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Falco vs Olimar


Smash Cadet
Apr 8, 2008
How should I fight him? He beat me on a tournament finals >_>

The thing is, he was my first olimar so I had no idea of his attacks and he is so small I couldn't see anything aswell. What would be a good tactic to fight him? Also what moves do you think I should watch out for?


Smash Journeyman
May 5, 2008
Woodinville, Washington, USA
Olimar is just good against Falco, my brother plays him, and even though I'm a much better player he always beats my Falco.

CGing Olimar doesn't really work, due to his very light weight, and personally I could never tell the different between his Fsmash and his >B.

Can't reflect smashed purple pikmin =/


Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2008
i have no problem with oli cuz al u have to do is chainspike and edgegaurd
they really have virtually no chance of recovering


Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2007
Palm Springs, CA
i tested it and u chaingrab oli to 38% or so before he can get out with any move.
and CG from 0-38% can get u far across the lvl, and if starting from the middle, can get u close enough to the edge to easily chainspike
and from theres its as easy as edgeguarding, maybe incorperating using R to get back onto the stage from edgegraabing to avoid oli UP B hitting u and possibly spiking u


Smash Cadet
Apr 8, 2008
The purple and blue pikmin strat is the one where they farm near the edge so every non purple/white pikmin falls off stage right?

From my battle I managed to edge guard him once. But assuming the chain hits me while hanging, will it spike me everytime or just with some pikmins? Because I thought I could just free fall as he throw the chain to avoid the attack. To my knowledge if the chain is already set for an attack it won't latch even if if it touches the stage.


Smash Journeyman
May 5, 2008
Woodinville, Washington, USA
Yep that's the one.

It doesn't spike you, what it does is hits you upwards into the stage, which in turn sends you straight down.

So yeah, just hold the edge if your damage is low enough to not get killed, if you get hit by his ^B, he'll die anyway.

If you are at a high damage, dropping down and B-airing him always works. Slash abuse the Ledge roll invinceability frames.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 30, 2008
Fyi, if your only chance to beat Olimar is to chaingrab-spike him, you aren't going to get far against a decent opponent. I hate to say it, but CG is virtually useless against the god of all grabs. Good luck getting near him without getting grabbed yourself. His grab is quicker than yours, has less lag and its range is farther. And unless he charges you blindly, I don't see how you can count on grabbing the beast reliably.

If you mess up on the timing even a little bit, he can jump out quickly with no chance of you smashing him or hitting him. He's very light.

I think we should worry about better strategies against Olimar, than a potential 'maybe' CG that doesn't work half the time. 38% is nothing if you hit him once or twice before you CG. If you're going to dance around forever waiting for the 'perfect' grab opprotunity, he'll have you killed before you come close.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2008
like i said, what u do is as soon as they throw their chain out, click R. it holds to edge for quite a long time, not allowing the olimar to grab the edge
oh and practice wall teching
if the chain does get u, a wall tech is the difference between losing a stock and keepingone

as for which pikmin spike, i believe it is the blue, purple and red


Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2008
Fyi, if your only chance to beat Olimar is to chaingrab-spike him, you aren't going to get far against a decent opponent. I hate to say it, but CG is virtually useless against the god of all grabs. Good luck getting near him without getting grabbed yourself. His grab is quicker than yours, has less lag and its range is farther. And unless he charges you blindly, I don't see how you can count on grabbing the beast reliably.

If you mess up on the timing even a little bit, he can jump out quickly with no chance of you smashing him or hitting him. He's very light.

I think we should worry about better strategies against Olimar, than a potential 'maybe' CG that doesn't work half the time. 38% is nothing if you hit him once or twice before you CG. If you're going to dance around forever waiting for the 'perfect' grab opprotunity, he'll have you killed before you come close.

umm, jump in, laser, grab

works almost everytime


Smash Journeyman
May 5, 2008
Woodinville, Washington, USA
Fyi, if your only chance to beat Olimar is to chaingrab-spike him, you aren't going to get far against a decent opponent. I hate to say it, but CG is virtually useless against the god of all grabs. Good luck getting near him without getting grabbed yourself. His grab is quicker than yours, has less lag and its range is farther. And unless he charges you blindly, I don't see how you can count on grabbing the beast reliably.

