signing up/replacing.
- Personally attacking another player is not allowed.
- You are not allowed to quote any mod communication of any kind, real or fake. You must paraphrase all information you wish to claim. You are not allowed to post or refer to any images in your role PM, nor may you post metadata about mod PMs in an attempt to break the game (e.g., message ID in the URL, time of day the message was sent, etc.).
- Do not attempt to post generally unreadable or hidden text, as by changing the text color to match or resemble the page background (Spoiler tags are allowed because they are easily noticeable. This rule is not meant to disallow breadcrumbing within the visible text of a message).
- You may not use ciphers, encryption, or similar techniques.
- You must post in English.
- Do not quote logs of communication you have had between yourself and another player. You may paraphrase instead.
- Failure to send your night action will result in no night actions being performed.
- Failure to adhere to the above rules will result in modkill or replacement at the mod's discretion. If you are unsure of whether a post would violate one of these rules, you are more than welcome to ask me personally, beforehand.
[collapse="Voting and Lynching"]
- Each Day, you may vote for a player to be lynched using a bold vote command. For example, vote: Rajam.
- To unvote, use the command unvote. You aren't forced to unvote before voting another player, but it'd be highly appreciated.
- No lynch is a viable lynch choice and a majority will end the Day without a lynch. For example, vote: No Lynch.
- The Day will end when a majority lynch is decided or a pre-set deadline has been reached. If deadline is reached without a majority lynch decided, there will be no lynch.
- After the majority lynch has been decided but before the lynch scene is posted, there will be a Twilight phase. Everyone can post in this phase, including the lynch majority target. After the lynch scene is posted, the game will move to Night.
- There is no posting in this thread during the Night phase.
[collapse="Activity and Deadlines"]
- You are required to post every 48 hours (Night Phase is excluded for this purpose). If you fail to do so, you will be prodded. An accumulation of too many prods over the course of the game (however many I think that is) will result in your replacement or a modkill depending on the circumstances. When feasible, I will tell you if I'm considering replacing/modkilling you. If you will be inactive for an extended period of time, you must notify me in advance. Unexcused or particularly long absences may result in your replacement or modkill.
- We will have strict day cycles set on 8-days in real life. The town must stay active and be willing to punish inactive players if they hope to succeed.
- I do not expect to grant deadline extensions, barring extenuating circumstances. In the event I need to replace a player, I may extend the deadline to accommodate the new player. Certain game events may also result in a change of deadline.
- Nights will generally last approximately 48 hours. If you have a Night action and do not wish to use it, please send me a PM to that effect, lest I have to wait until the deadline for naught.
[collapse="Special Notes"]
- Everyone’s win conditions are not necessarily uniform!
- I would like to actively encourage everyone to pressure players that are inactive and punish them by lynching them if necessary. I will replace players that need to be replaced, but the town shouldn't let that be an excuse to let players get away with staying quiet.
- Knowledge of Final Fantasy VIII isn't necessary to play, but it might be useful. Check out the Final Fantasy VIII Wiki Page if you want to read up.
- Your character identity is important! Some people may be given special information or hints about your character, so protect your identity at all costs.
- If you rely on flavor, you might get burned. Try to focus on information and player actions if you want to succeed. Trust no one and make no assumptions.
- All roles are assigned entirely at random.
- Modkills only end days if the player being modkilled is town-aligned. Otherwise, day continues. In the event that a player is modkilled during twilight/night, the modkill will affect the next day phase (meaning that day would automatically end if the player is town and that day would continue as normal if otherwise). Exceptions to this rule may be made based on the state of the game and my personal judgment.
- In the event of a conflict between the ruleset and any game-specific rules or mod communication, the game-specific rules/mod communication take precedence.
Detailed Mechanics
[collapse="The Guardian Forces"]At the beginning of each Day Phase, at least one GF (Guardian Force) will appear on the game field. GFs are special characters (NPC) which can provide abilities and / or some special status to the player which receives them.
GFs are assigned to players through a special vote. Each Day Phase, players can vote to assign the GFs present in the game field, by using the command Assign Target GF: Target Player. Once a player has reached a majority of the votes of a same GF, that GF will leave the game field, and will be assigned to that player immediatly. Players can also cancel these GF votes, by using the command Unassign: Target GF, but only as long as that GF is still unassigned.
At the end of each Day Phase, all unassigned GFs present in the game field will be randomly assigned to an unknown player (only the player receiving the GF will know).
All assigned GFs are automatically unassigned at the end of each Night Phase. Their granted abilities and effects only last while they're assigned, unless specified otherwise.
The list of all GFs that can appear on the game field is the next:
Sample Role PM
Raine Loire, Town Concerned Mother
Raine Loire is a non-playable character in Final Fantasy VIII. A resident of the small village of Winhill on the Galbadian continent, she is the second love interest, and later wife, of Laguna Loire.
Active Abilities
Search: Once per Night Phase, you can send me a PM with the command Investigate: Target player. At the end of that Night Phase, you'll be informed whether the identity of the target player is Squall Leonhart or not.
You cannot use Search more than twice in the game.
Win Conditions
You are Town aligned and you win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.
GF Sample
MiniMog, Victory GF
Special Status
Moogle Dance: You're removed permanently from the game. Your original Win Conditions are eliminated, and instead, you leave the game as a winner. Congratulations!
Special Information
- There are no Vanilla Roles in this game.
- mUrDErBUSh (Raziek / Ryker) * * * ( Quistis Trepe, Town Role Cop ; Killed Night 4 )
Kary>Ranmaru * * * *> J * ( Seifer Almasy, Rebel Hero ; Endgamed Night 5 )- JTB * * * ( Ultimecia, Mafia Time Flow Controller ; Survives Night 5! )
- TwilightSparkle (BadWolf28738 / Ramen King) ( Laguna Loire, Vengeful Townie ; Lynched Day 1 )
Tyranitarphantom *> ѕoup ( Ellone, Town Doctor ; Killed Night 1 )- Boss (KevinM / Tom) * * ( Irvine Kinneas, Town Role Blocker ; Lynched Day 4 )
- -Masquerain- * ( Edea Kramer, Town Miller & Vote Manipulator ; Lynched Day 3 )
- Inferno3044 * * ( Fujin, Rebel Teacher ; Endgamed Night 5 )
- Red Ryu * ( Raijin, Rebel Backup ; Killed Night 3 )
- Kreative Whiz Kids (Potassium / Sokr) * ( Adel, Mafia Absorbent Contact ; Survives Night 5! )
Orboknown>Kawaii Vinyl.> Bubbles. (Kawaii Vinyl. / Orboknown) ( Rinoa Heartilly, Town Tracker ; Killed Night 5 )- Swiss ( Dr. Kadowaki, Town Doctor ; Lynched Day 2 )
- Anomandaris_Rake ( Kiros Seagill, Town Vigilante ; Killed Night 2 )
- Nabe
- Kawaii Vinyl. > Day 1: Replaces Orboknown
- Ranmaru > Day 1: Replaces Kary
- ѕoup > Night 1: Replaces Tyranitarphantom
- J > Day 3: Replaces Ranmaru
- Bubbles. (Kawaii Vinyl. / Orboknown) > Day 2: Replaces Kawaii Vinyl.
Important Events
- Game Begins! Day Phase 1 Begins!
- Night Phase 1 Begins!
- Day Phase 2 Begins!
- Night Phase 2 Begins!
- Day Phase 3 Begins!
- Night Phase 3 Begins!
- Day Phase 4 Begins!
- Night Phase 4 Begins!
- Day Phase 5 Begins!
- Night Phase 5 Begins!
- Game Ends!
- Roles
- GFs