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Emil Castagnier/Ratatosk V3.0.0-0 Back in Progress (Again) (NEWS!)


Smash Apprentice
Dec 1, 2010
I finished it last night. Took me about 15mins! :)
It was a lie at first but now its COMPLETELY FINISH!


Smash Rookie
Feb 23, 2010
Darn. Don't have many chances to get on the internet. D= Hoping it's done by the time my internet is back on or I'm at my friend's house again. ._. Looks like he'll be fun. I loved ToS2. Good luck on finishing it =)


Smash Apprentice
Feb 11, 2011
AbyssStar: Don't worry, I'm sure even if it is not released when you're in your friend's house or when your internet will be back you will eventually get it. Just be patient. I hope he will please you! But there is no definitive date for release, so maybe you will have it back when it is released, you will see it!

Fliptocat or Anlgc: Can you give me the latest file about animations of Emil that you have? I want to check something on it if possible. Take your time of course, it is not urgent.

Anlgc: Good job for fixing all Emil's bone tree as well! Just a question, have you or Fliptocat fixed the ending battle animations of Emil? And by that I mean the number of frames.

Richter Abend

Smash Apprentice
Dec 25, 2009
Sweet! Emil was a crap character but his fighting style was great fun!
Can we have him switch between Green and Red Eyed versions, using his centurion enhanced attacks in Red Eye and regulars in Green?
That sounds pretty difficult, but at the same time......it sounds perfect!

Imagine if they transported him over Zelda. That would be perfect! Zelda would be Emil, and Sheik could be Ratatosk.

As for his Final Smash......Ain Soph Aur, no question. Devil's Maw or Devil's Hellfire would be extremely difficult.....but for Ain Soph Aur, all he would need is Raquayza's Hyper Beam attack with multiple hitboxes.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 11, 2011
I believe too many things have been made in order to change to what character Emil will be... Besides, I don't really see the interest of putting him on Zelda and Sheik, they have exactly the same fighting style and the same movements, only their voice is different and their eyes, I don't really think it worth to put him on Zelda and Sheik... It would be better to put a true duo who have two different playstyles over Zelda and Sheik. Like for example Yuri Lowell and Flynn, this is only an exemple!


Smash Rookie
Jan 18, 2011
Hey, I finished the CSP and Character Select Icon. Ask Fliptocat or ANLGC for them


Smash Apprentice
Feb 11, 2011
I will be truly happy to see it and comment it if it is needed of course. I will immediately ask them.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 31, 2011
Where else would I be?
@GSlasher: What time of March? Beginning, Middle, or End?

@Judas: lol. I had that same idea (of Yuri and Flynn) but over Samus (and ZSS). I then thought of a Yuri only character which was alot easier. (Flynn was tough to think of)


I too would like to see the CSP and character portraits,


Smash Apprentice
Feb 11, 2011
It is much easier to have Yuri as an only character of course, but is is much more amusing to have him on Zelda, because Yuri and Flynn are friends after all, of course the moveset for them and the gameplay have to be much more different, but it is possible, it is much more work, but I think it worth the time spent on. But anyway, a vertex for them is required, and it won't be easy, unless there can be an import for them, which is impossible now... And this is only an exemple, for example we can have Judas and Leon Magnus on Zelda and Sheik.

And, I'm tired of seeing these questions when the beta will be released, it will be released when it's done, no need to say if it is in middle, beginning or end, at least by doing this you don't have any "contract" and you limit the complaints. Besides, it is completely useless, we don't know if we can have accidents of any type that will make the release later. So stop asking when it will be released, it's tiring! And I don't say this just for you Royal Blade, but to all people that read this topic.

A question: Have you tried Emil being hit by someone? What happens? Because I have a file of Emil, and I tried hitting him, but he turns blank, and was permanently like this. Maybe this was fixed and I didn't know, but I prefer saying it because maybe you didn't noticed it. I have to say the file I have is a little old but still.


Smash Cadet
Jan 9, 2011
^If we can't figure it out maybe we should ask the Lloyd project members how they did it.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 11, 2011
???? I don't understand a single thing in your message ryuu seika, no offense, but I tried and I really don't understand a single thing.... It annoys me a lot to be honest....

ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
Sorry, what I'm saying is that it would make more sense to replace the Ice Climbers with Suzu and her Mirror Image or Pokemon Trainer with Meredy (Summons replace Pokemon) than to stick a pair of characters that aren't the same person in Sheik/Zelda's place. No offense.
Perhaps Leon/Judas would make a good Zelda/Sheik?

Hopefully that's more intelligible.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 11, 2011
Her mirror image? What is this? If it is something tied to tales of phantasia, no wonder I don't know it, I don't really know well this Tales of...

Meredy, maybe, even if again I don't really know this character, but the problem would be the voices...

Yeah, Yuri and Flynn are not the same person, I'm fully aware of this, but still, if someone wants to make a good duo of them as they are friends and can have potentially very different gameplays, the choice of Zelda/Sheik is really justified, and I always heard something: if you want to make a duo of characters, you need to choose Zelda and Sheik, and here it is truly the case. And at least with that configuration, you can't blame an AI, which would probably be a problem with Suzu...

