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FF VI Characters


Smash Lord
May 7, 2007
This may be a surprise to many of you, but Final Fantasy VI was on the SNES. Crazy, I know. This opens up a great possability for new Brawl characters. However, I really haven't seen much support for any of the FF6 characters, which is really shocking considering Nintendo just re-released it for GBA. If anything, FF6 is the most likely FF game from which characters would be taken to spice up Brawl. I really wouldn't be surprised to see Locke or Celes show up in brawl, not to mention I've had my fingers crossed for Cyan ever since I've had fingers. Sabin would make a great brawler for Brawl. He'd pummel Mario like there's no tomorrow :D

And a quick moveset for Cyan since I've got the time:

B: Swordtech
B-Forward: Swordtech
B-Up: Swordtech
B-Down: Laugh maniacally.

Vote Cyan Garamonde for Brawl!

Edit: New screenshot from Brawl!


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Hmm. Many here seem biased against Final Fantasy characters as a whole, probably as a result of extreme Cloud-fanboyisms.
FF6 was quite possibly the best Final Fantasy ever, and this is coming from a FF7-lover who had his life changed by that game.
I'm rooting for Terra myself. She was the closest thing to a main character... well, either her or Celes... and she would simply be awesome. Plus, she's cute. Green hair ftw!

I think I'll go do some research for a moveset... hoping this thread won't be closed. There have already been discussions about FF6 characters, but they never really flourished.. *sigh*


Smash Apprentice
May 7, 2007
FF6 would be the best choice of Final Fantasy titles to pull characters from. It's so highly regarded among critics and fanboys alike, and it contained many of the best characters of the series. FF1 didn't have named characters and you could choose their class, so that rules out the choice of going for the original, which is a common trend (i.e. Marth from the first Fire Emblem). We all know that Setzer would be amazing in Smash Bros. He throws cards, he gambles, and he's nearly as fond of kidnapping damsels as Bowser.

In conclusion, Cyan Cyan Cyan Cyan Cyan Cyan Cyan Cyan.



Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Alright... supersexy Terra moveset!

Terra Branford
( pretty picture I found on DA, not directly depicted out of respect for the artist )

Terra is pretty much what the FF6 plot revolves around. While there are many main characters, she got the ball rolling. Heck, the main theme, which is one of the most memorable leitmotifs ever, is named after her. She's one of the most useful characters and one with some of the most personality, she's important, and in the end, who could not love a green-haired girl with memory loss who wants to know what love is? People who eat puppies, that's who! ( No offense to the Chinese. )

Anyway, she would probably seem too much like Zelda at first, but I don't think so.
In my eyes, she's somewhere between Zelda and Young Link:
Relatively fast, with okay jumping, overall nice but not outstanding tilts and aerials but lacking actual killer moves, but also possessing a bunch of tricks up her sleeve.

Weight: Mario-ish, not a lightweight because she can actually equip some heavy armor
Fallspeed: ranging from medium to rather fast when fastfalling, allowing for mindgamesy business
Speed: slightly above average on the ground, about the same in the air

B: Fire
Not extremely original, but sensible: In FF6, there's Fire 1, 2 and 3, plus there's Merton, which deals extreme fire damage to everyone on the battlefield, and she learns these naturally.
It's a projectile that can be loaded up for a pretty long time, about as long as PK Flash. When released, it thrusts forward for a not-so-great distance and goes poof when it hits someone, dealing damage relative to the time spent charging and popping the enemy up, on fire. The size of the combustion also depends on this, and can damage Terra from a certain point on.
Uncharged, it is comparatively fast and can be used like YLink's boomerang at close range for combo starting.

>B: Demi
After about a second or less of start-up time, Terra makes a black, flickering orb without substance appear in front of her. Whoever gets inside this sucker while it's out gets to say hello to gravity. Yes, sir, it's a spike!

vB: Pearl
Coming out about as quickly as Zelda's B, the holy energy of Pearl protects Terra with a shining sphere briefly appearing around her, dealing a little damage and set knockback to get her out of danger or the victims off the edge.

^B: Float
I'm so proud of this one.
Float allows Terra to... float! The longer one presses B, the higher she rises until she either reaches the max ( which admittedly isn't all that high ) or B is released. Doesn't sound good, but after she's done, for 3 seconds, Terra gets to move horizontally in the air as if walking on solid floor. This way, she may use any of her moves to try to get back onto the edge, except jumping, since that cancels the float.
Once the 3 seconds wear off, Terra immediately goes into helpless tumbling state like all others.

