If I may interject I think we have a brilliant oppourtunity in Ireland.
Since there's not really a smash community here, We obviously need to start one, That's what this thread's about.
But if we want to start one, We can do it right.
We should form a smash community that actively plays all the games and is not a bunch of brawl hating melee fanboys, Or casual idiots who've never played smash..
What would be the ideal community here in Ireland is:
Open to competitive players, Casual players with some skill, And everything inbetween. We obviously aren't gonna have much time for people who, If we held events, Would just come along, And spam one move, And use items, And play like we all did as a child.
If we ever get a community up and running, And if tournaments were ever held, There should be opportunities for veteran competitive smashers to get hteir fix of Melee and Project M and whatever else tickles their fancy, But there should also be opportunities for people like me to get their moment of glory, younger (Or any age) players who are not quite casual, But not full on competitive and amazing at the game. I like to think I am fairly good, But nothing close to the big time smashers obviously.
And I think all the games should get played, But I think melee and smash for wii u should be played the most as melee is obviously the fastest and most different one, And I found moving from brawl to smash wii u very simple so it would please most brawl players. And as for smash 64, I've never really played it so I don't know anything about it but it should also be played.
And, Me being 15, this is very relevant to me, I don't think there should be any age discrimination in the community. An 8 year old who sincerely tries to be good and isn't just your average 8 year old should be given equal chances as a 20 year old veteran player. And maybe if tournaments ever do become a thing here, There could be age categories of like 11 and under, 12-16 and 17+ Because I find it's around age 12 that most kids seem to make the decision to become good at the game. Not every makes it, But for the people who do make that decision, It's around that age. So they shouldn't be allowed beat anyone under their age, But they shouldn't be pitted against people much older. As for getting word out to people in Ireland, Here's what I think we should do:
Get as many people from Ireland from the smash boards as we can to make a community of some sort, And just have online smash matches on Wii U and 3DS. They can tell friends who also play smash about this, THat'll get some more people in, Then we could startup a youtube channel/channels to upload gameplay, Or maybe get people who already have channels with a followership to post the gameplay if we can find anyone. Regardless of that we should still make a youtube channel for the Irish Smash bros community, And that is where the main stuff comes from. Also, We shouldn't be unfair to people who aren't from places such as Dublin, Galway, Cork or some other bigger towns/cities. I am from Sligo myself so again this affects me. Once we get a small following, We could try setup some sort of online tournament, be it through the tournament mode added to smash, Or if we come up with some way to do a 1v1 torunament that'd be great. And if we manage to get a small community, We get some specific place where new people can become part of the community go, Be it a thread here, A twitter page, A facebook group, Whatever, And we could simply get people to go into look gamestops etc. and ask if they could put up a poster advertising this so people see it in their local gameshop.
And if we ever get a vaguely big community, I am sure we will find one or two places around the country to host a tournament. And it's not a big country, So people could hypothetically drive to Dublin if there was only one tournament and it was there.