If you mess up on the timing even a little bit, he can jump out quickly with no chance of you smashing him or hitting him. He's very light.

I think we should worry about better strategies against Olimar, than a potential 'maybe' CG that doesn't work half the time. 38% is nothing if you hit him once or twice before you CG. If you're going to dance around forever waiting for the 'perfect' grab opprotunity, he'll have you killed before you come close.

The only real advantage I see Falco having is that his Dair out-prioritizes most of Olimar's anti-air moves.

umm, jump in, laser, grab

works almost everytime
Do the people you play with not know how to dodge?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2008
no he doesnt
im testing all of this with a friend right now
olimar CANNOT get out by any means if the chaingrab is performed with perfect timing


Smash Journeyman
May 5, 2008
Woodinville, Washington, USA
But the reasoning Zamz's reasoning remains, Olimar's grabs are faster, less laggy, with more range, CG is not an effective counter in any real way vs. Olimar, therefore shouldn't be endorsed.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2008
point is, play ur regular game, but when a grab can be incorporated, do it

i simply offered a technique that is effective for beating an olimar
i never said base your whole playstyle around the chaingrab


Smash Journeyman
Apr 30, 2008
point is, play ur regular game, but when a grab can be incorporated, do it

i simply offered a technique that is effective for beating an olimar
i never said base your whole playstyle around the chaingrab
I think we're merely pointing out Falco's CG is not good enough to say: "lul, jus CG 'n spike. U WIN!" It's very situational and its not successful enough to base any sort of strategy around it. We're saying there's more to playing Olimar than CGing him.

Certainly, it's effective if you find yourself in the perfect grab: 0% and in the middle of the stage. But otherwise...I think this thread was intended to be about actual strategies against Olimar. Grabbing Olimar shouldn't be a main strategy. It's way too slow and punishable.


Smash Journeyman
May 5, 2008
Woodinville, Washington, USA
Pretty much.

From my experience, either get in close or stay out far, your tilts and jabs are enough to get him up into the air, where you can bair him and then edgehog him for an easy KO.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 30, 2008
From what I've found, D-Air is successful at an angle. Never attack Olimar from the top or you will get destroyed. Come at him diagnally and he has no way to stop you other than his Up-B...and even then, that move seems to miss more than hit. D-Air also seems to work well in the air. A well timed attack WILL spike Olimar.

B-Air is your best friend. It either overrides or cancels pretty much any Olimar move. I probably use this one more than I should...and it's yet to fail me. Mainly, it is hard to punish Falco's B-Air...that's important.

Shorthopped lasors work wonders. Your best bet is to keep him from ever coming near you. Spamming air-lasors do this well. If he wants to play a projectile war, your reflector comes in handy against his Pikemen. Try to reflect his own creatures onto him...it'll do some damage. If you wish to camp Olimar, be careful, he can close the distance pretty easily with a few well-thrown Pikemen. But, stay away. Olimar is useless from a large enough distance. If he's in the air...you can either attack, or roll. As long as he's not touching the ground, it's almost impossible for him to punish powerrolling.

I'd say I'm more successful playing a projectile game. But up close Falco can fair well enough if Falco is unpredictable. Try not to attack unless you know you'll hit...Olimar can punish easily. D-Smash is pretty useless with such a low range. F-Smash actually works well if your Olimar is recovering from delay. It's range is long enough to hit him.

U-Smash continues to be a quick move that can hit an unsuspecting Olimar and knock him far--perhaps even stock him. But try not to use it too much...if you miss you're bound to get punished. Plus, you don't want your opponent expecting the attack.

Your reflector is a godsend. It can work in most all cases and it spaces well. It reflects pikemen, keeps Olimar from attacking you. Forward-B is useless though, against Olimar. Any attack of Olimar's will stop your quick dash and it'll hurt you.

