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EWU "Regional" Melee + Brawl Results March 20th!


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2006
Marysville, Washington
Also, I went Falco 3 TIMES IN SINGLES!!! once vs deva, and twice vs Felix in Grand Finals.


melee doubles:
1st: silent wolf + nerd
2nd: eggz + felix
3rd: chip + brdy

melee singles:
1st: silent wolf
2nd: eggz
3rd: chip
4th: artifice

brawl doubles:
1st: felix + nerd (split)
2nd: jem + eggz (split)
3rd: valdens + itakio

brawl singles:
1st: Felix (split after he 3-0'd me and he ended up 6-0ing me when we both kept trying)
2nd: Jem (split but got 6-0'd when trying)
3rd: Chip
4th: Nerd


2-0 artifice
2-0 deva
2-1 nerd
2-0 bojangles
3-0 chip
0-3 felix
0-3 felix


Felix - Good games even though you 6-0'd me. Was fun hanging out with you all weekend too hopefully you guys think differently of me besides that guy who really wants to win!! i think thats cool that you named me your rival on pokemon too haha. I'll step it up so you don't get such an easy time in grand finals . good job winning!!

Nerd - kitty cattttt. our set was really scary you're too good. That sucks that you keep forfeiting to felix one of these times you should just play it out!! I can understand though. was very fun hanging out all weekend youre cool and good obviously.

toobusytocare -- thanks for the housing and everything!! you're getting better really. you should of had deva . keep playing and you'll keep getting better. chillin all weekend was fun with you as well!

Eggz - was fun teaming, just keep playing and studying the matchups you aren't confident in.

Zerostar -- your diddy is getting better and better!! keep playing its gonna be savage! fun chillinz for the day!

Itakio - Doubles was scary. I pull those kind of comebacks when I need them though . I really wish I play like that in singles. I scare myself. hanging was fun and random doubles was fun too step it up for ewa though!!

Chip - Good job on 3rd in brawl singles our winners finals set was fun! fun seeing ya at valds too.

Valdens - . I bet you thought you and Itakio were about to 3-1 eliminate Eggz and I in losers finals. I don't play that way though boy no eliminating me in 1v2!!! thanks for letting us house with you but your shower is WAY too hot... fun games for sure!

Bojangles - Gooooood job man you're finally breaking past that plateau! i remember how it felt and you're getting past it, so just keep on doing what you're doing and all you can do is keep getting better!! fsmash *runs* *trips* hahah. or dair cancel utilt

everyone else - was fun seeing you sorry if I forgot you, I've only gotten like 6-7 hours of combined sleep since friday so my bad.


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2006
Marysville, Washington
Well, when he won a couple weeks ago over in Western WA, that was the first time he's won outside his side of the state. Not to say it was a fluke or he can't do it again, just that it was not expected the way things went down. he is definently very good.

By the way, I haven't beaten Felix in a singles tournament set since December.. Man I suck I gotta get better. He's too good for me lol.


Smash Master
Jul 31, 2008
nice results

jem you need to construct results lists better though @_@ lolol


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2009
Going all-in with the grime
Where was this posted on AiB? I've been looking for WA events that some of the BC players could come down for, but I don't remember seeing this one. >.< I found the Gameclucks series, but I haven't seen much else...maybe I'm just not looking hard enough?



Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2009
Going all-in with the grime
So it was just me not trying hard enough. Thanks; I'll keep a sharper eye out in the future. Although, AiB has a habit of not loading on my laptop when I'm in my dorm room for some reason. I'll just have to check for it during lectures or something instead. =S

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