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FGCU Smash: Omega *12/4/10* -- ONLY A FEW DAYS!!!! --

[FBC] Papa Mink

Smash Legend
Feb 15, 2010
Orlando, FL
Hosted by Mink

This will be the 2nd and last FGCU SMASH that Mink will be hosting, because he's switching schools to Orlando. So come join this last event! I expect everyone from last time to attend as well as alot of newcomers.


Everglades Building
4th Floor, Television room (first room on the right.)

Places to eat nearby:
Another McDonalds
And other stuff.

Ryankane52290 is my skype, so if you have any questions or comments, you can skype me.

Door fee will be $5
Singles is $5
Doubles is $5 (per person)
Low tier will be 5$
Door fee rule: 1 setup -> 1 person.

Doubles Payout:
First Place: 60%
Second Place: 30%
Third Place: 10%

Singles Payout:
1st: 60%
2nd: 30%
3rd: 10%​

11.00n-1.00p Registration and Friendlies

1.00p-3.00p Brawl Doubles

3.00p-4.00p Food, Friendlies, MM, Whatever

4.00p-Whenever Brawl Singles

There will be a low tier tourney after single.

If more than 25 people show up we will be doing pools, but small pools. Last time pools didn't go so well and took forever. Lesson learned.

I will be there at 10:30am

General rules:
* 3 Stock

* 8 minute timer

* Team attack is set to "on"

* Items are set to "off" and "none"

* All sets with the exception of winner's finals, loser's finals, and the championship are best of 3 matches (best of 5 and above should be played out for any "finals" matches)

* In the event of a dispute, controller ports will be selected by Rock-Paper-Scissors

* No player may choose a stage they have already won on in that set unless agreed upon by both players.

* In team matches, the ports will be determined in a 1221 fashion; whoever wins the RPS will choose first, then the opposing team will get their ports, and then the teammate of the RPS winner will get the last port.

* If the timer runs out, the victor is determined first by stock and then by percentage.

* Metaknight's Infinite Cape glitch is banned.

* If a game ends with Bowser doing his suicide klaw and it ends in sudden death, the sudden death will be ignored and that game will count as a win for Bowser. This applies to other suicide moves, the win goes towards the initiator and the sudden death is ignored.

* You are responsible for your own controller and name tag. Any malfunctions or errors that occur are your responsibility, so bring an extra controller if possible and always check to make sure you're using the correct settings BEFORE a match is played. If a match is to be restarted due to controller functions, it must be agreed upon by both parties.

* Any action that can prevent the game from continuing (i.e., freezing, disappearing characters, game reset, etc.) will result in a forfeit of that match for the player that initiated the action. You are responsible for knowing your own character, and must be wary about accidentally triggering one of these effects.

* Stalling is banned.

Stalling: The act of deliberately avoiding any and all conflict so that one may make the game unplayable. Running away from an opponent to reach a better position is not stalling, while doing an infinite grab endlessly against a wall is. Any infinite chain grabs must end quickly after 300% has been reached so as to prevent excessive stalling.

*If a player is counter picking and they select a stage with a transparent floor , they may not select meta knight as well.

Delfino Plaza
Rainbow Cruise
Distant Planet
Port Town Aero Dive

Complaints about stalling should be dealt with as follows:
*Pause the game and contact a TO.
*The TO will monitor the rest of the match.
*At the conclusion of the match the game will be saved and the TO will watch the replay to make a decision.
*Should a replay be unavailable, the TO will make a decision based on all available knowledge of the incident.

Set format (In Order of Procedure):
1. Opponents choose their characters for the first match *
2. A Random neutral is chosen for the first match, unless opponents either agree on a neutral or decide to use stage striking.
3. Each player may announce one stage to be banned for counterpicks of the set
4. The first game is played, using the stage chosen during step 2
5. The loser of the previous match announces the next match's stage from either the Starter Stage List or the Counter Stage List
6. The winner of the previous match chooses their character
7. The loser of the previous match chooses their character
8. Repeat steps 5-7 for all proceeding matches
*Double blind character selection may be called for the first match

Issues or disputes which arise that are not covered by the rules and procedures already posted should be brought to the TOs for arbitration. The TOs' joint decisions are final.
I will be the judge the jury and the executioner on all matters at this tournament.


