Moron, if you were smarter, you would realize I support all Smash games without the exception of Smash-4. So that troll terminology of yours needs to become eviscerated.
And yes you are correct, the Smash-4 community is now the community which is terrible to view. Melee doesn't even have that many players yet it's the better game. On top of that mountainside monstrosity of bs truth, the game isn't even difficult one bit, on top of that, any individual could play this game at a good level without any real effort, and lastly if a player is sacred of some sort of some move-set, they can just roll away whenever the rival tries to execute some sort of attack. Nerfs here nerfs there, fixing here fixing there, right? Lastly I will bring this out, Brawl died out because the WFC Wi-Fi connection was disabled Wi-Fi was the real community of Brawl btw. So to summarize, Smash-4 is just taken advantage over. The people conducting Evo let this laughable game in, they get money and have a good laugh.
And yet you all think what you're doing is obscene and no one could come near. If I wanted to I'd easily be something in that game without breaking a sweat; however, I choose to stick towards greatness, better skill, and overall better execution. Brawl has more tech skill and knowledge machine based in its Pinky than Smash-4 has inside its whole body machine based. Thanks.
I'm a moron for not knowing you and searching through your posts for a good show of your side on things? Okay. I'd rather be a moron than a staler. So I'm a moron. Doesn't seem so different than before...
But seriously, You cannot expect me to judge your stance by anything other than your post, which contributes nothing to discussion, is not helping anyone's reputation, and will not change a thing. I am not searching through your posts.
Melee is not objectively the better game. The competitive scene does not mean everything. Smash 4 also isn't the better game. Neither of them are objectively better and worse, and I think you know this but just want to speak for the sake of speaking.
The game isn't difficult because it's main basis isn't the competitive scene. Does a game have to be hard to be competitive? In that case, I guess every easy-to-play, hard-to-master game cannot be competitive, whether or not it has depth, greta balance, a wide cast, and useful tech.
No individual on the face of the earth could play this game without effort. Why? Because everything takes effort, even if it's marginal. And why should I use your word to gauge effort? And when you see rolling, I guess you don't realize that in every fighting game, once something seemingly unbeatable at a low level comes in, it will be spammed. People spam projectiles in Brawl, spam roll in this game. Is it that bad? No, because tourney players know they can be punished for it.
Brawl hasn't died out. It still has a competitive scene, and it's still plated. Just because it's less popular doesn't mean it's dead. Smash 4isn't being taken advantage of, because this is the game's first time at a big tourney not meant for Smash 4. And you don't even want to let it have that without attempting to demean it first for no reason. You've made it clear now that you want the community to die for your own self pleasure, literally because it isn't Melee.
When did anyone said nobody could come near us? if someone said that, we don't represent the majority. And while there are some conceited people out there, again: they aren't the majority. You can't compare a 5 month game to a 6-year game in terms of tech found, because that isn't even a fair comparison. Of course Brawl has more tech! People have had 6 years to find it!
However, all of Brawl has more knowledge then Smash does. This is indisputable. Why? Because your holy word has decreed that, and we shall not argue it. And by your decree, we are also not to give the game a chance, nor like it, and we are all to demean it on it's biggest internet forum without even giving it so much of a year to prove itself, for no reason other than to get attention.
The definition of trolling is saying something with the goal to make people angry, annoyed, unhappy, or breaking the rules while they respond to you. You have created a hate post, with no reasoning behind it, and when you do give your albeit faulty reasoning, it has insults, and sarcasm in it. And you're saying you're not a troll.
Get out.