Why have I not seen this thread? TFF, your work is sharp, very, very clean. Yet, it retains a somewhat painterly aspect to it, which I adore. On the contrary to what you said about not representing Pit accurately, while he does look older than he
should, it is your art, and hence, your interpretation. An older Pit is still Pit indeed, and with your ability to render with such keen accuracy and knack for digital painting, you've certainly made a character that I hate into one that I can accept so much more, and for that, I thank you.
As for Lucario, holy mackerel. You balanced the colors incredibly with this one, as the lime green undertones of his blue fur complement his torso "vest" of fur perfectly. For your style, this works very well.
Now, if I could suggest something. In the future, if you want to add a more realistic touch to the coloring, I would suggest adding some red or purple undertones to Lucario's fur (or anything similar), as it would pick up on his refracting skin hues beneath the fur. While you are able to flawlessly render certain color ranges, if you were to expand those ranges to include more colors, I think your ability to
flaw-not your work would skyrocket.
Keep up the wonderful pieces, TFF. I'm very excited to see your future work
EDIT: Oh, and if I could suggest a piece - gravity suit Samus (the purple alt color). Under the spray-painted purple metal, add some rusty undertones so that the color creates a texture without actually texturing the metal. By identifying that the suit is worn, has been used quite a bit, and has begun to rust (just ever, ever so slightly), you'll be able to render a more realistic Samus.