Frigate Orpheon
Pokemon Stadium 1
Pokemon Stadium 2
Castle Seige

Final Destination
Lylat Cruise
Yoshi's Island (Brawl)
Delphino Plaza
Pirate Ship
Distant Planet
Jungle Japes
Rainbow Cruise

IMO all the starter stages are actually NEUTRAL. They don't favor certain characters such as final D for example. This is my tournament and i want to try something new.

Everything is potentially subject to change based on feedback from you guys.

1. Mink
2. Viper
3. Naples Crew? (Mix, Swolf, V-tech, ******, Fsmash)?
4. DFear
5. Mechmaniac
6. 4Loko!
7. Abscent
8. TRA?
9. BG.
12. HURR
13. Shinibu
15. Hitman
16. you?

SN Viper

Formerly 9th in FL PR
Mar 31, 2010
Lake Alfred Florida
FGCU smash scene will be in full support of this event. I cant wait.
I'm about to hype the d!ck off of this thread.

Anyone who doesn't go to this tourney or is john'n for rides is a scruuuuub.

This tourney is gonna be the best danm tourney in the whole year!




Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2004
Orlando, Florida (UCF)

Nah, we weren't planning on going. It's a good distance from us and we're in a diff region. Since the seeding sucks, the prices are awful and they **** the pot our motivation was pretty low.
Its gonna be pools this time, which means more play time and also places you in the bracket depending how good you do.

I've explained the taking from the pot thing, so I'll find my quote again
The pot **** is lame but when you charge $5 door fee's its literally the same thing. NLL takes 30% of $15 which is $4.50 door
So charging $5 door fee is technically worse. People confuse that often

[FBC] Papa Mink

Smash Legend
Feb 15, 2010
Orlando, FL
I getcha, i getcha.
Well. I'll work on stealing some attendance from SFL and CFL.
It's the date i requested off, and i'm not gonna drive a solid 4 hours.
It'll workout :D

Soon enough i'll be up there. So i'l barely have to drive anything for it.

[FBC] Papa Mink

Smash Legend
Feb 15, 2010
Orlando, FL
Oh, but of course.
He's come over to smash a few times, and lives about 4 minutes away.
Youre out of Port Charlotte, right?


Smash Journeyman
Oct 6, 2008
Fort Myers, FL
Um..... I think you should switch PS2 with Smashville, and some other stage for Castle Siege, too.

Just sayin'



Smash Lord
Jan 14, 2008
Outer Haven
wow now that's really mixed up good XD

before I continue, will the last sentence be in affect? I've seen it a bunch of times but even if a good amount of people ask/suggest for a certain thing, it doesnt really get change lol yea I know ur the TO so in the end it's if u accept it nd what not.

No stage is absolutely "Neutral", no matter what stage it is one character will benefit more then the other :/
Anyways, PS2 nd Orpheon are not really close to being Neutrals lol specially PS2. They require way more Stage knowledge and contain Hazards that contradict the point of being " Neutral" therefore u can kinda say the outcome is up for luck. The best Neutrals I see there are BF nd PS1. I also find it hard to believe that Smashville which is like straight out the most Neutral stage, is not even a Starter lol. Personally I like Orpheon, PS1 gives me more "living %", BF is just too good nd I can deal with CS but it is what it is XD so don't take this the wrong way lol

On another note, still with that whole transparent rule? if I recall, on the last tournament the only MKs where my bros which they dont even CP any of those stages... but w/e I don't think it makes much difference either way so I dont really care I'm just a lil bored.

