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Falcawwwwnnn Chaingrab!!!


Smash Apprentice
Jun 9, 2008
fl, riverview
Yes, as the title says down throw, walk forward, and press over+grab. It grabs them during their falling animation, a bit like a lone popo's chaingrab. However it only works from around 20-70% on the charachters I tested, but it may depend on weight.
This could be useful, but I'm not sure. No videos to date, I may put one up later.
If you think this is cool respond, if you think I'm an idiot respond, if you think Capatain Falcon is cool respond. Or not...
working or not this is great cause everytime im on this **** captain falcon forum its all like
"wut should we name his d-air"
"how come captain falcons so bad?"


but uhh waitin for vid ;)

Yoshi Kirishima

Smash Lord
Dec 26, 2007
Rochester Hills
Originally Posted by Man of Popsicle
Ohnoez, one typo vs. diliberate misspelling.
You've been playing Brawl two whole years? Please enlighten me how you played the game during development.

lol!!! are u a ******?
He said after two years, he didn't say that he played Brawl 2 years already, nor is it implied that he played 2 years already.

Also, sry Man of Popsicle, I read your first post wrong, so ignore that other post that i posted earlier. Some reason when I read your post, this is what I got: "You can CG with Forward Throw with CF"

Somehow i didnt read the 'down throw' part. SniperFire (my friend) also says this works, he posted it somewhere within this month... I tried to CG with Dthrow tho, but I couldn't regrab them... any details of when to grab? right before they hit the ground? way up in the air? or any time? etc...


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
working or not this is great cause everytime im on this **** captain falcon forum its all like
"wut should we name his d-air"
"how come captain falcons so bad?"


but uhh waitin for vid ;)
It's funny that Kira should post one of the most sensible things in this thread, when I see him post it's usually about Kirby eating something XD

But he's right guys, the Falcon boards are possibly the most pitiful I've seen. The majority of the threads are:
"is captain falcon really the worst?" (arguments about tiers and priority and Meta Knight contained within)
"new falcon main" (every board has these, they're good in their way, but kinda annoying)
"new tech blahblah" (that gets flamed...)
Not to mention the flaming (take this thread's pointless arguments, for example)

Yeah. If only people would try advancing metagame, or just try helping each other D:
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