So in summation AV thinks that FwB is an empty meaningless act, and his proof of this lies in the idea that having sex without an emotional connection is bad, because emotional connections are what makes us human, so it is dehumanizing.
I think that's right...
I can sympathize with the notion that having sex for sex's sake is tawdry, trite or base. It's difficult to let go of the more romantic ideal... lovemaking as it were.
Generally, I believe the strong negative connotation to just having sex is rooted in the idea that sex normally leads to procreation, and that it is irresponsible to procreate without properly bonding with your partner. This isn't to speak toward gay couples, as obviously procreation in the strictest sense is not a consideration. And there's no reason to speculate that gay couples can't engage in FwB acts.
What I take from this is more of a definition of boundaries. Is there really a such thing as two (or more) people who engage in a sex act who feel NOTHING for each other emotionally? I don't think so. Friendship in itself is a bond... a strong one. Married couples often describe their spouses as also being their best friends. So a friend who also has sex with you, is in some ways by default more than just a friend (duh, the topic title says friend WITH BENEFITS) no no, I know that... but what I'm implying is that the benefits, the -sex- IS in fact a bond-maker, that despite declarations of independence and openness, still results in a unification on an emotional level that serves to identify each participant as being connected to the other.
The one exception I can think of is someone who has sex with complete strangers, or casual acquaintances, not friends. Someone of this nature, could be labeled all kinds of dirty words, and in many cases would indeed have some psychological issues relating to their promiscuity. But if there is indeed a person who quite literally has sex with anyone, and who feels no emotional attachment of any kind, then that person would be bereft of something that most people cherish, and I would not idealize them in any way as being sexually gifted, or advanced, but rather a damaged individual.
But that's not what we're talking about here. We're talking about friends who have sex but have no commitment to each other. This boundary (or anti-boundary really) may serve to eliminate the drama of a committed relationship, but it typically creates other types of drama, and it is my opinion that this is due to the fact that one cannot fully isolate themselves from the emotional bonding that sexual intercourse creates. And indeed there have even been studies to suggest that lust is an integral part of the orgasm and of the emotional bonding of humans (I'd link to the source but it may violate the TOS, lol).