But I fully understand your point of view and you're absolutely right Yuri and Flynn are not the same person, but if you want to make a duo, you have no choice but to choose Zelda Sheik. But it was only an exemple, it won't be made before a long time I suppose... But I'm sure it will be made one day!

ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
Suzu's mirror image is summoned in ToP by the Tech "Mirror Image". It works almost exactly like Nana does, mimicking her every move to double the damage. As such, the pair could make a good Ice Climbers replacement.

Meredy wouldn't need many voices (just the summoning ones really) and the Summon Spirits have appeared in many games so they should be easy to find adequate ones for. Meredy is able to summon any spirit in ToE but should probably be limited to those of her home world (Gnome, Celsius and Volt are the basic three, with Shadow also possible).


Smash Apprentice
Feb 11, 2011
Thank you for your explanations about Suzu, because I didn't know it, now I truly understand, and to be honest it is a good idea, excepted one thing, as I said, when it comes to control a Psa, the AI doesn't truly work so well, so I wonder what would happen with it...

Again I don't really know Meredy, but it seems even if the summon spirit are recurrent that this will probably be an hard character to do...

Anyway, let's come back to Emil. I asked Fliptocat about what you've made Gslasher, and he doesn't know...

ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
What AI would there even be to change from Nana to Mirror Suzu? Nana's only AI appears to be that she'll always return to Popo with jumps to get back on stage if needed. Everything else is simply mimicking the commands given to Popo (even if he is currently busy being Star KOed).

Meredy would indeed be difficult but the voices wouldn't be the cause of that. The problem would be that you are making 3 and a bit characters rather than one.

I enjoy these discussions about potential characters so it's a little disappointing that there's no real place for them. This topic is for Emil though so you are right in saying that we should get back to that subject.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 31, 2011
Where else would I be?
I enjoy these discussions about potential characters so it's a little disappointing that there's no real place for them. This topic is for Emil though so you are right in saying that we should get back to that subject.
Really? There isn't? That's a shame. I would enjoy them too.

And, I'm tired of seeing these questions when the beta will be released, it will be released when it's done, no need to say if it is in middle, beginning or end, at least by doing this you don't have any "contract" and you limit the complaints. Besides, it is completely useless, we don't know if we can have accidents of any type that will make the release later. So stop asking when it will be released, it's tiring! And I don't say this just for you Royal Blade, but to all people that read this topic.
I was just asking. I'm usually patient but I was just a little curious, that's all.

ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
The "SSB4 Discussion" topic pays host to many character discussions but never goes into any real detail and is mostly for realistic suggestions as to who might be in the next game.
"Make Your Move" takes movesets of even the most obscure but is more competition than discussion and they like far more moveset detail there than I, for one, am able to give.

All other topics about character ideas are locked with their creators told to move the content to one of the above, despite it obviously not fitting. There's certainly no good place for such discussion.

And on another subject: has anyone tried copy pasting Sheik and Zelda onto other characters to see if it works? If it does we could end up with multiple tag teams.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 11, 2011
Ryuu seika: About your idea of porting Zelda and Sheik on other characters, it would be really good, but the problem is that, as far as I know, only Marth, Jigglypuff and Ike have been worked like this. And Ike is the most recent and the well explained as far as I saw. And the problem is that Zelda and Sheik have a good amount of articles, which is a problem...

About Emil, it seems the Lloyd project experienced the problem of the texture turning white when you're hit. So I suppose GameDominator probably know the answer to the problem, it's great!


Smash Journeyman
Apr 19, 2009
Bay Area
Shouldn't Leon and Judas just be alternate costumes? No need for two movesets for *SPOILERS*

the exact same person.



Smash Apprentice
Jan 31, 2011
Where else would I be?
^A thing about that is... that they have completely different artes even spells. An alternate costume wouldn't do it any good.

Anyway, ANLGC, did you get that hit issue with Emil to work?


Smash Apprentice
Dec 1, 2010
I send a PM to someone about the texture glitch. So I don't know how long would it take to respond back.

Royal_Blade: Do you mean the animation or the actual attacks (like demon fang)?


Smash Apprentice
Feb 11, 2011
I suppose it is unavoidable to have glitches like this when you make an import...

Especially when the character uses an article when he uses his shield... At least some people in the team knows how to fix this, so I suppose this glitch will be easily taken down. But for the texture glitch, we'll have to be patient... And for the moves which freezes, I hope you know what is the problem, and have enough patience to get rid of these!

Edit: Hum, I just thought of something! It's important according to me, but not really for the beta. Do you know how to put emotions on an import character? And if you know, do you plan to do it?

And about the just B, on the first page, you mean that it freezes when you use the B button only? I suppose it is because this move is tied with Falco's blaster.... Once you will have fix the shield glitch, I think this glitch will be fixed really quickly!


Smash Apprentice
Feb 11, 2011
I wonder when this topic will truly come back to why he was originally made... I mean, your discussions are very interesting, and this is why I took part a little of it, but no offense, if you want to continue this very interesting discussion, it would be better to create a topic for that or use private messages. Because here, we're a little off with the subject...
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