It was difficult looking at the end screenshot of the K Rool trailer. The trailer wasn’t bad, but the ending image has Donkey Kong in the middle fighting K Rool, while Diddy comes in through the bottom. In the back of my mind, all I could think was, this looks wrong, Dixie should be on the top to even things out, as then it’s Dixie on top, Donkey Kong in the middle, and Diddy at the bottom.
I definitely support Dixie and feel bad for not posting my support sooner. I think she’ll make it, as she comes off like Bandana Waddle Dee to me, you have 3 members but you’re missing a 4th and it’s very noticeable.
Anyway, I think Dixie has a chance to take the Doctor Mario position in this title, where she’s a clone, but only misses being called an echo because one move is changed, in this case it’d be Diddy’s up ward changing to a hair spin.