In a nutshell:
-Olimar can punish -any move- Falco can make if you miss.
-Olimar's range > Falco's range.
-Olimar's moves are quicker than Falco's moves.
-Falco's projectile game > Olimar's projectile game...mainly because Falco's projectile is quicker, goes father, and Olimar can't reflect it. Olimar has to rely on you messing up to hit.
-Falco can typically envade/move better than Olimar, as long as he isn't throwing attacks.
-Falco's Neutral Air, AAA attack or Forward-B are his most convienent ways to remove stuck pikmen quickly without getting hurt.

So, try to evade, wait for the opprotunity and attack.

-Run into a stationary olimar. If he's standing still, lasor him. Let him come to you.
-Freak out about a pikemen and forget about the olimar. As a general rule, they do little damage and most moves you use to attack olimar with will probably remove them anyway. Stay calm. You can remove the pikmen AND do damage to Mr. Olimar.
-Stand on the ground and continually reflect expecting him to Pikemen-spam into it and hurt himself. He's smarter than that, he'll beat your lag with a well-placed F-Air. Try not to use reflector if he has any possibility at all of attacking you in the air. He WILL make it in time...


In all, if you're willing to be patient and play slowly, Falco > Olimar. Olimar punishes reckless behavior. Falco needs to be played strategicly, hitting one or two lasors here and there to rack up damage. Throw in a running attack where necessary. Rack enough small damage and go in for the kill.


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
Palmdale, CA
fyi, spike won't ALWAYS work
oli can up-b immediately and get on the ledge.
unless that only works for meteors, i don't recall. i know it works for regular smashes though so i'm assuming it works for all.
btw oli d-tilt goes under all lasers =P except maybe wolf's. i really need to get around to testing lol
you should all be happy i'm in a generous mood today lol



Smash Cadet
Apr 8, 2008
Don't worry, I do not rely on chaingrab. In fact the most I do is 2 consecutive grabs followed by a running kick and Up smash combo.

Another problem is that olimar is too small. My SHDL won't hit him because of that (not that I have mastered that move yet anyway)


Smash Journeyman
Apr 19, 2008
Las Vegas
FYI on the chaingrab thing, HE CAN GET OUT.

I suggest you just try to avoid chain grabing him at all.

From what I've found, D-Air is successful at an angle. Never attack Olimar from the top or you will get destroyed. Come at him diagnally and he has no way to stop you other than his Up-B...and even then, that move seems to miss more than hit. D-Air also seems to work well in the air. A well timed attack WILL spike Olimar.

B-Air is your best friend. It either overrides or cancels pretty much any Olimar move. I probably use this one more than I should...and it's yet to fail me. Mainly, it is hard to punish Falco's B-Air...that's important.

Shorthopped lasors work wonders. Your best bet is to keep him from ever coming near you. Spamming air-lasors do this well. If he wants to play a projectile war, your reflector comes in handy against his Pikemen. Try to reflect his own creatures onto him...it'll do some damage. If you wish to camp Olimar, be careful, he can close the distance pretty easily with a few well-thrown Pikemen. But, stay away. Olimar is useless from a large enough distance. If he's in the air...you can either attack, or roll. As long as he's not touching the ground, it's almost impossible for him to punish powerrolling.

I'd say I'm more successful playing a projectile game. But up close Falco can fair well enough if Falco is unpredictable. Try not to attack unless you know you'll hit...Olimar can punish easily. D-Smash is pretty useless with such a low range. F-Smash actually works well if your Olimar is recovering from delay. It's range is long enough to hit him.

U-Smash continues to be a quick move that can hit an unsuspecting Olimar and knock him far--perhaps even stock him. But try not to use it too much...if you miss you're bound to get punished. Plus, you don't want your opponent expecting the attack.

Your reflector is a godsend. It can work in most all cases and it spaces well. It reflects pikemen, keeps Olimar from attacking you. Forward-B is useless though, against Olimar. Any attack of Olimar's will stop your quick dash and it'll hurt you.

In a nutshell:
-Olimar can punish -any move- Falco can make if you miss.
-Olimar's range > Falco's range.
-Olimar's moves are quicker than Falco's moves.
-Falco's projectile game > Olimar's projectile game...mainly because Falco's projectile is quicker, goes father, and Olimar can't reflect it. Olimar has to rely on you messing up to hit.
-Falco can typically envade/move better than Olimar, as long as he isn't throwing attacks.
-Falco's Neutral Air, AAA attack or Forward-B are his most convienent ways to remove stuck pikmen quickly without getting hurt.

