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Do you transform to KO?


Smash Ace
Jun 3, 2008
Mrs.sauga, Canada
:| may seem like a really stupid question, but myself, and i believe quite a few others (eg. gimpyfish, choknator) just do not like transforming for KOs. It may seem stupid at first, but once you learn how to kill with sheik, zelda becomes just an option, and not a necessity. (and killing people with fairs are certainly more fun hehes)

I used to transform, but once i learned how to space my fairs and dacus, i began to rely on those tactics, as my Zelda is really predictable :confused:

So yeah, do you transform to KO? I will most likely start transforming again in the future since it is obviously the better option lol

edit- blargh, how do you attach a poll -_-

edit 2-
swf faq said:
To create a poll when you post a new thread, simply click the 'Yes, post a poll with this thread' checkbox at the bottom of the page, and set the number of possible responses you want to include.
;_; i think i am going blind

edit 3- :urg:


Smash Apprentice
Nov 12, 2008
I do occasionally, like Marsulas said, it depends on the opponent and character. But like this decision vexes me at times, for fair gimping is much easier as the %'s increase.. but so does the killing potential of zelda's moves.. Zelda's bair lightning kick kills at 80% on more than half the cast.. That's hard to pass up for me, I can land lightning kicks perty good..

So I dont know, basically what it comes to is if I know I have a lot of decay then I will switch, kill, switch back, thus having no atk decay on Sheik now. You have to remember that Sheik does have a Down+B, and if you don't use it, its like having a wasted move like Jigglypuff's Song.

Also, I believe there should be a thread for Zelda+Sheik because this is one character with 2 movesets if you think about it. Seriously, what other character has 2 completely different sets of moves? By the way, I know most of us Sheiks do not like Zelda's playstyle, (Hence the reason we play Sheik, the most precision-based character in the game) but we have to remember that other people main Zelda and that she is not a bad character (maybe in a few matchups) but overall she probably has better matchups overall with he cast and is also a higher tier than Sheik (which tiers dont mean anything to me, but still).


Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2007
Sheiks better than Zelda in this game, the first tier list was a little inaccurate to say the least.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 30, 2008
transform from sheik to selda is okay and all but after you transform you are pen for a bit so they can kill you befor you can move...

and sheik's down smash and up smash are strong a noth to ko people


Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2007
transform from sheik to selda is okay and all but after you transform you are pen for a bit so they can kill you befor you can move...

and sheik's down smash and up smash are strong a noth to ko people
Yeesh, I wonder if you do this on purpose.


Oct 13, 2007
Pittsburgh, PA
Sheiks better than Zelda in this game, the first tier list was a little inaccurate to say the least.
I dont exactly agree with this....sheik is ALMOST as good, but If i had to play as only one of them, I would take Zelda because of her better priority and kill power.

That said, I usually transform to Zelda for the kill, but sometimes I don't, pending the character i am facing.


Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2007
I dont exactly agree with this....sheik is ALMOST as good, but If i had to play as only one of them, I would take Zelda because of her better priority and kill power.

That said, I usually transform to Zelda for the kill, but sometimes I don't, pending the character i am facing.
Sheik has a nearly zero to death combo on 5 characters in the game and it goes up to high percentages on a number of others. You have a guaranteed 40% going into every matchup......that's along the lines of a chaingrab. It can make some characters change their strategy completely(Spacies and heavies).

Granted Zelda makes a few characters change their playstyle, but it's nothing quite as drastic as Sheik.

She has little trouble with camping, Zelda on the other hand struggles to approach some of the more prominently seen characters in this game. I'm completely convinced that a Snake can sit on the other side of FD grenade cooking and you can do almost nothing about it without taking an enormous risk every time.

Sheik has a superior gimp game, with the chain and her excellent DI capabilities you can travel all over the place offstage. I actually believe Zelda has great edge guarding as well, but it's not much compared to Sheik. Sheik has the ability to get insanely low KO's on a lot of characters.

