couldent marth just have avioded the sweet spot (since he wasent in freefall) theres several ways that you can miss the sweet spot, bmoves for one, fastfalling etc.
Well... he wasn't doing any moves, and it doesn't look like he was fastfalling, so I don't see how he could have missed it. It's possible though, I suppose.
loool im pretty sure it had something to do with the pikmin 'The Marth just hit that wierd spot on the edge that cancels all momentum,' this is fail. I have seen 13435234534 marth doing up-b and nothing ever happened like that before so like i said im sure it was the pikmin. Im not sure why he could use his up-b but he didnt touch the ledge either so it just a glitch.
*shrug* think what you want. Nearly every character in the game can hit that spot, some easier than others. I'm sure the Wolf boards can tell you all about it. It has ALL the characteristics of that spot.
1. Marth is at the right height.
2. His Up-B animation doesn't finish.
3. He immediately falls straight down, past the ledge.
4. He immediately regains use of his Up-B.
I realize how good a discovery this would be for the Olimar boards, and for all I know, having a pikmin on you increases your likelihood of hitting that spot, so by all means run with it, you might find something. I'm just saying that as of right now, the logical explanation is that it had nothing to do with the pikmin.
EDIT: I just went and tested it. Even with various coloured Pikmin clanging away on various parts of his body, Marth is able to recover fine. It would have been an awesome discovery Zori, but it just doesn't look like it lines up.