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doubles money match today...matchup/advice


Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2008
Leesburg, VA
I'm heading to a money match in about an hour at my friends house. It's a doubles match....

I main falcon and my doubles teammate mains DK.

The guys we're playing today are an Olimar main and a Metaknight main. So here's what I'm worrying about:

-My teammate is going to get the hell grabbed out of him. Meta's dash grab is sick and Olimar's grab game in general is almost to the point of being stupid. DK's a huge target to grab, especially for Olimar....you see where I'm going with that.....

-Olimar and Metaknight are both really, really short characters, which makes it tough on me (a falcon main). Short characters tend to be falcon's worst matchups, so as of now I figure I'm going to let my friend's DK get them up in the air, and from there I'll Uair/Fair/Bair/Nipple Spike the hell out of them.

I know the Ins and outs of MY character (Falcon)....but what should I do against short, annoying ***** characters like metaknight and Olimar? Falcon Kick is my best approach option, but there's lag after the move finishes which can (and will) punish me. My sliding up smash would be great if Olimar didn't have those **** pikmin to throw at me. I know to use Dair a lot and jab like I'm using a shine with fox lol....and to jab>>grab a lot. I'm also well aware that Olimar's recovery is terrible.

Any kind of info that isn't here would be useful.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 4, 2008
Arlington, VA
Um, Falcon gets outprioritized by Meta in almost every situation, and I can't think of any reliable ways you could even approach Olimar. You're kinda up sh*t creek man; I would suggest playing an alt if you have one, first and foremost. If not, then pick Meta and spam moves. You have a better chance that way.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 29, 2006
mk's obviously a bigger problem here
olimar's a lot easier if u've play him enough
a lot of ur moves actually eats his pikmins
dsmash's a good example, and landing a dsmash's a lot easier in double
don't try to stomp him, his usmash comes out instantly and kills u at somewhere around 100%
jab grab's a good option here, falling uair to jab to grab, but don't do it too often because he'll start shild grabbing.
and u have to gimp his recovery, there's 2 ways to for sure steal it from him
but we have to assume that he's coming back from far away not be able to fair u with his double jump
so u hang on the ledge and wait for his upb
right when u see him upb u roll, and if u r too late u might still steal it and wall tech out of the wall without being stage spike. rolling tether recovery edge guard's as good as the melee one.
because once they press the up b and u r still on the ledge it is too late for him already.

well, MK's much easier to face in doubles, jsut punish their roll with a powerful atk when the battle's intense


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
MK's F-air, N-air, and B-air (and to a lesser extent, U/D-air) have post-attack lag. N-air is like Pikachu's Dsmash in that it has considerably less priority at the end. F-air and B-air have this 'dead time' afterwards so that say, if he's doing a rising F-air, you can catch him with a jump aerial as soon as he misses, or if he's trying to d-air gimp you under the stage, you can immediately doublejump U-air and stage spike that mofo since his downward motion + your upward motion = speed fast enough to punish the whiff.

`.`; yap. and I guess retreating pivot grabs to counter his dash attack/grabs lol.


Smash Champion
May 8, 2008
Canada, ON, St. catharines
let DK go for MK, he can take the hit's and is really good match up for MK. For the olimar it's really hard to gimp him in doubles (especially because of MK's quickness), but go for it any ways. I suggest you stay in the air about 80% of the time, for some reason MK in doubles don't chase you in air (in my doubles experience) so abuse all aerials.

staying on the ground I think is not a good option because you may get in DK's way, and if he hit's you (if team attack is on, which it should be) he'll hit you like a bus

EDIT: also if MK starts up the whorenado and goes off stage Raptor Boost, it'll out prioritize him


Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2008
Leesburg, VA
So the me and my teammate won the best of three. I ended up doing fine; i played really, really defensively...more so than i usually do.

My friend's DK had troubles : /.....he had to change to his alt (ROB), and after that we were fine. Didn't have too much trouble because the metaknight wasn't very good at all. The Olimar packpacked lol :p.

anyway we each won 50 bucks :p. not bad.


Smash Champion
May 8, 2008
Canada, ON, St. catharines
So the me and my teammate won the best of three. I ended up doing fine; i played really, really defensively...more so than i usually do.

My friend's DK had troubles : /.....he had to change to his alt (ROB), and after that we were fine. Didn't have too much trouble because the metaknight wasn't very good at all. The Olimar packpacked lol :p.

anyway we each won 50 bucks :p. not bad.
50 big ones each?



Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2008
Leesburg, VA
lol!! 100 bucks money match!?!?!?!?
hahaha yea....ok the amount we played for was ONE HUNDRED PERCENT all me. lol :p....it started out where it was just going to be 30 bucks. so whoever won was going to get 15 each. But this ****in kid, the metaknight (some scrub...plays under the name Mets), started talking ALL kinds of trash. like....a ton. and i just ignored it but somewhere around the point of "hahaha you main falcon...what a piece of trash. Kyle...i bet this kid doesn't get one stock off of me. It'll be all his friends DK. just wait.".....

I told him he had a really big mouth and that I'd never, ever heard of him....and that if he thought he could back all that talk up then to make it more money. So he said it was fine and upped it to 100. Me and my friend kind of just looked at eachother and I asked him if he really wanted to go that high. And then he started talking more **** so i was like **ck it.



Smash Journeyman
Nov 29, 2006
lmaoooo what did that dumb noob say after u won?

and i wish he's reading this thread


Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2008
Leesburg, VA
lmaoooo what did that dumb noob say after u won?

and i wish he's reading this thread
Just a bunch of johns. his controller wasn't working right and that kind of sh*t. His controller was fine....i use it all the time but whatever....lol


Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2008
Leesburg, VA
Spend the 50 on a capture card so we can see your Falcon.... plz.
ha...every cent i make goes towards my credit card, college, and rent. My birthday recently passed and i got an iphone...but as for a capture card, not throwing down on it until i can afford to.

I'm nothing impressive really.
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