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DNA Gaming & Entertainment #15 ($100 POT BONUS!!!)


Smash Lord
May 16, 2008
DNA Gaming & Entertainment #15
22 Front Street
Worcester, MA
March 19th

Allisbrawl Tourney Page Link: http://allisbrawl.com/ttournament.aspx?id=11572

DNA Gaming & Entertainment #15 is scheduled for March 19th. These tourneys always have high attendance in NE! They're always a lot of fun!

BRING SETUPS!!! TVs AND WIIS NEEDED! The more setups we have, the more friendlies and faster the tourney can run!


DNA Gaming & Entertainment
22 Front Street
Worcester, MA
Venue is in a mall, bottom floor, take the escalator down. People have a hard time finding this, not sure why. It says 22 Front Street on the building (glass windows and doors). Parking on the streets is fine, just be careful there's no signs saying you can't park there. There's also a parking garage across the street for $6 for the day.

Outside Venue Image: http://img837.imageshack.us/img837/7233/venueoutside.png

There is also a back entrance on the street behind Front Street, where you can also park for free.


9:00 - Doors open
10:30 - Sign up for Brawl Doubles
11:30 - Brawl Doubles Begins
1:30 - Brawl Doubles ends/Sign ups for singles
2:30-3:00 - Brawl Singles Begin
*3rd Event
9:00 - Venue Closes

*Schedule is subject to change


•Entry Fees
Venue Fee - $5
Brawl Singles - $10
Brawl Doubles - $10 per person, $20 per Team
*3rd Event - $5 per person

All prizes will be paid in cash.

•**Prize pools (Singles)
4th- 8%
5th- 4%
5th- 4%

•Prize Pools (Doubles)
3rd- 10%

* There will be no 3rd event if we don't have enough time.
**If there are less than 20 entrants for singles, pot payout will be 60/30/10.

If you need to contact me for any reason about the tourney, my cell is: 860-656-4365.


- All Matches are 3 stock, 8 minutes, with items set to off and none. All matches are best 2/3 except for Winners/Losers/Grand Finals which are best 3/5.

- In the event of a dispute for controller ports, rock-paper-scissors or a coin flip will be used. In teams, one team gets Ports 1 & 4, the other gets Ports 2 & 3.

- In the event of a tie, determine by stocks, then percent. If a tie still exists, play a 1 stock 3 minute match on the same stage with the same characters to determine the winner. If both players die simultaneously without a suicide move, a 1 stock 3 minute match on the same stage will be played.

- For character specific suicide moves (Bowser, DDD, Ganon, Kirby) if it's done on the last stock, the character who initiated the move wins the match.

- Any action that causes the game to become unplayable (glitching, freezing) will count as a forfeit of the match for the person who initiated the action.

- Metaknight's Infinite Cape Glitch and Extended Cape Glitch is banned.

* - Excessive stalling and planking are banned. (T.O.s discretion) The 40 ledge grab rule will be in effect for singles. If a player grabs the ledge more than 40 times and the games time runs out, that player loses the match. For doubles, double planking is banned. This means both teammates cannot plank at the same time. If you believe you are being stalled or planked, pause the match and call over a TO.

** - Scrooging is banned.

- Dedede's standing and small step chain grabs are banned. Ice Climber's chain grabs and wall infinites/locks are NOT banned. Wall infinites/locks are not banned because no legal stages have perma-walls. All infinites/locks must end before 300% or it will be considered stalling.

- If you accidentally pause during a match, you will forfeit the stock. In doubles, the player who paused must forfeit their stock. If both/all players agree, the match can continue without forfeiting a stock. Both/All players may agree to turning off pause before the match. Pausing to get a TO for a dispute is allowed. If you need to fix your controller, warn your opponent before pausing.

- If your match is called and you don't show up within 5 minutes, you will be DQed from the set. If you are leaving the venue, please tell a TO.

- BYOC (Bring your own controller).

- If you see someone doing something that is not permitted, please inform a TO and they will take care of it.

- When playing opponents, do not yell in their ear/face or touch them while playing. Doing so will count as a forfeit of the match. Screaming while getting chain grabbed by IC/DDD/Falco/etc is fine, as long as it's not in the opponents face. This applies to spectators of the match too.

- Players who use the Wiimote MUST take the batteries out of the Wiimote when not playing. If the Wiimote is still synced up to a Wii with the batteries in, you could unintentionally disrupt a match. If problems persist, a DQ may happen.

- Coaching is allowed if either both players have a coach, or both players agree to it. If a player does not want their match to have coaches, that is fine.

- If a Wii has textures or custom music, a player may choose to have them turned off before their set. This can be done easily by taking out the SD card and loading up the character select screen again.

- No subbing is allowed for singles or doubles.

* - Planking is repeatedly grabbing the ledge multiple times in a row to avoid contact with the opponent. You do not have to approach the opponent, but you may not plank on the ledge. Planking is also a form of stalling. Planking is also banned in doubles (if both teammates are doing it). Stalling is avoiding all conflict.

** - Scrooging is repeatedly gliding under a stage to the other side to avoid contact with the opponent. This is a form of stalling and is banned.

*Additional Doubles Rules*

- Team Attack is set to On

- Share Stock is allowed

- Controller ports are done in the 1-2-2-1 order only. If a team wishes to get the higher port, they can do rock-paper-scissors or a coin flip for it.

- A team may counterpick controller ports if they lose a match. The opposing team may counterpick the controller ports back if they lose the proceeding match.

- Chibo's Color Blind Rule: If a player wishes to request their team or opponents team to be a specific color due to difficulty to see their characters (Lucario, Sonic, etc), they may do so.

*Match Procedure*

*1. Players make their character choices for the first match.

