Woops you are right. I was thinking of a different section where 1.5 was the max amount instead of the minimum. That item does seem to be off some. This is why I thought the game randomly adds 1 point to either the positive or negative stat because +60, -41 would be 1.46 which rounds up to 1.5 and flows with what I have so far in my post earlier. +60, -40 is 1.5 exactly though so I'm not sure why +60, -42 would exist if it was something to do with decimals. I am starting to think there is just a set pool of numbers based on the tier that randomly get chosen when you get the equipment. The game does not decide the ratio to give you, instead it picks 2 random numbers from the list and puts them together. It is impossible to keep the ratio the same for each number so this throws some off more than others.
Positive: 75,74,73,72,71,70,69,68,67,66,65
Negative: 47,46,45,44,43,42,41,40,39,38,37
The max possible item for this example would be +75, -37. Ratio= 2.0
You could get any of the numbers though so you may end up with something like this: +65, -47. Ratio= 1.4. This is an extreme case of bad luck where the game gave you the worst numbers possible in both spots. If you mimic this by going to the next numbers in the list + lowest, - highest the ratio will keep changing.
+ 2nd lowest, - 2nd highest:
+66, -46. Ratio= 1.43
+ 3rd lowest, - 3rd highest:
+67, -45. Ratio= 1.49 which rounds to 1.5
I do think that equipment has a set min and max ratio for each type and tier but some numbers break the ratio slightly due to rounding and such. This is a very small number usually 1 or 2 points max. You will notice the equipment listed in the same tiers so far have very similar numbers for both positive and negative effects so the difference between 2.0 and 1.5 could be something as small as 3-5 points if the equipment is low tier.
Badges have these possible numbers:
Positive: 21,20,19,18,17,16,15
Negative: 14,13,12,11,10,9,8
Seems like Badges have 7 different numbers that can be picked from random based on what is listed so far. The maximum ratio for Badges is 2.6 and the minimum ratio is 1.0.
Super Badges have these possible numbers:
Positive: 42,41,40,39,38,37,36,35,34,33,32,31,30,29,28,27,26
Negative: 28,27,26,25,24,23,22,21,20,19,18,17,16,15
Seems like Super Badges have more numbers that can be picked from random based on what is listed so far. The maximum ratio for Super Badges is 2.8 and the minimum ratio is 0.9.
Rare Badges have these possible numbers: (not finished yet)
Positive: 54,53,52,51,50,49,48,47,46,45
Negative: 31,30,29,28,27
Rare Badges would fall somewhere around 3.0 for max and 0.8 for min. There is only two listed atm so I will hold off on this tier for now.
Possible that the higher tier the equipment the more numbers in the pool? This may max out at 20 for higher tiers but we won't know for sure until more info is added to the list. Thanks for all the equipment listed so far everyone!