Rather than waste space on a real thread I am actually having some problems with marth dittos as well, I really wish I had a recording device so I could get better examples, basically he forward throws me a ton of times and I get forward smashed or I grab the ledge, I've tried DIing away(usually ends in a tipper to my face while DIing towards the death) DIing down which as far as I can tell results in more grabs and DI up which is pretty much the same as DIing away but without the dying, the dying happens a bit later with the edgegaurd. One thing I have notices is if I jump first I get comboed first, so I have stopped doing that, we have dash dance contests now to see who will try and swing first, he's more patient than I am unfortunately so I have started throwing out some random dash attacks every now and again cause he usually expects fairs. Obviously there is a lot more going on, I am just really unsure how to approach another Marth, he usually plays fox and I was winning so he picked Marth so he could have "access to some of the cheap I had" and I have no idea how to play against him where as I main marth and he knows most of my tricks.