2. Players start stage striking the neutral stages until one neutral stage remains. The strike format is Player 1 strikes 1 stage, Player 2 strikes 2 stages, and Player 1 strikes one more.

3. After first game, the winner bans a stage from the Neutral or Counterpick stage list.

4. The loser of previous match announces their stage choice.

5. The winner of previous match chooses their character.

6. The losers of previous match chooses their character and begins the next match.

7. Repeat steps 4-6 for all proceeding matches.

*For the first game, double blind character select can be used. This is where both players tell someone who they are using so that their opponent will not know their character for the first game.

**No player may choose a stage they have already won on in that set unless agreed upon by both/all players.

*Legal Stages*


Final Destination
Yoshi's Island
Lylat Cruise

•Counter Picks

Pokémon Stadium 1
Delfino Plaza
Frigate Orpheon
Castle Siege
Rainbow Cruise
Pokemon Stadiuum 2

•All other stages are banned


The owner is adding a $100 pot bonus for singles as something special for the 15th event!

NH Cody

Smash Champion
Apr 17, 2010
Kakariko Village, NH
Alright sounds good.

I know my avvy and icon suggest that I use sonic, but actually I've been using TL more than sonic. just so you know


Smash Rookie
Jan 18, 2011
Oh man, I really hope I can go to this! It will be my first tourney of ANY kind, so I'll probably have a bunch of questions.

But one question stands out for me: ROB or Falco?

And that brings another question: Must we use the same character throughout?

So Fatal

Smash Master
Mar 31, 2008
Holbrook, Massachusetts
Oh man, I really hope I can go to this! It will be my first tourney of ANY kind, so I'll probably have a bunch of questions.

But one question stands out for me: ROB or Falco?

And that brings another question: Must we use the same character throughout?
Nah. You can use whoever you want each set. Go Rob on Bizkit for sure.:reverse:


Smash Lord
May 16, 2008
Oh man, I really hope I can go to this! It will be my first tourney of ANY kind, so I'll probably have a bunch of questions.

But one question stands out for me: ROB or Falco?

And that brings another question: Must we use the same character throughout?
You can use whoever you want. You can change characters in between matches, not just sets. A lot of the times if you don't know a rule or something, the opponent will know it, so you can just ask them.


Smash Cadet
Feb 27, 2011
ok, I'm new to the tournament scene (I have been to one tourny, but i know all the rules and stuff). I may be attending this tournament because its during my spring break for college. Only downside is that its two hours away. so mark me down as a maybe.


Smash Cadet
Feb 27, 2011
sounds like my brother and I are going. I may be able to convince a few people to go too. But at the very least I will see you guys there. Looking forward to the tourny!


Smash Lord
May 16, 2008
Always good to get new players.

Any out of region going for sure yet?


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
Yeah I'm going to ask soon if anyone from NJ wants to carpool up. I know a couple of the usual people who go to this are going to Whobo but my carpools are always fun since my van can fit 8 people.

I'll ask this week.

NH Cody

Smash Champion
Apr 17, 2010
Kakariko Village, NH
Well I can't go, going to be in NJ that weekend.

I'll go to one of the NE tourneys next month, maybe I'll play you then, Keitaro. btw Bizkit's reminders on AiB are really helpful imo.



Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
Aight another time.

I find it kind of funny that you're going to my state the same weekend I'm going to yours.


Smash Rookie
Jan 18, 2011
I think I might be golden! Only one question about the tourney itself though: How does the stage striking/banning work? This could be my first tourney, and a few of these terms are new to me.

Just lettin' you know, I'm nothing that special. Just a brawler originated from the Neoseeker community. It seems like a lot of you are familiars. I look forward to it though.


Smash Lord
May 16, 2008
I think I might be golden! Only one question about the tourney itself though: How does the stage striking/banning work? This could be my first tourney, and a few of these terms are new to me.

Just lettin' you know, I'm nothing that special. Just a brawler originated from the Neoseeker community. It seems like a lot of you are familiars. I look forward to it though.
When you first sit down to play a tourney set, you both choose your chars, then you choose out of the 5 starter stages where you want to play first. One person strikes one of the 5 stages, then second person strikes 2 stages, then first person strikes one more stage. After the first match, the winner bans a stage from starter or counterpick list. That's essentially how it goes. You'll get used to it eventually.

Also, if you want a tip, try to play lots of friendlies. Ask to get next when people are friendling so that you get a chance to practice.

vVv Brock

Smash Rookie
Oct 1, 2010
Rochester, NH (home) or Waltham, MA (school)
I'll also be there. I do really enjoy Smash, but I won't be in the tournament (I'm not exactly good at any games that don't involve a plastic guitar controller :facepalm:). Just going to hang with some old friends and meet new people. I've met and hung with Cheese and Fatal a couple times, and used to talk to Rapture on a somewhat regular basis online, so it should be a fun time. Good luck to everyone going!


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
You're pretty much confirmed then Xzax, I got you :D

Bringing a bunch of people to this just for my dude Bizkit!


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
Just thought I'd ask but is there any possible way that Brawl doubles could be delayed to start 12:00? That extra half hour would really save me some time for my 4 to 4 and a half hour trip.


Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2008
Just thought I'd ask but is there any possible way that Brawl doubles could be delayed to start 12:00? That extra half hour would really save me some time for my 4 to 4 and a half hour trip.
This. Please and thank you.

EDIT: Also yay, Hazing rule in effect. <3 New England.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 4, 2005
Marlborough, MA
Accepting MMs in the following games

Mario Kart Wii
Mario Power Tennis
Mario Golf: TT
F-Zero GX (I will give out free head starts. an extra dollar and i'll give out an extraordinary head start)
Tetris Party

Brawl MMs if I feel good about how I'm playing
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