So this is a roster of gaming icons I threw together. Notice where a lot of these choices come from. By gaming icons, I refer to characters that any gamer could recognize. Not to mention there are others around that would also be considered.
So who gets eliminated from this list? That would be...Master Chief, Nathan Drake, Kratos, Marcus Fenix, Gordon Freeman, Niko Bellic and Sackboy. The rest? Depends. Duke Nukem probably wouldn't happen, nor would Tetris blocks. Banjo is in limbo with Microsoft, technically Ezio has never appeared on a Nintendo console, Lara Croft didn't originate from a video game...
So we have left: Mario, Link, DK, Sonic, Megaman, Pac-Man, Snake, Ryu, Kirby, Luigi, Bomberman, Cloud, Crash, Spyro, Commander Shepard, Heihachi, Simon Belmont, Scorpion, Rayman, Black Mage, Leon... and I think Minecraft Steve? I think that's it.
There's some interesting results here. Clearly, some of these characters might have better perceived chances than others. There's more filters to put these characters through, but these are "icons". Plenty of characters brought up here don't necessarily...stack up.
Granted, for all I know, some of these characters could get shot down by Sakurai. I don't mean to speak for him. But these are just some prospects. Even then, plenty of these games have hardly made an "impact". Just some food for thought.