So, try to evade, wait for the opprotunity and attack.

-Run into a stationary olimar. If he's standing still, lasor him. Let him come to you.
-Freak out about a pikemen and forget about the olimar. As a general rule, they do little damage and most moves you use to attack olimar with will probably remove them anyway. Stay calm. You can remove the pikmen AND do damage to Mr. Olimar.
-Stand on the ground and continually reflect expecting him to Pikemen-spam into it and hurt himself. He's smarter than that, he'll beat your lag with a well-placed F-Air. Try not to use reflector if he has any possibility at all of attacking you in the air. He WILL make it in time...


In all, if you're willing to be patient and play slowly, Falco > Olimar. Olimar punishes reckless behavior. Falco needs to be played strategicly, hitting one or two lasors here and there to rack up damage. Throw in a running attack where necessary. Rack enough small damage and go in for the kill.


Apr 10, 2008
Any questions for a fellow Olimar main? Overall, Zamz seems to be the most correct about the matchup. (olimar>falco though. I might be a little...yeh, I'm biased. :))


Smash Cadet
Apr 8, 2008
Yeah I have some questions.

I tend to approach with N-airs and some blaster shots. Because Olimar is small I also use the D-air kick and a mix of the F-tilt in the ground and B-air. How would you respond to these approaches to punish falco? And how do you think I should act instead?

Another about edge-guarding. As an Olimar what kind of edge-guard worries you the most? and how do you tend to recover when you are above the level and at a 45 angle down from the ledge? It's because I know I can kill his recovery hanging but can you hit with your up-B to drop me and then hang yourself?


Apr 10, 2008
Yeah I have some questions.

I tend to approach with N-airs and some blaster shots. Because Olimar is small I also use the D-air kick and a mix of the F-tilt in the ground and B-air. How would you respond to these approaches to punish falco? And how do you think I should act instead?
hmm... your best offensive should be your defense. You out-"camp" olimar. Your lasers should be effective in getting olimar to approach. If you choose the approach though, dair works pretty well, but uptilt is a great counter to it. your dair goes through olimar's upsmash and hits olimar, but it doesn't go through olimar's upair. I personally use the tilts just as much as the smashes.(most olimar users that I've seen use the smashes WAY too much.) If you come across those users, dair is one of your best friends. If your opponent is like me, just camp with your lasers.

The problem with ftilt as an approach is that you have to be on the ground to use it. (obviously:)) Olimar thrives off opponents that choose to stay grounded when approaching. Olimar can outrange you through the very spammable fsmash, grab, or even tilt. If you happen to be too close to olimar when fighting, either try and grab him, or, if that doesn't seem applicable, jump and dair, or just run and resetup. Most olimars tend to shield more than spot dodge. They'll just catch you attacking and will punish.

I haven't seen anyone use bair as an approach. Olimar is just too short. If you're close enough to olimar to use a bair when he's on the ground, you've already been grabbed. :)

Another about edge-guarding. As an Olimar what kind of edge-guard worries you the most? and how do you tend to recover when you are above the level and at a 45 angle down from the ledge? It's because I know I can kill his recovery hanging but can you hit with your up-B to drop me and then hang yourself?
What kind of edgeguard worries me the most?- edgehogging is feared among all olimar players. It's the most efficient way to edgeguard a recovering olimar.

-When I'm below the half way line recovering-
If I'm struggling to get onto the stage, you can always edgehog olimar easily. His recovery won't grab the stage unless the next pikmen in olimar's line-up is a white or a purple. If a non-purple-or-white pikmen trys to latch when you edgehog,(if you don't roll onto the stage) it'll hit you off, but olimar won't latch. Either way, you should just roll onto the stage when I you think I'd try to latch and I won't be able to recover.(sucks for me doesn't it?)