Sheik can camp. The chain combined with the needles makes for an excellent defensive game for when you need it. Zelda in theory can play defensively, but she's generally not going to be able to inflict damage at long distances.

Better grab game. Zelda's does more damage but with Sheik, her grab game can be utilized so much more.

Zelda has better priority and kill power..this is true. Zelda does have to use her fsmash, dsmash, and usmash for damage racking purposes however, which means your going to be needing bair OoS for early percentage KO's. Utilt nd uair are nice whenever they connect, but face it.........it's hard to land these moves.

Her priority is negated by the fact that characters can space well vs. her. Don't get me wrong, I play Zelda and enjoy it, but I have come to the revelation that Sheik is better in a number of ways. I think Zeldas initial placement on the tier list was an indicator of how she was viewed at that time. She was thought to be great until everyone realized that she can't approach. You force Zelda to approach......Zelda loses.

Blistering Speed

Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2008
Dot Dot Dash Dot
Great post Marsulas.

I too am beginning to see Zelda as merely optional, I seem to use her less and less the more I play. She's still imperative in some matchup's though i.e. IC's but to be honest I play other characters which do better against those characters then Zelda. If you're hardcore Zelda/Shiek then you're going to use her sometimes no matter what because it's necessary, but alot of pure Zelda matchups I no longer use Zelda for.

I suppose the same could be said for Shiek, but I actually enjoy playing Shiek, I feel when I play Zelda it's only because I have to.

Wait, so what was my point?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 17, 2008
yeah we could use a poll on this...i couldn't figure it out b4 either demodemo lol

i'm a Sheik loyalist who very rarely transforms b/c i just like her more
it may also be that i feel like switching might throw me off if i get on a roll with her


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
Sheik and Zelda are pretty close, they both aren't that good.

Eventhough Sheik is better at racking damage, Zelda's diminished KOing moves are still pretty solid, especially if the Zelda is aware of how/when to use them and other moves to take away the diminished effect. Good example can come from Snake, DK, and DDD players.

Um, I hate it when people say Sheik is good at gimping. For Brawl, it really comes down to how stupid your opponent is or if you're using Metaknight.

Needles aren't good enough to make Sheik a decent camper, they're too laggy (taking time the charge them and the fact you have to fire them while standing to actually deal decent damage).

They practically mirror each other as opposites, however, since landing hard hits and priority is as important as it is in this game, I'll have to go with Zelda being better.


Smash Ace
Jun 3, 2008
Mrs.sauga, Canada
against any character with a reasonable approach (eg snake's DA) needles are not really great for camping at all. they are most useful on characters like kirby, ganon, ike, etc.

yeah, i really wanted to attach a poll, having no poll almost defeats the entire purpose of thsi thread... hruahghhh!!

I was just making sure i wasn't the only one that felt zelda became more and more of an option rather than a necessity after playing for awhile.


Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2007
Sheik and Zelda are pretty close, they both aren't that good.

Eventhough Sheik is better at racking damage, Zelda's diminished KOing moves are still pretty solid, especially if the Zelda is aware of how/when to use them and other moves to take away the diminished effect. Good example can come from Snake, DK, and DDD players.

Um, I hate it when people say Sheik is good at gimping. For Brawl, it really comes down to how stupid your opponent is or if you're using Metaknight.

Needles aren't good enough to make Sheik a decent camper, they're too laggy (taking time the charge them and the fact you have to fire them while standing to actually deal decent damage).

They practically mirror each other as opposites, however, since landing hard hits and priority is as important as it is in this game, I'll have to go with Zelda being better.
Wanna know the reason why no one but Dark Musician uses Zelda? Because everyone wants to camp the s*** out of you in this game.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 24, 2008
Los Alamitos, CA
sheik's needles outcamp snake's nades, cut through meta's specials, and stop GnW's turtle of doom before it hits. zelda's projectile does more damage but is way slower and easier to guard against, and it doesn't stop those **** nades ><
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