Gah, that's just sick, even if they are birds.
My neighbors at my dads house shot birds too, only they got threatened by my dad cuz they were shooting the ****ing state bird. They didn't shoot for a while after that.
Tell them you don't exactly appreciate birds writhing on your porch, and maybe suggest Duck Hunt.
Well, to be honest, I considered it briefly, but I don't actually
know (I mean that in the strict philosophical sense of "Being absolutely certain of something beyond any reasonable doubt") that they shot the birds. (And I'm not really a confrontational kind of person, usually.) I'm not comfortable approaching them unless I am absolutely certain that they shot the birds.
Actually it's pretty possible that they were literally frightened to death by the noise if you can't seem to locate any actual wounds on them. They could have flown into something or had a heart attack, it's hard to say.
You can't really assume they were shot if you can't find an actual wound on the body, though.
I'd call animal control to have them test the birds for diseases as a precautionary measure; back when I used to live in the boonies there was an outbreak of something that killed about a dozen birds around my house.
Before I assumed shooting, I thought that the birds panicked and "crashed", so I can definitely see where you're coming from; however, the bird on the driveway was really far away from anything it could have flown into, and I don't think fear alone could cause an animal to vomit up blood. (Could it?) Perhaps it did have a heart attack or something similar.
Regardless, thanks for the tip. I'll call animal control tomorrow.
I was in the process of writing something that is similar to this. lol
Oh, well, don't let this stop you from posting it. I can't imagine there would be any real problem with you posting your bit; I just put this up to vent. If there is a problem with having two similar topics, this one can be closed; I wouldn't mind.