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Falcon Vs Olimar


Smash Journeyman
Jul 7, 2008
Somewhere in the desert, where cactus grow, and it
I know i'm probably a noob for posting this but can Falcon beat olimar? Just wondering after battling an Olimar that killed me tons of times. first he charges his pikmin really quick and throws them at me so that when i do a falcon slide or whatever it stops me in my tracks and he throws more. Anything i do doesn't work, that includes attacking from above for he charges up and then sends me 5k ft. into the air. Any advice for a noob like me? I believe he was an Olimar expert.:confused:


Smash Journeyman
May 22, 2007
I have the same problem against Olimar. Olimar's range and priority is way too good. Ground approaches are hard; use strong defense consisting of tons of spot dodges to approach and grab. Coming from the air also works, but it's dangerous. One other way is the Falcon Kick. It works wonders when spaced and timed well. Ultimately, you want Olimar to be above and to the side of you. Then, the combos begin.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 22, 2006
San Diego, CA
I would say stick to the edges, as everybody knows olimar is one of the easiest characters to gimp. The hard part is getting him off the stage so you can steal the edge from him. Bthrow's are your friend.


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
Heh, think about placement too.

As you all know, Sonic tends to be seen as having crappy priority. However, we get around it by manuevering around to the opponents' weaker sides, attacking when the opponent misses attacks, and grabbing alot.

- For Olimar, he doesn't have an exact 'blind spot', and the closest one I can think of is behind him when he's grounded.

Think of this- a common situation if someone is landing near Olimar:
[Person lands]
[Olimar uses D-smash, just to be lazy and attack both sides, in case the guy's behind him]
[Person rolls toward Olimar, now in front]
[Olimar buffers a grab and catches him]

It's a simple mindgame/approach-counter, but as simple as it is, it catches alot of people. So if you land behind him, be ready to spotdodge so you don't get knocked back.

- Watch Olimar's pikmin:
If he has a purple one, don't get too close, and see if you can bait a smash or a grab, since purples have the least range of all his pikmin, in exchange for the most power.
Blue ones have the longest grab range.
Yellow, has alot of priority, so you want to try to get those out of the way.
White is a problem if he latches it onto you, since it bites the most damage the quickest.
Red cannot be knocked of by Falcon Punch or Falcon Kick.

- If he does Pikmin latch on you, don't be stupid and try to break it off, especially not with a Falcon Kick. Some smart Olimar players do Pikmin latch to bait 'breaker' moves and grab you out of it. Just be prepared to counter a grab. Only get rid of pikmin if he has 2-3 on you (well, 2 is manageable, but if they're "useful" pikmin, kill them), or a white one.

- Know how to drop and stage spike. It can be a dropping B-air, or even a full hop (reverse) Falcon Punch. Olimars know how to get people off the edge, but if you make him feel safe and know his tether length, you can bait a tether and get a flashy kill.
Keep in mind that good Olimar players will try to save their double jumps and avoid having to tether.


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
I think the Raptor Boost is actually moderately useful in this matchup. I don't remember what it exactly beats, but at minimum it helps you deal with the spam reliably (probably watch out for the grab though). Also in the event you actually hit Olimar, it puts him above you, which is absolutely critical in this matchup. Olimar has a lot of trouble being annoying when he's in the air.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
I would say stick to the edges, as everybody knows olimar is one of the easiest characters to gimp. The hard part is getting him off the stage so you can steal the edge from him. Bthrow's are your friend.
Um... Rapter Boost anyone?
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