Note: If you go at olimar when he has less than say...4 pikmen(none white or purple) with him(and he's recovering vertically) he'll take the opportunity to hit you with upb b/c he knows he can't get back to the stage anyways.

-When I'm above the half way line recovering-
If I try to float down onto the stage, I have a few options:

4 or more pikmen-

1.) go directly at falco and fair, or dair. OR dodge and use the SAF of the whistle and get back without fighting- this is usually one of my least favorite tactics.

2.) latch my opponent!- If I'm rather close to the edge, but still above it, I can still instantly shoot my pikmen chain at the ledge. It'll hit you away and I can get into the hanging position immediately.

3.)go for the edge- Mostly, I'll do this. It's a safe way to get back to the stage without risking getting hit. If falco trys to edgeguard me, I'll just use a fair to try and space myself. Then, I'll latch.

4.)throw pikmen- this is a very popular way to get back to the edge that works if the opponent fights the pikmen instead of olimar. Olimar users will throw about 3 pikmen to try and catch you offguard, then latch to the edge. It works great most of the time, but fails when you(the falco) go after olimar instead. How to counter-just try and go for a quick edgehog. The olimar will think you'll be distracted, and might not pay attention to you as much. They'll latch and miss b/c you'll be in the way. If it's inevitable that they will latch, just fight off the pikmen the olimar threw.

3 or less-
number 1 and 3 are my best bets in this situation. If I try and latch, it won't b/c it won't be long enough, and throwing all my pikmen is too risky(for obvious reasons) Your solution is to just edgeguard if I try to come at YOU. Just edgehog me if I go anywhere near the edge(but still off the stage)

When Olimar comes back off the platform, just fall back and shoot and wait for olimar to land before deciding what to do next. Olimar's upair, fair, and upb are deadly counters to opponents who try and follow up on hanging olimar.

Does this help? Any more questions?


Smash Cadet
Apr 8, 2008
Well yeah I have another, kind of.

Falco's reflector vs ...

Which of your attacks can out range a reflector? As in if I use a perfectly spaced reflector that barely reaches you, which of your moves will reach me back?

And will my reflector win against pikmin throwing smashes (like F-smash) or a grab?


Smash Journeyman
Apr 30, 2008
Well yeah I have another, kind of.

Falco's reflector vs ...

Which of your attacks can out range a reflector? As in if I use a perfectly spaced reflector that barely reaches you, which of your moves will reach me back?

And will my reflector win against pikmin throwing smashes (like F-smash) or a grab?
Interestingly enough, Olimar is one of the only characters that has attacks which go through Falco's reflector. You cannot reflect Olimar's Smashes or his Grab. So, it's critical you don't throw the reflector around too carelessly or you will be punished for it.

But I've -never- been hit by a smash, or a grab when I'm at the reflector's full distance from Olimar (IE: Olimar is perfectly spaced so he's at the limit of the reflector's range without getting hurt). As far as I know, your reflector's range is barely, barely longer than Olimar's F-smash's range...leaving you protected.

So, worry not, it works great for spacing. Though I've never tested this fully, perhaps an olimar main can suggest otherwise. But I'm pretty sure reflector has the farthest range of both character's moves.


Apr 10, 2008
So, worry not, it works great for spacing. Though I've never tested this fully, perhaps an olimar main can suggest otherwise. But I'm pretty sure reflector has the farthest range of both character's moves.
sadly, it does work for spacing.:(


Smash Rookie
May 17, 2008
I wonder if SHL even has a significant effect on him.You would have to time it right before you land to hit him.

The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast
Killing Olimar's pikmin is not really an effective strategy because he can pick them so quickly. Also, when edgehogging Olimar (which is extremely effective) be aware that a good Olimar user might use his Pikmin chain as early as possible to make edgehogging impossible, and just play tether games with you. I do not know of a way to counter this, but tether games are mind games more than offencive maneuvers, so as long as they don't get to your head, you can outwait Olimar's tather games.


Smash Journeyman
May 19, 2008
Toronto, Canada
against an Olimar, the real trick is watching his pikmin, and spacing well. make sure to be within ur shine reach, but out of his F-smash reach. lasers also work well. but all i can rly say is be VERY patient
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