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Double Jump cancelled by Neutral B?


Smash Cadet
Jun 8, 2008
Not sure if this is a commonly known thing or not, but if you activate double jump and then neutral B the double jump automatically cancels. It might not necessarily be one of those techniques you'll be using in really big tournaments, but it's fun to just jump, double jump cancel and lick someone that isn't expecting your lick to reach him in the face after running head on ^_^.


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2008
BC, Canada
Not sure if this is a commonly known thing or not, but if you activate double jump and then neutral B the double jump automatically cancels. It might not necessarily be one of those techniques you'll be using in really big tournaments, but it's fun to just jump, double jump cancel and lick someone that isn't expecting your lick to reach him in the face after running head on ^_^.
It's already been found out for awhile, but can still help those who don't know. I found it not really too useful (I Rarely use Egg Lay anyways)

He can do it with his UpB too (Which is probably the sole reason on why people think his recovery is garbage because it cancels out the tap jump)

I also manage to cancel it out with a Nair once.... but it was a complete accident, and I had no idea what I did to cause it. It also happened when I was trying to recover, AND during a tournament which caused me to lose. Lucky me -_-


Smash Cadet
Jun 8, 2008
negate with nair? sorry to hear about the tournament, lol.

To Jile: Yea, I knew that UpB and neutral B did it, but I forgot about side B negating it for a second. ^_^;;.. thanks.


Smash Cadet
Nov 22, 2006
Winter Park, FL
You could do some fun tricks with Egg Lay, like SH+turn_aroundDJ+nB. Haven't really found any other uses for DJ-cancelling B moves.

Now if only I could sweetspot Egg Lay while ledge stalling... It's only happened once, but my opponent (Ness) got dragged under the stage and in apparent confusion, fell to his doom. I proceeded to taunting, as all epic moments require. :bee:


Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2005
Dallas, TX (Land of the Killers)
I've been experimenting alot with DJC Egg lay and in about a week or two, I'll have quite a few videos using it. Personally, I think it's being completely overlooked as a viable attack option and mind game since you can do dash--> djc egg lay backwards basically causing a wavedashed egglay, but I dunno. I'll let the videos speak once I get them up though lol.

Deleted member

Bwett ***** with this move. I use it but not as well as this beast.
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