Because Luigi's mansion sucks. It's so easy to be timed out it's not even funny.
Buuuut I **** in weggieeesss :D

[FBC] Papa Mink

Smash Legend
Feb 15, 2010
Orlando, FL
Neutral means no advantage of either character
your lack of knowledge for hazards on stages, only states that you are the one unprepared for legal stages.

The harzards are pretty open as well...
An ALARM goes off when Frigate flips. Jump you wont die.

PS2 has no hazards. Theres a big sign in the back,k stating whats coming next, none of which are harzards.

Whats so hazardous about the ground being ice that you, yourself cannot take an use against your opponent?

And about your last statement about MK's transparent rule, just because you and your brothers only play on starter stages doesn't mean that other people aren't going to try and gay other players. It happens.

When you respond telling me that stages are gay, i'm already waiting.


Smash Lord
Jan 14, 2008
Outer Haven
Neutral means no advantage of either character
Like I said before... whatever stage is chosen first, one of the characters will have some sort of advantage. Because of that, when a stage is called "Neutral", it means that the stage has the "least" amount of favor that can be giving to any of the characters for game one. For the same reason it is that FD is not so much as Neutral anymore since it favors certain characters more then it should.

Your lack of knowledge for hazards on stages, only states that you are the one unprepared for legal stages.

When such stages become standard with at least half of the community, that's when this would actually make sense. You should only blame yourself for being unprepared when you lose being counter picked on... trust me I know this well cuz I don't play much with CP stages.

The harzards are pretty open as well...
An ALARM goes off when Frigate flips. Jump you wont die. PS2 has no hazards. Theres a big sign in the back, stating whats coming next, none of which are harzards. Whats so hazardous about the ground being ice that you, yourself cannot take any use against your opponent?
When I said "Hazards" It didn't meant like "OMG the stage would kill me all three stocks".

In Orpheon, it's not as easy as "jumping" and you're safe! it does messes people up mainly when recovering, you can get stuck under the stage and sometimes the ceiling can kill you automatically if you're on the right spot when it flip's. As for PS2, you wanna tell me that it's perfectly fine for a Neutral to have "struggling with sliding, floating to no end and trying to get to your opponent as you're being pushed to the edge on game one"?, when game one should be a stage that you shouldn't have to fight you're opponent and still have to deal with the stages hazards, that fits the profile of a Counter Pick.

And about your last statement about MK's transparent rule, just because you and your brothers only play on starter stages doesn't mean that other people aren't going to try and gay other players. It happens.

When you respond telling me that stages are gay, i'm already waiting.
But of course that other "MKs" will "GAY" other people out when they CP transparent stages lol I just thought it was funny that the last couple times it only targeted two MKs. Like I said, I don't really care for it, it doesn't make much of a difference really. And if you wanna talk about being "gayed" then shouldn't you try to actually get better against MKs on such stages? when you go to a tournament that isn't Swamp*****, they wont give you a break and be like "ight Imma put you special rule on my tournament cuz iitttssss siiiiicccckkkk and it makes sense lol" so yea, just because you and your crew likes to limits MKs gaaaynes doesn't mean that other people will do the same lol... it would be cool though, but I don't see anyone else bothering with it. You guys will just stayed behind with the MU when going somewhere else.

And yes, we like Neutrals so much that when we play a set our goal is to win game one on a Neutral and if game two is lost, Game three should be in the bag. There are times that we could lose Game one, but it doesn't meant that we will lose game three when were being CPed. Shxt happens, and we just deal with it. And yea, CPs are gaaaayyyy but that doesn't mean they're not Legit otherwise I would be telling you to have a tournament with only Smashville as the only stage period. Obviously this isn't the case, like I had said before don't take this the wrong way I was just giving you my opinion on your Starter list.

If you had a total of like 9 stages with the regular Neutrals with Stage Striking now thats more reasonable and a better way to "test" things out, but thats just me. IMO the list just seems more of what you want rather then to balance things out for the community cuz after all, tournaments are for the community not individuals.

wow, this is kinda looooonnngggg.


