The Edelgard for Smash Twitter page just posted a possible Spirit Board for her inclusion. Thoughts?
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I'm happy to see that people enjoyed my take on her Spirit Board! Allow me to answer some questions or doubts I've seen here.
I made this with the mentality that Edelgard would be the 3H rep, so I wanted to include even characters from the Golden Deer and Blue Lion.
The first page is actually made from the Spirits I feel have the best shot at making in, being Byleth, Claude, Dimitri, Rhea and Sothis (which are obvious), and then Hubert, Hilda and Mercedes bevause they are the characters that IS put in Fire Emblem Heroes (and that's why they use that game's full body artwork). I also wanted to put Petra in since she is also in FEH, but I didn't want to focus too much on the Black Eagle since this would represent 3H as a whole.
On the second page I went with Death Knight, Flayn (which woukd have a fighter representing Sethet in her fight defending her, just wanted to say that) and Jeralt because they are very iconic characters from the game, and also Dorothea, Bernadetta, Lisithea and Felix because from what I could tell those are the fan favourites.
Death Knight feels like a Legendary Spirit
The reason why Death Knight isn't a Legendary Spirit is because usually there is only 1 in each DLC Board, and of course it should be Sothis.
Nah, Edelgard's absolutely morally gray. Her goal of progressing from a feudalistic society to a more egalitarian modern one, a la the French Revolution, is indisputably a noble one - I don't think any of us would want to live under a feudalistic system! She's also not wrong that the Church is in the grip of an immortal lizard person arguably more interested in her personal projects than the welfare of humanity. It's simply Edelgard's means which are potentially problematic. Couple that with the intense personal trauma driving her and I'd call that a textbook case of gray morality.
I'd still be extremely skeptical of calling any FE3H lord, including Edelgard, a "fan favorite". They all seem very well liked, and discussions in highly enfranchised communities like this, Reddit, or Serenes Forest in no way represent the entire playerbase.
I'd also like to add that people tend to overestimate how much freedom Edelgard actually has, since considering who is the real ruler of the Empire (and so of its army)...yeah war was inevitable, and it probably would have been even bloodier. It was his way or the high way, but Edelgard still decides to use that inevitable tragedy as a mean to help people and Fodlan, the literal definition of "if life gives you lemon you make lemonade", and that's one aspect I truly love about her character.
Speaking of fan-favourites, I'd say that each lord is actually a fan favourite, and I'm sure all three will win the CYL poll (I'm curios about the 2nd female tho). I would also say to not put too much tought to those too since the CYL main channel is Twitter, where both Claude and Dimitri's VA have a huge (and well deserved) following.
But in regards of Smash, if I can add something as someone who interacts a lot with the general audience, Edelgard is noticibly more recognizable than Claude and Dimitri (and sometimes even Byleth) to those who didn't play FE3H, mostly thanks to the marketing. I think that's still something worth keeping in mind.