Her A attacks are basically Young Link-ish and Pit-ish, since the girl knows how to use a sword ( her range still isn't great ). She lacks good knockback on any attack, so she's reliant on edgeguarding ( which she obviously has nice options for ) or getting her opponents to about 140% to be able to knock them off far enough, which she also has not too many problems with due to her good defensive game and alright combos.

Super Smash? Either:

Morph: She turns into her lovely alter ego and goes berserk with shiny magic and stuff! Like, for example,
Ultima: Most powerful normal spell. Basically lots and lots of light and boomies.
Riot Blade: Her Desperation Attack in the game, she uses her weapon to throw magic slices at her enemies or something like that.


Vote Terra.


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2005
I picture Cyan being a bit too much like Marth or Roy, seeing how all his specials would revolve around his sword. If a FF6 character is used, someone with a weapon other than a sword, or with magic would be cool. Like Terra, Sabin, Mog, Kefka, etc..


Smash Journeyman
Dec 18, 2006
Chernoble with my Spetsnaz unit
i dont know, i think i rather see someone like sora because there was a game for the gba, kingdom hearts: chain of memories. this is probably because i prefered khII over ffXII. after that i was always siding with kh over ff.


Smash Lord
May 7, 2007
That's whta I'm saying, FFVI was on SNES and remade on GBA. It's almost like they are screaming "Cyan will be in Brawl!" Ok, maybe not, but if they are using an FF character, my bet is he/she will be from FFVI.


Smash Cadet
Feb 10, 2007
In my personal opinion, they'd have to add more than one character. I think Sabin and Edgar would be very sensible choices, seeing as they are very unique characters with unique abilities. I mean, Pummel is an obvious attack, he would have Suplex for his up grab, and other wrestling type moves for the rest of his grab, he would have the cool spike claws :D I figure they'd have either bum rush, or fire dance as his super move. Aura Bolt, probably be his forward B move, I figure Pummel would be his B move, up B ??? I dunno, it'd be pretty cool to have him on the game, I mean... really **** cool. Edgar is kinda obvious, all his tools would be his specials, and he could use chainsaw as his super attack :p


Smash Cadet
Feb 10, 2007
I'm inclined to agree with Bitrona... except that they both wish they were Sabin ;) They're just both neither white nor pumped enough for it. :D


Smash Hero
Dec 10, 2005
St Louis, Missouri/Fremont, CA
<3 i love this idea

Although the character they should put here is Celes Chere.
She's a battle hardened imperial general/magitek knight, of course she'd be the best fighter. In fact, I read the BEST story on Celes EVER

two stories actually
One on her life leading up to when she met Locke, and the next which parallels the plot in the game, with BRILLIANT twists. (which i can't tell you because they would spoil the brilliant and perfect ending)

Sins of the Past

Not With a Whimper

Celes should totally be put in brawl. Especially just how the way Snow Duchess (the author) develops her character

Moveset should be easy :p


Smash Cadet
Feb 10, 2007
As much as I'd like to see Sabin in the game... there's really only two people who I see making it, if anyone (though no FF character is prolly gonna be in brawl) and those two are Terra and Locke.. I mean... really... they're THE main characters, especially Terra... though, really, all of them are main characters, because we get history on everyone, and the game is about everyone... FF 6 is just the greatest RPG of all time... straight up.


Smash Champion
May 19, 2006
Setting you up the bomb.
I am very aware in fact that Final Fantasy VI was on the SNES. In fact, back in my day we knew it as Final Fantasy III (since Japan wanted to keep most of the series to themselves... :mad:). As much as I loved this game, I always liked Final Fantasy IV (which I first knew as Final Fantasy II) just a little more... :grin:

Still, any character from the pre-SONY Final Fantasy era would be most welcome additions to the Smash Bros. lineup IMO, although the games from that period are only now starting to rise from the depths of Squeenix's self imposed obscurity, so it will be a while yet before that happens - certainly not this time around...


Smash Lord
May 7, 2007
3. The guy from Derge of Serbrus
You mean Vincent? He would be pretty cool, but I don't think he's been on any Nintendo systems. I really don't think the FFVII characters have much of a chance, they just aren't really associated with Nintendo. Brawl is Nintendos big game, it's all about how much Nintendo rocks. They are gonna pick 3rd party characters that really compliment Nintendo's importance in the gaming world. Brawl isn't about all the coolest characters in video games, it's about all the coolest characters that Nintendo has brought to the gaming world.
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