[FBC] Papa Mink

Smash Legend
Feb 15, 2010
Orlando, FL
Name one stage on my starters and tell me how any of them gives an advantage over another character.

If snake and ZSS were on PS2, how is that advantage snake or advantage ZSS?

how about Frigate.

Starter : stages you start on. This word does not mean neutral. Just because the first 5 stages in a tourney are Starter stages doesn't make them neutral.

Tell me one neutral aspect of Zero Suit vs Falco on Final D. Disregard Stage Striking. Or Smashville. Sounds like Falco has an advantage. How about anyone vs Ice Climbers on Final D? That aint neutral.

The stages i have chosen are not advantage or disadvantage any characters. If you would like to tell me how any of my starters are a disadvatage to your Snake, tell me.

Edit: Just because your crew is stuck in the past of playing only 5 stages doesn't mean that the rest of the entire stage list isn't neutral. Frigate and PS1 are pretty neutral. Just because this is Florida doesn't mean everyone should be stuck in the past and only play starter stages and be scared of everything else. IT'll be okay man :)


Smash Lord
Jan 14, 2008
Outer Haven
well your whole "Starter" stage statement shuts down what I had said and could say about it lol then forget this whole thing im just wasting my time then I guess, theres no reason to answer most of your post becuz of it. You guys keep on doing your own special thing lol it'll work out somehow I"m sure. I'm through on that Note then. also i guess u missed the part where I said i was fine with orpheon, ps1, bf and CS. i dont really care but just wanted to post on whats standard through the community but w/e.

and this whole thing about us being stuck in the past, ill just lol @ that! yea we still suck I guess, no shame on that huh? I know better then anyone else when its my fault when I lose, I am picky. But it's not like I have lost to some scrub kid nd still blame it on the stages/characters. The people I've recently lost to are actually good, and I still don't need to play constantly to beat some scrubby randoms. If you think were scare of something then yea lol I guuuueeeesssss sooooo XD imma wait for the time when TOs start putting more random stages they feel like doing. if I ever make another tournament ill be sure to add halberd in, FD, RC green greens brinstar as starters cuz i think theyre legit nd it doesnt matter in the end. yea if i think about it, theyre not that bad. yea the BBR is being a lil lazy i guess so more TOs should mix things around :)


[FBC] Papa Mink

Smash Legend
Feb 15, 2010
Orlando, FL

imma wait for the time when TOs start putting more random stages they feel like doing. if I ever make another tournament ill be sure to add halberd in, FD, RC green greens brinstar as starters cuz i think theyre legit nd it doesnt matter in the end. yea if i think about it, theyre not that bad. yea the BBR is being a lil lazy i guess so more TOs should mix things around :)
You forgot Port Town.

[FBC] Papa Mink

Smash Legend
Feb 15, 2010
Orlando, FL
dfear, you bringing anyone? Is the other half of the demon sisters coming? O.o

I got us a sick venue. We got a 2 story building, pool, hot tub, TONS of room for smash.

I dont even know how it would be crowded until we broke the 50 man line.

Someone needs to help hype this.



Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
dumb nll posting **** on same day :\ i dunno if xaltis wants to come to this or not i would have to drive 2 hrs out of my way to bring him xD like last time


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
put on friendship :3... and sometimes i dont even charge gas money xD


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
i may be a bad person sometimes...but im a good person at heart :\

(i donated half my paycheck to foodforall last week)


Smash Master
Jan 20, 2007
Alchemilla Hospital, FL
Bad person? I don't remember you coming off like that at all during the weekend. At least you're not boring like I am lol. I don't think there's really anything appealing about myself and I could never joke around with you guys like when we were in the car lol.


[FBC] Papa Mink

Smash Legend
Feb 15, 2010
Orlando, FL
I'm a pretty big man. Thank you Benny. I would say you're a pretty big man yourself....

If you know what i mean.

Do you know who all your bring'n to this? We have a better/diff venue this time too.
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